"I have a son"

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It was like my mind wasn't fully processing anything that was happening. It was all too fast, for everything.
His lips were on mine now. Moving perfectly along with me.
You know that feeling? That one feeling when the nerves hit you like a train in the pit of your stomach and you are unsure what to do or what's going on but you can't stop the feeling?

Well that's me, right now. I can't stop the feeling. It's like a thousand fireworks lighting off from every inch, every single centimeter of my body.
His hands wrapped firmly around me, lifting my shirt just a enough to feel the soft touch of my skin.

I know that this is wrong, but it feels right. So right.
But I can't.

With all my might, I push myself away.

I can't do this to Liam. I love him. I will always love Liam.
"We can't do this Theo." I say. The two of us standing in the middle of the street while the wind continues to howl. One single street light shinning upon us.

"Why not? I'm here. I'm back. And real as ever. We can be together now." He pleads. What shocked me was his tone of voice. Normally, Theo would be cocky, self absorbed and his tone would show it. But not this time. Not now. This time he was sweet and gentle. His voice showing the distress he is In. And the need for me.

He starts to move closer, but before he can, I see it.
I see the brightest green light anyone could ever see. It wasn't dark. No no. It was fulfilling. Like it was some kind of signal.

"Theo! Do you see that!" I shouted, afraid that the noise was too loud to hear over. But it wasn't...

"See what?" He said calmly, and I heard him perfectly. We are standing right in front of each other but it's as if we are in different world. I can feel it. I can see it. The bright light practically blinds me, making me shut my eyes.
"Lacey? What do you see?"

The pressure and warmth of hands on my back snaps me out of the state. Making me look around to see nothing. The wind wasn't even blowing anymore. Everything seemed still.

"Lace. What was happening?" Theo asked, feeling the need to come close to me at any moment he got.

"I-.. I need to go back."
I ran back into the house. I thought that maybe he'd be right behind me, but he wasn't. And when I stopped myself, he still didn't come into view. Was he gone? That entire time had I possibly been hallucinating?

Shaking my thoughts away, I move back into the house. Running straight for Stiles's room.
When I walked through, he was sat down on the bed, and looking down at the jersey. Everything was put in place. And I knew now, that he could see.

The room was pinned and tangled in red string as it clung to different nick-nacks and tacks around the room. Walking through was Like a ninja trying not to touch any red lasers.

"I have a son." He spoke only those four words. A slight rasp in his voice, but the rest just pure desperation.
And I knew what that felt like.

"I know."

"Stop it." A woman said, as I turned to look and see who it is. But of course it was no other than my "non- mom"

"Claudia, look." Dad started
"This was his room. This is Stiles's room. You see, his bed, his crime board. His lacrosse ball." Dad said, picking up the ball
"Our son is on the lacrosse team. He is the worst player ever, but he's on the team." Dad was filled with hope, and so much happiness.
"He was here, Claudia. We have a son."

"You both are going insane. We don't, and never did have a son. This is just ridiculous." Claudia said. Her eyes watering as she paced back and forth in a panic outside of the room.

Just as dad was about to say something, a picture caught both our eyes. It was a picture of stiles and mom. On the last day she was actually herself...

Dad slowly walked over and picked up the picture from the shelf and stared at it.
"I took this picture on your last good day. Lacey was tired but her and stiles refused to leave your side." He said.

"I was sick, but I started getting better." She tried to reassure him

"You were yourself all day. Stiles and Lacey had their mom back and I... I had my wife back. The medication had started to work. Stiles couldn't stop talking about school. All the trouble he had gotten into."
Dad paused
"He tried so hard to stay awake as Lacey had already passed out. When he did finally fall asleep, it was in your arms."

"The doctors couldn't explain it. We started making plans, we started dreaming again!" She exclaimed as if trying to convince him of a different story.

"We just sat together and watched each other. We didn't need to talk. But when you finally closed your eyes-"

"I was myself again." She cut off. Emotionless tears running down the side of her cheek.

Dad stared at her with watery eyes as he clung onto the picture.
"I knew you were gone." He said in a soft tone. As soon as he said it. She had disappeared. No sound or any kind of word. Nothing. Just vanished.

When I looked back at dad, I saw that the tears had escaped. I didn't waste any time in rushing over to him and wrapping my arms around him. He was so filled with hope while he thought she was alive. And now he had to go through the fact that his wife was really dead.
He had to go through it all over again...
And for once, I didn't know what to do, except to be there for my dad.


"Do you think they'll understand what we saw?" I asked dad as we started to walk up towards Scott's house, preparing ourselves to tell them everything we just witnessed.

"If anyone will understand, we both know it's them." He reassured me. I nodded and walked by his side. As we stepped through the front door, we didn't see anyone at first, until we walked into the dinning room and there they were. Scott, Lydia, Malia, and Liam. All sitting down at the table. The room dark and gloomy, to where it didn't seem that there was any hope.
The room grew silent as dad and I walked in, all eyes on us.
But my eyes were on Liam. God how I've missed him. But do I have the right too anymore??

"I have a son." Dad spoke in a soft and steady tone.

"And I have a brother." I spoke soon after. The four of them sat up, starting at us intently, waiting for us to continue with our "realization speech"

"His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember.
When stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I wasn't sure why, it pretty much rolls off of the tongue. But the closest thing he could get was "Mischief". Their mother called him that until...
I remember, when stiles first got his Jeep. It belonged to their mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time when he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble. But he always had a good heart. Always.
We're here tonight, because my goofball son decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body."

The room had a certain glow as dad finished. I could see it on their faces, I knew they couldn't remember, but they were. They were in the knowing.

"How did you remember?" Liam asked

When I looked at Liam, he wasn't starring at dad, instead he was looking at me, as if talking directly and only too me.

"After Lacey remembered everything, it all started to move into place. One after another I would pin his red yarn around the room. And everything just moved into place. Just as I was finished. I saw a light. The brightest green light you could have ever seen". Dad explained, telling them the exact description of what I saw out on the street with Theo.

"And as it was shinning over me, I could have sworn that I saw someone. And I thought it was stiles. It was stiles."


BEY GUYS! Just wanted to update this rn! I'll be writing throughout the week and trying to publish. But most of the chapters will probably be published on the weekends due to school work and everything :(

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