All we can have is hope

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We have a plan. Hopefully a good plan. But, with our luck, it will most likely end up in some major disaster that doesn't end up well for any of us. But. We need to hope. That's all we can really do.

Stiles, Scott, Lydia and Malia are doing God knows what. But they need help with the ghost riders. And of course, that's where I come in. And Liam, and Theo. Because apparently Theo decided to show up again.

Which is completely amazing for me, because now, I am standing in front of the two people that I love. One of them my soulmate, and the other my forbidden love that goes way back. But in reality I shouldn't be with either.

Liam cheated. He cheated, end of story. He shared love with another girl, and he will never be able to take hat back. I know he wishes he can, Ive felt it in him. Now it's all he feels. He wishes that I killed him more times, or permanently. I nearly broke down when I read that in his thoughts not too long ago.
I couldn't imagine what would happen if he had actually died, for good. I love him, and I always will. I hate him though. I do. But the amount of grief that is running through his entire body just makes me want to run right back to him. But I can't.
At least not right now.

And Theo. Where can I begin. He was there for me through it all, before I had even known I had powers. He saved me from the dread doctors, when I was their battery. He stayed with me, and loved me. He was the first person I had ever loved. I just never knew it.
Then when he came back. I knew he seemed familiar. But he was bad. He showed that he was bad . . . But why couldn't I stay away. That's all I needed to do. He made my dad sick. He forced Liam into killing Scott, and almost me. He killed so many other people. Made the chimeras and brought them to life. I have more than enough reasons to stay away from Theo. I just need to find a way to stick by them.

Standing in the parking lot of the hospital, Liam, Theo and I are all here.
The three of us. Alone. Together.

"Alright, let's hurry." I say, forming a jog and running up to the doors of the hospital. The world seems dead. Everything here seems dead. Everyone except us has been taken. Thankfully that means Hayden. But Corey, mason, and Dad. He's gone into that dreadful place.
But we are gonna get him out.

I run up the opening of the hospital, staring at a huge ambulance parked right in front. Almost like it was waiting for us.

Without any hesitating, I run straight up into the car and pull the sounding alarms. The bright red lights start circling at the top of the car as the sound echos loudly through the streets. Enough to get the ghost riders attention.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Theo shouts quietly, quickly standing up into the car and turning off the lights and horn. But only for me to flip them right back on. Before he moves towards the switches again I stand right in front of him and block him.
I can see it in his face that he is getting frustrated. But he won't do anything.
"Lacey. Those are going to attract the ghost riders. Do you want to die?!" He shouts again.

Liam runs up and stands close to Theo. He's waiting for Theo to get out of hand so he can kick his ass. But he's also debating whether or not he has to wait for Theo to do something.

"I know Theo. With this on, it will distract the riders and lead them to us. Giving the others more time." I say back to him. Slamming the car door behind me and getting on same flooring level as the other two.

"Well what if they get us?" Liam asked, joining Theo in being overly bitter

"That still means that they will be here, and not with the others. And besides. There are three of us. I seriously doubt they will get all of us on the first try. And they won't leave until they've shot us all. Which means that they won't leave because they can't shoot me." I point out.

Both of them groan as I start walking towards the door.
"Okay, your right." Liam says, giving up his side of the argument

"She's right?! No, what if the bullets actually can hurt you. You don't know, you hadn't tried it."
Theo is now walking closer to me, but before he gets close enough Liams steps in front of him. Noticing the height difference between the two was a first for me.

Theo is so much taller than Liam, by far. Liam is definitely shorter. Even though they are both taller than me. But they are both equally fit which is just an amazing view.

"She's right. We need to be a distraction and give them time. We have the entire hospital." Liam says in a more than calmed voice

"Fine. Go ahead. But just so you know. When the ghost riders come and kick our asses, I'm not hesitating to throw the two of you in front of me." Theo grits between his teeth and walks away. He lied, partially. He would through Liam, and he wouldn't do that to me. He's heart was beating faster, because he knows if it came down to the point, he'd jump in front of me. He'd always jump.

"Yeah. Nice choice." Liam snarled as I walked passed him, following Theo.

"What the hell are you talking about liam?" I ask as I continue walking down the hallways. The hospital is dark, but the florescent lights light up the way like some creepy horror film.

"You know what I'm talking about." Liam says, grabbing my arm and twisting me to face him.
"You love him. And you love me. Did you forget that I also feel everything that you do?"

My eyes are opened in shock as his grip tightens around my arms, but not enough for it to start hurting.

"But that also means that I know you still want me. I know that you still want to be with me. You just won't let it happen. So what? Your gonna choose Theo? Of all people, him?"

This is bullshit. Why does he think he has the right to tell me what to do, or who to love?

I pull my arms back out of his hold and straighten my stance.
"I don't care how you feel about this. Its my choice, no matter what happens. It's my choice. And yes, I still love you. But you also cheated."
His face tightened when I reminded him, and I could practically smell the tension steaming off of his body.
"You cheated on me Liam. How in the world do I move passed that? And yes I know, Theo has done thing too, and I don't know if I'll be able to get passed that either."
I don't say anything else to him, because I don't know what else to say. So instead I just leave. I start walking in the direction Theo went, and walk away from Liam.

Sometimes I wish, that I had never found out about my powers. Can you imagine that? A different universe where I had never known, where Scott had never gotten bitten. Stiles and dad never sent me away. Where we would have never met anyone we know of now. Where everything was the same.
I think about it all the time. Maybe more than I should.


Reaching the third floor of the hospital, the three of us are all walking the hallways.

It's silent, and awkward. Insanely awkward. Not only is it awful to just be waiting for the ghost riders to arrive. But it also sucks that both Liam and Theo pretty much understand the thoughts flying through my head.
Everything I silent. All you can hear is the sound of our shoes stepping onto the floors.
Until we hear it.

The horses . . .
The wild hunt.

"They're here." I say, whipping my head towards the direction I heard them coming from.

Theo and Liam soon do the same as the sound becomes more clear to their ears. They both turn around and stand right beside me.

All we can do is have hope, that this will all work out.


LETS GO!!!!!!! Tell me! Who ships. . .




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