In the future

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I'm cold. And not because of the weather. I just feel cold.
The air flowing through the hallways is cold.
Although all I can really focus on are the train tracks that ran straight through the ground hallways.

"What is this?" Liam asked, but more to himself I'm assuming.
His gaze was locked into the floors as the entire school looked old.

"Liam! Lacey!"
I turned around from my name being called to see Scott and stiles running towards us.

"Thank god." I said, jogging towards them to give my brothers a hug.
I quickly wrapped my arms around the both of them and pulled them close to me. They seemed a little shocked at first, but they didn't question it.
Instead they both responded back and wrapped their arms around me as well.

I didn't have to tell them that this hug meant more than *oh thank god you're okay*.
I think they just knew it meant more. That I needed a hug.

"You guys are okay right?" Scott asked us, pulling away from the hug so both him and stiles could examine to see if I had any cuts.
Same old Scott and stiles.

"Yes, we are okay." Liam said, giving me enough time to shoo away their hands from my face.

"What now? Where are Lydia and Malia?" I asked them.

"I don't know. They just left on their own." Stiles said.

"But we need to find where these train tracks lead. Maybe it'll take us to the ghost rider dimension." Scott said.
All three of us nodded with agreement and split up.

"Do you wanna split up?" Stiles asked Scott

"Never again." He smiled.

Stiles let out a huff of air
"Oh thank god."

I smiled at the two and ran to them, giving them one last hug.
"Be safe alright." Stiles whispered into my ear.
I nodded at him and started walking away and into the school.

Of course it was quiet. You could hear the whistle of the wind speaking. The school looked like it had been abandoned for years, with the green vines surrounding the walls and floors.
I'm surprised there weren't any animals.
It actually looked like a mini forest in the school.
Which I didn't understand. Why would there be tons of green if it's only train tracks? Isn't that more western?

These walls remind me of being in the woods. Out late at night. Those times when I'd just wonder around, not have to worry about all this stuff in life.
It was easy then. And I wish I could go back.

When I turned the corner and pushed open a set of double doors. I wasn't at the school.
No, I was in Scott's house...

"What the..." I said to myself, slowly walking in. But when I turned around, the double doors were gone and it was only a wall.
"Okay.." I said again, turning around and slowly walking through the rest of the house.

It's a vision. It has to be, or else I wouldn't be here. What do I need to find? What is it?

Looking around the house, everything seemed normal. Scotts room looked exactly the same, so did Melissa's. The entire upstairs was untouched while the downstairs just looked a little cleaner than before.

The halls were silent, I could hear the creaking of the wood echoing in the house as I took step by step. All the lights were off except the kitchen light, along with the dining room and living room light.
So someone has been in these rooms? What does that mean?

*cling cling cling*

That's when I heard the noise. The metal. Or at least that's what it sounded like.
It sounded like metal hitting the floor, but not heavy, light enough to bounce as soon as it hit.
I started walking into the dining room, and the sounds just got louder, clearer.

The metal sounds were running through my ears, bullets began to fly by me. But I wasn't getting hit.
It was almost like slow motion. One by one I could see the bullets shattering the window in the dining room, and moving their way towards me, but going passed me.

I started stepping back.
What am I supposed to be doing? What am I supposed to be seeing?

As soon as I looked down, I saw it. The blood. The massive puddle slowly moving it's way around my feet.

I could see multiple shadows from where it was coming from, but I couldn't tell who.
Who were they?
Who got shot?

The blood was now moving fast, surrounding me in its thick substance.
I panicked and ran. Just started running through the house.
I could hear the beeping of hospital monitors clouding my ears. Forcing me to hear every one.

I ran through the nearest door I could, praying to get away from whatever hell was haunting me.
Or future. . .

But when I busted through the doors. I was back. And not only was I back, but I was outside on the second level of the school, watching Liam as he fought off about a dozen ghost riders.

"Lacey! Wake up!" He shouted at me.
Have I been out here this whole time?
"Lacey!" He screamed once again. Blocking a punch and multiple bullets being shot.

"Uanescere!" I shouted with one palms faced out towards the ghost riders surrounding Liam.
In a matter of second the all blew over to dust.

(Like the avengers 🤭)

He fell to the floor and hunched over his knees, holding onto the railing as he tried to catch his breathe.

Quickly, I ran over to him and started rubbing his back.
"Are you Okay?" I asked him

"Why the hell were you just standing there? What were you seeing?" He asked immediately, shooting his stare up at me and away from the floor.

"Uhh, I uh. I had a vision. I was at Scott's house. And we really don't have anytime to explain right now." I said, trying to get him up because I could sense more ghost riders heading towards us

"Lacey, you need to tell me what you saw." He said, letting me help him up, but then Gripping onto my arm.

"Okay, well maybe later. Because I think we should take care of them first." I said, pointing to the ghost riders that just arrived on their horses.

"Shit." He breathed out,
Which indeed, shit.

That vision was of the future.
So who is going to die?

Short chapter! I know, so sorry!! Love you all so much, you guys are honestly so incredible!

Comment any ideas you guys might have for the story! And send in any fan art you guys make! Love you all! ❤️❤️

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