False accusations

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I actually needed last night more than I thought. It had been so long since Scott and I actually had "brother and sister" time. People often think that we are a couple, or that we are secretly together. But that is not, and never will be, true. I don't even know how we ended up meeting. I feel like we had both met through a friend. But I can't remember who that friend is...

But Scott has always been there. He was there through my first bully's, and was there to kick their asses. He always played with me, even if his friends didn't want too. But there's something strange about our relationship. Like something has been missing. Like everything about it is wrong. I could have sworn that Scott was with me through a tough time. One of the toughest times in my life. But I can't remember it. At all.

"Hey." I heard a soft, husky voice follow from behind me. I instantly knew it was Liam, and it killed me to hear him like this.

When I turned around, his head was hanging low, his eyes were droopy and stained

"Liam?.." I wondered if I should, but I decided to go along with placing my hands on the side of his face. Guiding him to look at me since he obviously wasn't going to himself.
His eyes still weren't on me. Like he was so scared to actually look at me.
Did something happen? Obviously I was being a bitch yesterday, but that's on me. He looks as if he just cheated on me or something..
oh god, please no.

"I- I tried to call you yesterday after our argument, and you didn't answer. When I went to your house this morning. Your parents said that you had left. I didn't- I didn't know where you had gone or anything."

I was speechless. Not because of how much he seemed to care. But because of how stupid I was. How could I just leave and not tell him at the least? I get I was mad, but at myself. Why was I taking it out on everyone else? I could have easily gone to his house. What's wrong with me.
"Liam I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I called Scott, and stayed at his place and-"

"You called Scott and not me?" He asked me.
This was the first time he had actually looked up at me during our entire conversation. His eyes clearer than usual from the water. They looked straight through me, and made me awfully sad.
Why was I so stupid?

"Yes." My head fell along with my hands
"And I'm sorry. Scotts like a brother to me, you know that. And after the argument, I didn't know who else to go too."

He didn't say a word, just looked up at me.
"Liam I'm sorry. Really, please. Can we go back to normal? You were right yesterday. I was only mad at myself and I took it out on you guys when I shouldn't have." I admitted

"Hey. You guys ready for class?" Mason and Corey both walked up to us in their usual happy tone. Unaware of the moment that just occurred

"Yeah. Let's go." Liam walked away without saying another word, and surprisingly, Corey walked in with him. And Liam wasn't sending daggers at him or anything.

"Are you two okay?" Mason asked me.
I wish I was able to lie and say yes, but I couldn't, because it was a lie.

"I'm not sure. What happened between Corey and Liam? They aren't going at each other."

"Oh. After you vanished yesterday. I guess they talked it out and ended up finding the ID card of the kid the ghost riders took the night Corey and I saw them."

I looked at him without any words to say.
They didn't bother to let me know about this?
I get that I went a little crazy but this is still important stuff

"Well, where's the card?" I asked.
Mason jumped a little and reached deep into his pocket. Pulling his wallet out and handing me the ID card.

I studied it hard and was breathless.
Could it be? But how? He had been forgotten. Sometimes my power even surprises me

"Lace? You good?" Masons hand was placed softly on the side of my shoulder as I continued to look at the card, front to back.

"Mason. What if I told you that i had a vision? And this guys was in it?"
I can already tell that this year isn't going to be the best.



I could hear Mr. Douglas lecturing the class, but I honestly could care less. My grades were absolutely perfect, and I understood everything that they had thrown my way. Any homework assignments, essays, extra credit, quizzes and tests. I aced all of them.

I was actually really freaked out about the vision I had. I mean, yes I've had visions, but aren't these creatures supposed to be, I don't know. Secretive. Maybe my power outshines all supernatural creatures.

At least now we had a way. Or I thought we did. I didn't know what triggered that vision, so how would I be able to trigger it again, if someone else was about to get taken? How could I even stop something so powerful?

"Lace?" I shot my head up, causing some strands of hair to get stuck in my mouth. Which I had to casually try and spit out as the entire class looked at me. Including Mr. Douglas
"Would you be able to tell me what we could do to alter the insignificance of this metal rod?"
He held up a metal stick (oh sorry), rod, and stared me down.

"Um. We add electricity." I stated.
I could hear a few snickers fall over the class. I didn't eat the answer wrong, I got it right. And I guess everyone was a bit shocked because Mr.Douglas only called on my since I wasn't paying any attention to him.

"Mghm." He cleated his throat.
"Right well, try to keep your eyes up here." He smiled.
He losses his direction at me and started to fiddle with some wire strips laying on the lab table.
"Turning his metal rod into a magnet. Now it has Power, now it has influence... over others."

He demonstrated it by placing a metal ball in the bowl, and moving around the metal stick on the outside of the ball. In which they followed each other because of the magnetic pull between them.

It began to spin faster and faster until the ball dropped straight to the floor and shattered. Causing many students (including myself) to jump. Mr. Douglas was hunched over and hacking into the sleeve of his cardigan.

"Mr. Douglas, are you alright?" A girl asked.
He continued to cough and wheeze. I could see the water rising in his eyes as he gasped for air

He managed to control himself just in time to speak out a few more words
" sorry. excuse me. Eghem. Imagine how powerful this rod can become with boundless electricity. Say from a lightening bolt? What else could we control?"
Be hunched over again and started to cough his lungs out.
My eyes were completely focused on him as the class started to lift their bodies from slouching on their chairs..

"Lacey? Stop doing this." Liam whispered.
Did he really think that I was making it hard to breathe for our teacher? Are you freaking kidding me? Why the hell would I even do that. I'm not even angry. Well I mean, now I am.

I leaned my body forward and looked passed mason in which Liam was sitting right next to him.
He was already looking at me with the
"I'm not doing this jackass." I snapped.
Before I could stand up and storm off, Mr.Douglas beat me to it and ran into his office, shutting the door and locking it behind him.

I saw this as my chance to leave. I could feel the three boys gazing their eyes at me from behind. But I could honestly care less. How could Liam think that I just automatically cause harm to random people?
Does he really think I'd stoop that low?



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