My boyfriend.

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"Lydia? What's wrong?" I asked. Liam and I walked straight into the school to see Scott and Malia looking at Lydia as she stood in front of the doorway.

"I had the weirdest feeling. Like I'm supposed to meet with someone here." She whispered in her girly, yet raspy voice.

My eyes flickered and I stared at Liam. He was already looking at me while he reached for my hand and interlocked our fingers together.

"What is it with you banshees." Liam mumbled

"What?" Scott asked, sending all attention on Liam which is not what he wanted

"Well outside. Lacey was standing right next to the busses. She was waiting there like it was any normal day for her. When I walked up she said that she was waiting for someone. When I asked who. She couldn't remember."
Lydia and I both looked at each other and I could feel exactly how she felt. And I knew that she felt what I felt as well.

"Lace? What do you think is happening?..." Lydia asked me in a hushed tone.

I bowed my head down and shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to feel these things anymore
"I don't know."

Without looking at any of them, I simply let go of Liams hand and walked away.
I could feel their stares on my back, but I couldn't help it. I didn't know what the hell was going on. First the weird moment last night with Lydia. Then with the horses, then with mason and Corey, and now this. There's only so much a 16 (almost 17) girl can handle

"Hey" Mason came up by my side,

"What's up?" I turned my head and saw Corey walking on the other side of me.

"Umm hi." I said. It was a little awkward. I didn't hate Corey like Liam did. I know how much mason likes him, and how much Corey like mason. I can feel it radiating off of them. But still, I wasn't super close with Corey.

"So. We were wondering. If maybe you can put in a good word?" Mason squinted his eyes as him and Corey stopped in front of me and waited for my answer. I knew exactly what they were asking for, I just wasn't to sure about it.

"Ummm. I don't know. I will talk to him about it. But I believe it will be more of a manly move, if you make it yourself."

Corey nodded his head and thanked me, then walked off.
"Hey babe. What was that back there?" Liam, of course that's why Corey left so fast.

"Nothing." We all made our way into the boys locker room since apparently that's the place where we need to discuss important matters

"Okay. The Ghost riders must have had someone up there. That's the only logical explanation."

"Yeah, but how do you know?" Liam asked mason, swinging his arm around my shoulders

"It's logical. And Corey had a pretty good hunch."

"Oh. So is that a chameleon thing? I thought all he could do was disappear?" Liam scoffed and turned his head to look forward. Not an impressed look on his face.

"Corey just wanted to help Liam." I defended. I didn't think it was entirely fair.. I looked around the room and hoped that Liam couldn't hear the the fourth heartbeat in this room.
Not a good idea Corey...

"Yeah. Well where was he when we were fighting you, and A nine foot werewolf to save mason? Why was he so loyal to Theo for so long? The man who almost killed you, and made me almost kill Scott?!"
Liam was now shouting at me, and the bell had already rung a few minutes ago. Meaning that we were late. Which pissed me off even more.
"I'm just saying. I'll start to trust him when he does something trustworthy. Unlike right now, when I can hear his heart racing from across the room."

I internally sighed and turned around to see Corey appear from holding himself up against the wall.

My blood was boiling right now and I'm pretty sure you were able to see smoke coming out of my ears as they continued talking

"Well what about Hayden. You guys forgave her, no problem!" Corey shouted

"We still don't like her! And even if we did, she also tried to help that night when Lacey was being a bitch!"

Aww hell no. I saw mason pause in his stance and his mouth dropped. He knew exactly how that sounded. And I was not appreciating it

"And what exactly was I supposed to do? She has claws and fangs. So do you! Lacey has everything!"

"ENOUGH!" I screamed. My voice echoing through the entire locker room. I stood straight up, perfectly still while the three boys were courting down and gripping their ears.

The echo stopped and the stood back up.
"Shut up! Both of you!"

"No. Why should I sto-"
Before Liam could finish. I stomped my foot on the floor in his direction. The floor rose and rolled over to him, sending him flying up against the wall.

I stuck up my hand and made him stick up against it, floating in the air.
"No Corey. We have not forgiven Hayden. Because if you didn't notice, she tried stealing my boyfriend multiple times. And is still trying I might add. Even though she tried to help while I was apparently being the bitch at the time."
I paused and glared at Liam, who currently had an uneasy feeling.
"I still don't forgive her! And Liam! Stop being a DICK! What the hell is wrong with you?! I've done more than enough to make you guys lose my trust! So what's the difference with Corey?! I made him!! Did you forget that?! So both of you, CUT THE SHIT!"
I slammed my fist down against my side. Making Liam fall hard against the tiled floor.

Corey and mason both stood there awkwardly as I grabbed my bags and left the locker room without another word.

I was more than pissed off. I was raging.
"Oh heyyy Lacey." I rolled my eyes and turned around. Down the hallway stood the biggest bitch in the world. Hayden Romero.
"So, I heard that you are trying out for the lacrosse team tonight. I really hope that you make it. That way I can be Liams cheerleader in the stands."

"Now is NOT the time Hayden." I said.
I turned around and tried walking away but this bitch didn't let me.

She strutted her way down the hallway, swaying her hips back and fourth.

"Lacey wait!" I heard Liams voice from the opposite end of the hallway. On Hayden's side...

"Oh I wonder who that could be..." she smirked and went to go hide behind a corner.

I saw Liam come from the corner and spot me.
"Lacey." He breathed out and started running towards me.

Aww hell no. She better not do it. I started walking forward, contemplating what's going to happen next. I couldn't see it, why couldn't I see it.

Right before he ran past a certain wall, Hayden jumped at him from no where and attacked him in her own preference.

And when I say attacked, I mean that he planted her lips on Liams...

My boyfriend.


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