So he isn't dead?

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"Stiles, are you still there?"
The box spoke again. I could hardly breathe, temperatures seemed to be rising around me. And only me. Why the hell was I getting g so cold?

"Oh my gosh. You remember me? Y-you guys know who I am?" Stiles stuttered, looking like a kids first day at Disneyland.

"Yes stiles this is-.. this is you. It's actually you." Lydia chuckled in a relief. I scooted closer to stiles as he held his face near the mic

"Yes. It's me. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?" Stiles asked. I could sense how anxious he was for her to remember. And my mind immediately went to the memory. When we were all in the Jeep, and stiles was taken away.

"You said..."
there was a pause, and for a second I was unsure that Lydia even remembered. I was unsure that this could all be real. Maybe this was a trick?..
"You said 'remember I love you' "
She said it... so it's true. They finally believe me. They finally remember everything

Stiles sighed and felt happy. I could see that. The light in his eyes brightened, as in all hope was brought back to him.
"Thank god" I whispered. Rubbing my hands together and blowing air into them.
Why am I getting so cold? The room is the same temperature and stiles looks fine.
What's happening?

"Wait. Who was that? Stiles who's with you?" Scott asked.
Awww shit. They don't know that I was here. They still think that I'm at the house. But am I really actually here? Now that I think of it, I was only looking at the wall and touched it. Could this all be just my imagination??..

"It's me guys. Lacey." I said

"Lacey? H-how did you get there? You were at the house! We left you at the house! Did you leave it?"
Scott kept asking me question after question

"No scott I-I'm Okay. I don't think I'm really here."
Stiles looked up at me as I said this.
"The last thing I remember was looking at the wall in my house, and touching it. Then I was here."

"Do you think it was some kind of teleportation? Maybe it's just her mind that's there?" Lydia asked, but in a whisper to where it sounded like she was asking Scott more than us

"Okay, we are gonna go and see if you are still at your house. And if you are, we will find some way to wake you." Scott said. But in all honesty, is it bad that I didn't want to leave? I have stiles. He's here, and I'm with him. I don't want to lose him again. And what if this is the last time that I'd see him. I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him.

"Stiles, Tell us where you are."

"I-I can't." stiles replied
"I don't know where I am. I'm in some kind of train station but guys-"

My ears stopped listening and my head started spinning.
I tried blinking my eyes rapidly to get my head straight but it didn't work. It wouldn't work. The room was getting colder by the second to where I felt like I was turning into an ice cube.

Flashes of a different room started to come into view, like I was losing signal on a cell phone and the line kept cutting out

"S-stiles?" I said out. Barley able to keep him in my sight.
I could see him look at me, then try to come to me, but even though he continued to get close to me, he seemed miles away. I was being pulled from him and no matter how fast he went he wasn't able to catch up.

The room got colder and colder until finally my breathe caught. My eyes stuck open and my body released forward.
I sucked in a huge wad of air as my hands grasped the thing that was closest to me.

I couldn't exactly see anything yet. Everything was dark. All I really know was that I was freezing, and wet. And that there was a person that I was holding onto.

My hands were gripping onto a jacket, I could feel the fabric against my finder tips, wrinkling as I tightened my hold and pulled whoever it was closer to me.
The scent was strong but I knew it. It was extremely familiar.

My sight slowly came into view, realizing that I was still in my house. Just not in the hallway anymore. Light started to fill my eyes as I looked around and noticed that I was in the bathroom. In the tub.

I didn't want to loosen my grip on whoever it was that I was holding. And I wasn't sure why. But when I did, I kept my head down, afraid to look up at whoever it was holding me. But I had to eventually.

I eased my grip and slowly started to look up. The perfectly cute jaw line. Dark brown hair and gorgeous deep green eyes. The kind where it's dangerous too stare for long because you fear you might never escape them.

His arms were tight around my body. They created a spark that could never go away. The tips of his fingers brushing against my skin, digging in slightly like I was gonna slip through his hands.  His eyes were digging into my skin and leaving burn marks everywhere they landed.
Or at lest that's what it felt like. But overall I wasn't supposed to be feeling anything. Because he's dead. Or was.

"Theo.." I breathed out, looking straight into his lustful eyes.

He didn't have the usual smirk that he did. No, instead he had an expression on his face. Was it worry? Fear? Anger? A mix between all three?

That was all he said with a deep and husky tone. The one that I had loved since the moment I met him. But frankly I was more stunned than he was.

Theo is supposed to be dead. He can't be here. So he can't be real. He can't be. This is a hallucination. Just like stiles or something. But he's not really here. But I could sense him. The different amount of emotions running through his body. Unable to fully realize what exactly he was feeling. But I knew exactly how that was.

I had only looked away from him once, and that was too look over myself. Realizing that I, was half naked...

"Why am I only in my bra and underwear?"


School is going freaking crazy!!!!! I'm trying my best to give you guys more chapters more often.

AND THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO IS READING!!! I am getting more and more readers everyday and it honestly feels amazing!!! It truly does! Thank you guys for everything!

Don't forget to comment and vote! And please, I am writing all of these chapters on my phone so if you see any mistake let me know and I'll fix it!!
Thank you all!
Love you guys so much!

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