Over it.

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Today sucked. And not just your average day suck where you just don't wanna be at school and you are still super tired. I mean sucked, like a huge bomb literally got dropped on your life and you still have to be "okay" with the world and the people in it. The kind of suck where it is actually painful to get up out of bed and deal with everything else in your life happening at that moment. That kind of sucked.

I didn't even talk to dad or mom this morning. Obviously I've been ignoring mom. But dad is trying to talk to me. Trying to sweet talk me and sending little sweet texts here and there. I haven't responded to any. I am so mad and upset with him. That he doesn't trust me.

I still don't know about Liam and I. He hasn't tried to talk to me since the moment I walked out of Mr.Douglas's class. No texts. No calls. Just silence. That's all I got. I was getting messages from mason and Corey, both of them asking about me and where I've been. Scott, Malia and Lydia all decided to leave early. Which meant that I am all alone basically. And we still have that "party" to throw tomorrow at Scott's house. Which is practically a giant trap for the ghost riders.

Why did everything have to suck today?

Okay god. Please go easy on me today and tell me that when I turn around I won't be disappointed by why was just calling my name...

"Hey. Where have you been?" It was mason, so thank you God!!!

"Oh umm.. sorry. I've just been busy. Why what's up?"
I could sense how nervous he was. And I could smell it. It was practically radiating off of him.
When I tried to read his mind, he kept it blank.

"Mason, what's going on? Why are you hiding from me?" I asked as we began to walk down the hallways of the school

"Listen, there's something you should know-"

"Oh my gosh." I gasped.
My feet stopped right in front of me. As if I couldn't move them. No, I was not under another spell, but I couldn't tell the difference. My body was frozen in its place.

Just down the end of the hall, Hayden walks into the same hallway as me and mason, with Liam at her side...

I starred at the two of them as I didn't really know what to do. My heart dropped to the bottom of the earth and my mind remained blank. He was smiling and actually talking to her. What the hell was he thinking? Was he going crazy now too?!

I could feel a pair of hands on me, but I remained standing where I was. He still hasn't noticed me standing with mason, but they stopped at her locker as she got out supplies, he just stayed there, plastered against the side of it. I couldn't even think. Before I knew it, she was standing closely in front of him as she brushed her hand up against his arm. And he let it happen!!!!

"Lacey? Please snap out of it.." I could hear a different voice that sounded like it belonged to Corey. They were both on different sides of me. But just as Liam started to walk away from Hayden, he looked dead ahead straight into my eyes.

We locked into each other as he stopped in his place with his mouth gaped open, as if he wasn't expecting me to see him. Catch him.

He didn't dare move forward.
And neither did I.
"She came to him the other day and apologized repeatedly. She told him that she'd respect your guys's relationship and everything, but that she just wanted to start new with you two." Mason spoke

"I guess she didn't want to waist anytime then." Corey finished
"She's been with him since the moment you left the other day.

Tears were already forming and falling down the corners of my eyes. How could he? I trusted him, and he just stayed with her.

"Lace.... please.." I heard his soft voice from down the hall where he stayed standing. I wanted to collapse. I wanted to scream and yell at the top of my lungs. Claw at myself until I was no longer alive.

But I didn't. Instead I looked blankly at him. Not showing any other emotion but the tears. I'm sure my look even confused him.

He started to walk closer, I knew what he wanted. I could feel it. I could hear it in his mind. The pleading for me to hear him out and listen. To forgive him. But I didn't give that anytime before just turning around and walking away.


I didn't want to hang out with Hayden. She's just been with me this entire time. And she hasn't been rude at all, and she's been begging for Lacey and I to give her another chance. I didn't want to be rude and just immediately shut her down. I thought I'd leave that up to Lacey. She handles the girl drama. I handle the boy drama. Although she does both sometimes...

God I missed her. I haven't seen her in what seems like centuries and I can't stand it. I was hurt that she didn't come to me, yes. But I was being a little bitch. Scott is basically her brother. Why would she have come to me if we had just gotten in a fight.
What the hell is wrong with you Liam?

But in all honestly. Hayden's been, alright I guess. She isn't as annoying. At least now she knows when to shut up. She hasn't flirted with me and is actually trying to get me to talk about Lacey. Which is all I did. I talked and talked and talked about her. You would think that there isn't enough to tell, but there is.

When she had to go to her class, she put her hand on the side of my arm, letting me know that everything was going to be okay. And that Lacey was always going to be there for me.

I believed that, until I turned around and saw Lacey standing with mason and Corey at the end of the hallway..
this day just keeps getting better doesn't it.

I knew exactly how it looked. She's gone for even a little, and I end up waking with the number me person she hates. How could I be this stupid and naive.

The worst part, I was feeling everything she was. The betrayal. I could feel how she was practically clawing at herself from the inside, begging to just scream and yell at the top of her lungs. I could feel how hurt she was right now, how much all of her trust just broke.
All because I was being a jackass and wouldn't fix my own damn problems.

When I tried to walk towards her, her face was blank. That's what killed me the most. The only emotion she showed were the tears streaming down her face.
But everything else about her just seemed empty. Like she'd been through so much, this was just the thing to send her over the edge. Like there was nothing more she could handle, everything was over and she was just tired of it. She looked like she was used to it, and expected it by now.
And it killed me.

God I wanted to hold her. I wanted to beg for her and tell her over and over how sorry and stupid I am. I just wanted her in my arms, to be able to feel the warmth she sends through my body. But I couldn't, because she was gone before I got to her.

Mason and Corey just stood there as she walked off. Not slowly or in a hurry, just at a normal pace as if she wasn't apart of anything.
My head fell as they both looked back at me. I knew what they were thinking too. And frankly I was thinking that same thing.

I'm a dick.


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