Old memories

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"Why am I only in my bra and underwear?"

How can I even be talking to Theo right now? He was dead. Gone. I watched Kira plunged the sword into the ground, I watched his sister drag him to hell.. and I helped.

His look wasn't changing, he still had the sternness radiating off of him
"You were in some kind of trance. I needed to put you in ice water to break you out of it. Couldn't get you naked so this was the second option." He said as cold as ever.

I can't exactly blame him for being mad at me. All I did was watch as he got sent to possibly the worst place ever. I'd be pretty pissed off too.

"Well why would I have to take any of my clothes off?"
Now he was looking more frustrated. Like I'm just supposed to say thank you and give him endless amount of love.

"Because. Clothes come with warmth. You needed to be as cold as you could be in order to break out of your trance. But you could just say thank you." He snapped.
Well now I'm kinda mad. Why the hell was he in my house anyway? No one is home, and I obviously was too occupied to open a freaking door. And if he's so angry with me, why did he come to see me?

"Thank you? No. Why are you even here? I was doing perfectly fine where I was." I said, snapping back at him.

His eyebrow furrowed and he reverted away.
"Fine? You were doing fine? I'm sure you were too busy in your little dream to realize that you were bleeding all over. Go ahead and look in the hallway. You were dripping. Your wounds re-opened somehow. And by the way, if you weren't dumb enough to take down your powers, then you wouldn't have those in the first place."

How the hell did he know that I took down my powers and got attacked? And why was I dripping blood? I should have been fine.
"Stiles. He must have re-opened them.." I mumbled

"Stiles? I thought he was gone." Theo said

"He is, for now. I was just with him. When he hugged me he must have re-opened them. And you, just happened to pull me away. I was with my brother! Now I can't even figure out why he can't leave that place, or how he can get out."

Now we were both just fuming at each other. Finding every single possible way too find a reason to argue.
"I just saved your goddam life! Do you realize how pale you were, how much blood you were losing. You are still healing so that leaves you weak, meaning that you can actually die of it, enhanced healing or not."

"Well I don't care! You should have left me with stiles! You don't understand how hard it's been without him! With everyone not believing me when I said that something was wrong!"

"I can understand how hard it can be without someone." He said in a monotoned voice. Hanging his head down low and standing up from the tub, which I noticed that I was still laying in.
I deserved that.

I stood up from the tub and looked down to see it a shade of pink from the blood that leaked out of my wounds.
Maybe I should thank him? No.
I will thank him when he's not being a dick.

Even in his rage, Theo picked me up from the tub and carried me over to my room, my wet skin soaking his clothes. He didn't seem to care though. About anything really. He was so still with his features. No sign of happiness, but also no sign of anger. Just a complete blank face.

He walked into my room and carefully put me down, laying a towel over me and helping me dry off.
"You don't have to stay here. I'm awake. I'm able to handle this now." I said, dragging a piece of cloth over my shoulder and trying to dry myself up

"I'm not leaving. Not until I know for a fact that you are going to be okay."
I looked up at him when he said this, just looked at him. And he did the same. We held the eye contact for a little without saying any kind of words, until he stood up and walked over to my dresser. Pulling out a regular black loose T and some fuzzy pajama pants.

He tossed them over to me and left the room for me to change. I don't know why but I had never changed so fast. Like I was Afraid that if I opened the door he'd be gone again. And no one would be there. That this entire thing was some kind of hallucination. And I was imaging it all.

I quickly changed my soaked bra and underwear into some dry ones and pulled the clothes over myself. But I didn't need to opened the door for him. As soon as I was done, he walked in. His broad shoulders almost being unable to fit in my doorway. He was so tall against me. A tower really.

We both just stood there looking at each other as I had millions of questions I wanted to ask.

"How are you here?"
That was my main question that I've been dying to ask.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and swayed a little on his heel
"Liam and Hayden brought me back. Put me in jail, then your dad interrogated me. They let me go. The entire town is practically gone really."

"Wait what?" What's really happened? I passed out on the way home from the hospital now that I think about it. And the hospital seemed empty more than ever. How much have I missed. Wait..
Liam and Hayden?

"Well. Ever since that party, the ghost riders have been taking anyone since we all can see them. Beacon hills is a lost cause now."
I could hardly here a word he said. My mind was too focused on Liam. So he hasn't been with me, because he's been with her??
Is that why? Has be fallen for her? Maybe my dream is actually a realty? What is that's how everything is meant to be? I don't know if I'd be able to handle that...

"What about Scott, Malia and the others? Where are they now? Where's Liam?" I asked intensively

I could basically feel his eye roll if I hadn't seen it.
"They are fine. They are making a plan right now. All of them are at Scott's house. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that Hayden was taken though."
Actually yes. That makes me very happy.

"Okay well lets go." I said. I reached over to my closet and pulled off on of the hoodies hanging and draped it over my body

"Woah woah woah." Theo said, motioning his hands in my direction and walking over to me
"You aren't going anywhere. Not after what just happened with you."

"Well it won't happen again. It was only that wall."  I said
The wall.

My eyes widened. The wall... it's still there.
It shouldn't be.

I looked up at Theo from the sudden drop of my head and raced passed him. Walking through the house and over to that same hallway. And just as Theo said, there was a puddle of blood from where I had been standing.

"What are you doing? You need to be resting, not visiting old memories."
Theos words seemed to snap my brain back in.
Old memories. This wall was never here before. Something was behind it. And it's hiding something.

I raised my hand towards the wall and closed my eyes
"Violare per"
I spoke. The wall instantly crumbled to pieces as a door was left behind it. A single white door.
Stiles's door.


AHHHH!!! Two chapters in one day!!! How about that!

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