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"Lacey? Wake up"

I felt hazy and weird. Like I just woke up from a very, very realistic dream. I had to blink my eyes a few times just to snap myself back into reality.
"Wh- yeah?"

"Hi, do you remember anything?"
Lydia had her arms crossed as she stood in front of me, her heels making her a few inches higher

"Remember anything about what?"
She looked around, and as I did I noticed that I have no idea how I got to the school. We were both standing in the middle of the parking lot.
Why am I at the school? It's almost ten at night.
"Oh.. I have no clue. You don't remember anything?"

She just shook her head and looked at me... she seems to be acting strange
"Oh wait! I know why I'm here. I needed to go meet up with Scott and Liam on the lacrosse field."

How could I forget that, they probably already started without me
"Uhh.. alright. I'll see you tomorrow at school Alright?"

Lydia squeezed my hand and walked off. 
Hmmm... strange..

Deciding to ignore it, I made my way over to the field

"Scott! Liam!" I shouted. Shoving my hands in my pockets while the two boys turned their heads towards me.

A smile shot over both of their faces as I jogged over to them. Engulfing myself In Liams arms
"Hey babe" he mumbled in my hair


"Alright you two. Let me get some hugs."
I smiled as I let go of Liam and looked over to Scott who had his arms wide open.

"Haha, I've missed you two!"
Scotts arms wrapped nicely around me as he squeezed me tightly

"Ugh. The next time you leave for an entire day take us with you!" Scott shouted dramatically, pretending to cry from my absence

"Guys. I was only gone for one day. That's it" I chuckled. I love how much they all love me

"Yes. One day too long. We all almost ripped each others heads off. You are the glue of us all, you keep us together!" Liam whined

"I'm not the glue. That's st-"
I caught my words as they were about to escape my mouth.
it's like the name had disappeared me.

"That's you Lace." Scott agreed with Liam.

That was strange. Who had I just thought of??

The strangest feeling appeared in my stomach as Liam and Scott both grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to the field

"Alright Stilinski. Let's see what you got." Liam tossed me the stick and a ball. I've never fully attempted to play, I just assumed that I would be very bad at it.

"Oh gosh. Make sure not to hit anyone!"
I laughed out loud dryly

Scott got ready at the goal as I gripped the stick in my hands. Twisting my palms around it, I drew it back and flicked my arms forward. The stick alined with the net perfectly as I watched the ball slide out of the nets pocket and fly straight passed Scott and into the net

He looked around as if nothing happened and starred at me
"Beginners luck."

"Scott, you just got schooled by Lacey" Liam laughed out

"Whatever Liam, why don't you work on your back shots."

I giggled slightly and handed Liam the stick while I stepped back a bit
"My back shots are perfect" he responded

"Not from what I remember" Scott retorted

Liam cocked a brow as he played with the stick a few time and dropped a bucket of balls in front of him. One by one, Liam flicked up the balls and threw a perfect back shot, landing each ball passed Scott and straight into the net.

We both stood up straight as Scott squirmed in place.
"I guess I was thinking of someone else" he mumbled.
I know how he felt.

The wind picked up as it brushed passed us, all of the lights suddenly blacked off.
I whipped my head back and looked around, I couldn't see anything.  

The lights turned back on, lighting up the field. Scott and Liam were gone. No one was in sight
"Scott! Liam!" I screamed out, walking in circles.

I felt the winds pick up again as I heard horses. Turning around, I watched horses ride passed me while the Ghost riders sat on their backs.

There were hundreds.. thousands even. They covered the entire field as I was standing on the only empty space. They dodged me like I was the plague.

I was spinning in circles as I watched them all. Their faces a dark grey with the black rotting lines trailing up their bodies. The dark clothing as they gallop away.

My body started to shake as all I could do was try and focus on them. I looked in the direction they were riding and saw a boy running away from them. But he looked familiar. I'd seen him before.

My body continued to spaz and shake as I tried my hardest to focus. Just before I lost sight, he turned his face. He had light brown hair and soft eyes, fair skin and was slightly built but not too much..

I know him.


I screamed and bolted my eyes open. My chest rose as I heaved in and out
"What did you see?" Scott asked

I kept breathing heavily and was about to answer just before mason and Corey came running over to us from the school

"Guys! Guys!"
All direction shot towards mason and Corey
"They were here! The Ghost riders. They were just here."


In all honesty, season 6 was definitely one of my favorite seasons. Especially because of stydia and Thiam. They both really shined out those seasons and I loved every second of it.

So sorry this chapter was a little shorter!

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