Not a big deal

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"Y-you... you slept with her?"

I'm asking you.
What do you do, when you find out the love of your life, sleeps with another person.
When they break your heart into a million different pieces.
When they break the vow they've promised you thousands of times.
I'm asking you, what do you do?

Liams face seemed to tell me that he just now realized that I didn't know.
And by what he is feeling.
His heart has officially stopped. Just as mine has.

"Lace. Oh gosh I-I'm so sorry. You have to believe me I'm so sorry-"

I cut him off.
"Et resurrectoroctionsis Erimus"
I didn't hesitate. My body moved faster than I could think. I wasn't processing in time before my hands twisted around each other. And then he dropped. His head turned farther around than allowed to live with.
Liam was dead.

That's what I wanted. And I did it. It was easy at the moment. Any other given day, I would never have thought that I could ever possibly doing this. But here I am. Standing over Liams body that is motionless on the cold wooden floor of Scott's house.

"What did you do?!" I hear. But once again I don't process. I hear it, and I know that it's Lydia and the others. But I don't care. Because I know that he'll be back. I know that he'll live.

"I killed him." I state bluntly. With absolutely no emotion in me at all. Because what can I feel right now, that won't end up killing me?

"You what?! Lacey!!" Scott runs over to Liams body and cradles him in his arms
"No, no no no. Liam wake up. Please. You have to wake up." He says the same things over and over again. Like they would be any help. They won't.

"Lacey what the he'll is wrong with you?!" Lydia shouts in my face. I don't bother to actually care though.
And here's why.

"Calm down guys. He's dead, but only for right now." I say, walking over to the fridge as all three of them kneel next to Liam but just stare at me.

"What do you mean not for now.?" Malia asks.

I could roll my eyes at their naive minds
"I mean, I put a spell on him. Then I snapped his neck. He will only be dead for about thirty minutes. Then he'll wake up."
I grabbed an apple from the fridge and started munching on it.
I always forget how much I love apples.

"Why would you kill him!?! He don't kill!" Scott yells at me.

I turn on my heels and look at them with an annoyed look.
"He cheated on me with Hayden. I don't mean that they only kissed. He slept with her. While I was in the hospital. Or possibly even before I was in the hospital. Maybe it was while I was recovering. Who knows. But he did it."

"So you kill him?!" Lydia shouts next. I can see that I didn't have her or Scott's approval. But Malia seemed to be nodding her head in understanding. She always gets me.

"Yes I did. I wasn't exactly wanting too. I kinda just motioned out. My body was moving faster than my brain. And in a matter of seconds, he was dead. Obviously my self conscious knew to put a resurrection spell on him beforehand. So that's good."

Malia smiled with me. But of course Scott and Lydia are still upset. Which I can understand. But just wait until I see Hayden.
I'll be fully conscious of my own body.
And I'll make sure to not spell her.

"You can't kill Lacey. Even if you can bring them back. That's not what we do."
Scott has always been the one to lecture us. But this time I simply didn't care. Liam and I will talk about everything when he wakes up. But for now. This is what he deserved.

"Are we going to go get my brother or what?" I ask. I don't wait for them before I started leaving the house. I only wait until they follow me outside. And just as I see them walk out from the front door. I'm teleporting to the bunker.

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