You killed me.

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"Come on. We need to go!!" Lydia and I scream as we are running down the tunnels, trying to get closer to the rift.

We had followed it from the bunker and into the tunnels. Finally, turning into a single column. The bright green light is right in front of us.

"It's stiles!!" I scream at my friends. Lydia is right besides me.

"Keep going Stiles don't stop!" Lydia screams. Both of us have our hands reached out towards the green light.
I could have sworn that I saw a shadow coming closer to us. I could have sworn it was stiles.

Our arms are reached out as far as they can go. The light lights up even brighter. Then stops. It just stops...

"N-no. No no no. Where did it go?!" I scream. Looking around. The tunnels were now back into their normal state, dark and gloomy with nasty water.

"I saw him. He was there." Lydia says

"I did too." I reply.

When we both turn to Scott and Malia, they are both looking at us like we were the crazy ones.

"Didn't you guys see him?!" Lydia shouts.

Scott and Malia turns to each other, then back at us.
"We didn't see anything." Malia says.

He was here. I swear. I saw him. It had to have been him. He had to be here...
"But he was here." Lydia whispers...
"I saw him.."


"You snapped my neck?! You killed me!!"

Well. Now Liam was awake. But I wish that I made him dead at least a little bit longer. Now he was just annoying me.

"It's not like I meant to kill you! When you told me that you slept with Hayden! My body just reacted faster than my mind could. It was like a reflex." I say to him. Which was the truth. If I had been fully thinking it through. I definitely wouldn't have killed him. Especially since I had never tried it. So in all reality. I could have really killed him.
And that would have killed me.

"Oh okay. So what?! You killed me, but you just didn't mean too. Right?" He said, snapping at me.

"Yes. Just like you didn't mean to have sex with HAYDEN!" I scream back at him.

A silence washes over us. The first silence of our potential break up. But I don't want it too be. I don't want to end it. But isn't that an unspoken rule? Or maybe even a well known rule. Once you cheat, that's it. Yes Theo kissed me and I kissed back. But I stopped it. Liam actually slept with her. He actually got into bed and had sex with her.

That's not some accident. That's intentional. He could have stopped it. But For all I know, he didn't.

"Guys. I get it. This is a super tough subject right now. But I don't think discussing it at this exact moment is going to get us anywhere..." Scott says. Which brings me back into reality. After Lydia and I took them down into the tunnels for basically nothing. Scott, Malia and I all went to the hospital to follow the train tracks.

But Liam ended up stopping by too....

"We need to find Douglas. He's leading them. If we follow the tracks, he'll be here."

Wait. Hold up. Mr.Douglas???

"Wait?! Mr.Douglas? As in my physics teacher?! When did this happen?" I ask them in full shock.
Maybe that's why I got a creepy vibe from him.

"Yes. We figured it out while you were.... I don't know, recovering. Getting shot. Throwing a party. We figured it out during one of the times that you weren't talking to us." Liam says.

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