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I truly do feel bad for that kid... he lost everything and no one believes him. Flash backs of my vision filled my brain. Trying to go back and figure out who those people were, if I missed anything

My head snapped up on impulse as I saw mason, Corey, and Liam all standing up and looking down at me.
"What the hell are you doing?" Mason asked.

I hadn't even noticed that I was sitting with my legs crossed, right in front of my new home room for this year. I had to switch since
Apparently this teacher was killer

"Oh umm... nothing, I just don't want to go to class, that's all." I smiled and stood up, wiping the dust off of my jeans. Corey and mason shrugged it off and walked into class as Liam stayed behind

"You know that I know when your lying right. And I don't even need to listen to your heartbeat."

I linked my arms with him and gently pressed my lips against his cheek
"I know, but it's nothing, alright?" I said calmly. I knew the bonding mark let him know how I was feeling, but the look on my face let him know that I didn't want to discuss is right now. So we walked into class.

From behind, the teacher looked alright. I could already see some girls drooling over him, and some guys...

The four of us decided to take a seat in the back four rows until suddenly my day got a whole lot worse

"Hey guys."
What a bitch..
I didn't care if we helped her out with her stupid chimera problems. Hayden Romero will always be on my shit-list

The boys didn't even respond before turning their heads and looking straight at me, knowing that I'd want to tear her throat out. I did.

Wrong time, wrong place
I continued to say to myself. The boys didn't speak one word to her as she sat down in the row in front of us, but not before looking at Liam and sending him a wink.

Who the hell does she think she is?! She could at least try and be sly about it!

"Calm down..." Liam whispered, directing it at me
"I can feel everything you do right now. Please, you know I only have eyes for you."

My body calmed down as I felt his hand grab mine beneath the table.
Closing my eyes, I took in multiple deep breathes.

Liam was actually really understanding lately. He knew exactly how I felt, mainly because of the bonding mark, but also because of personal relationship we share.
He knows when I'm mad, and he knows how to calm me down. Which always makes me happy in the end.

"Alright class, let's get started." My eyes went wide as I heard the teacher speak
Holy hell...

He turned around after finishing his chalk drawing on the bored and looked at us
Sooo fucking hot...

My mouth hung low as my eyes practically rolled to the back of my head, then back to normal just to catch another glimpse of him. He was probably the hottest teacher known to man. With all of his artsy stuff, and knowing things

I need to stop.

"Ahhh, I see I impressed you all with my artistic ability." He smiled. His teeth were so white, I think I saw a ting sparkle

"That's not all we're impressed by.." I mumbled. I felt Liam shift besides me as I didn't even want to look at him. Mainly because I could already feel his dagger eyes burning holes into my skin.

"So. Schrodinger puts his cat in a box with poisonous food. Now, until he opens that box, the cat (in theory) is both alive and dead. But when he opens it, it's either "Hello mittens" or "goodbye socks" " Mr.Douglas smiled at his own joke as the rest of the class fitted with laughter, including myself.
" putting aside the potential animal abuse here, what does it have to do with physics?"

He sat on his desk and waited for someone to raise their hand. And I was not waiting.
I stuck my hand in the air as fast as I could and waited to be called on
"Yes Lacey?" He smiled, pointing a finger at me
Aww, he already knew my name..

" it illustrates the concept of quantum superposition. Light is both a particle and a wave until it's observed." I said proudly, earning an applause from him

"Yes. Excellent Lace. I am very impressed."
Oh my gawd, the hot teacher just used a nick name for me...

"Does observing something change its behavior? Or alter its outcome? That's the question of today's lab on page 117. Let's break into groups of four."

The entire class started shuffling their seats and moving around while Liam, mason, Corey and I all moved to a lab table in the back

"What was that?! Since when do you let teachers call you 'lace', and when did you get so good at physics?!" Liam hissed at me as the four of us took a seat, mason and Corey sitting opposite of Liam and I

"He's our teacher Liam, he can call me by my nick name if he wants too. And I've been good at physics since forever. I'm the smartest person in the world remember. I have a 5.0 GPA, the highest in the school." I stated calmly, taking my supplies out of my bag and placing them in front of me

"Well I still don't think you should have gotten all googly eyes with him. I mean seriously?! You heart was beating super fast! For our teacher!" He whisper shouted at me, causing some stared, especially Hayden's

"Is he hot. Yes. Are you hotter, most definitely" i pecked his lips and ended the conversation before he could take it way to far. Even though I know if he had been like that towards a teacher, I'd probably kill her and beat his ass

"Hey, have you guys noticed that our phones can't Geolocate  today?" Mason asked suddenly, causing the rest of us to grab our phones and try it out

"Mines not working."

"Or mine" I piped in

Liam looked over the table and started at the compass of masons phone
"It looks like it's working"
Oh Liam...

"Honey. It's not working because that's not north." I pinged in the direction the arrow was. Earning his gaze, I pointed my finger in a different direction
"That way is north"

"Mr. Douglas has a compass.." mason shot out. We all looked at each other, then over to Corey. We all knew that I would be able to do it just as much as him, but let's give him some of the fun.

Corey looked at us and sighed as he went into a corner and turned invisible. Suddenly, a door to one of the cabinets opened slowly and closed. Corey appeared in that same corner with a compass in his hands as we all started at it. The arrow was still pointing in the wrong direction.

"I think we should follow it"
Everyone looked at me weirdly, then shrugged since they knew they were all thinking the same thing.

"Where do you think it goes?" Corey asked

Since Mr. Douglas had his back facing everyone, the four of us snuck out as quietly as possible and started to follow the arrow in the compass placed in my palm

We didn't really care for school anyway. Why would we be sitting down and learning about boxes and cats if we could be out saving the entire world?


"This is taking too long!!" Liam whined, kicking a few rocks that were on the ground.

The compasses arrow had led us into the woods. there's no doubt that schools almost over.
"Wait!" I shouted a abruptly, startling everyone else.

I looked up from the compass and looked around
"I can feel it.." I stated. I handed the compass to mason as I started walking by myself. Soon being accompanied by the three boys

We walked passed a few trees and saw an old abandoned house that was hidden
We all stood there staring at it. It's the perfect house that the stupid teenagers would go camping in and end up dying, like in the movies.

"Well that's not creepy at all"


IM SORRY!!! I know that I'm lagging on the updates! I'm truly trying!! I promise I will not give up on this series!

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