Party time

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The party was a success. A completely disastrous success.

The successful part;
Lights were streaming and waving all around the room, the music was pumping loud enough to clear myself of my own mind. And everyone, AT LEAST, had practically chugged down 5 shots of some strange liquid.

The disastrous part;
Liam was on my ass all night long. Not leaving me alone with anyone. Although he wasn't really next to me, more like he was watching from afar like in some meek pray.
But guess what?
I didn't give a shit.

You see, because I am the most powerful person in the universe. I've decided to lay down my "enhanced healing" for tonight and have fun like any other normal teenager would do.
Which meant, drinking until I lost all memory of who I am. Dance like there is no tomorrow. And once again
Not give a shit.

And that's exactly what I was doing. For once I wasn't caring about the supernatural world. I wasn't caring about the whole "wild hunt" situation. I wasn't caring about Liam or anyone else. Just me, simply being me for tonight. And it sure as hell felt good.

With every shot I took, the music seemed to get louder and the people as seemed to move in weird ways. I never actually was able to get drunk now that I think of it. I had never actually had this much alcohol. So imagine and small bodied girl drinking tons for her first time. Let's see what would happen to her. Because I think we are about to find out.

My body moved against whoever was next to me, and I was feeling everything. Every touch, every beat, the vibrations surging through the floorboards. It all felt so amazing.
I had never get more alive in my entire life. 
My body swayed and pumped blood was rushing through every single vein in my body. My head was slightly hurting but I shoved passed the feeling and started to drink some more.
Just as I was about to pour the millionth shot down my raw throat, a hand gripped onto my wrist and stopped me abruptly

"I think you need to slow down." A very stern voice stated.
I hazily looked up slightly and saw Liam staring me down with a killer look.

God he looked sexy. He was wearing a black shirt that showed off his abs and muscles perfectly. with dark jeans that hung low from his waist line. I could already tell that the hem of his boxers were showing, which in my opinion made him look ten times sexier.
his hair was ruffled up, but not too much like some crazy punk rock kid. Just enough to wear you want to rub your hand through it all night long.
His lips looked perfect. Just so plump and pink. He looked ready for a hot make out sesh.

"How are you even drunk right now?" He spat out bitterly. Watching me as I overpowered his grip and sent the toxic liquid running down my throat.

"I-I Stop-pped my E-NhAnced heal-ling."
I have no idea how I even managed to say an entire sentence.

"You what?!" He shouted. Although nobody was able to even pay attention because they were too busy partying. And honestly I didn't even care, as he practically looked deeply into my soul, and eyes me up and down.
I looked around the entire party as I heard thunder crackle outside.

No one was phased but mason and Corey were currently held up by the punks who wanted to throw their party today. Looking around again, I saw that Gwen girl sitting in the corner by herself. And on my final take, I saw her. Hayden. Walking into the party and leaning on my second favorite couch.
What a bitch

"Oh l-look. Your girlfriend-friends here." I said way more clearly.
His head whipped around as his eyes laid on her. I could feel the rage just building up inside him. Because trust me, I could feel it too.

He didn't act on it though. Mainly because he didn't get a chance too.
Lighting struck just outside the house as the entire place lit up.
Everything was dizzy. One moment, everyone was having fun, and the next, I see Corey appear out of now where with the wild hunt.

And no I wasn't invisible.
So please explain to me on HOW THE HELL I CAN SEE THE WILD HUNT!

Everyone was screaming. All of the teens were rushing around the place.

Then poof
Green smoke surrounded a person and they were gone.

Another one gone.




One after another the wild hunt shot up the house and took as many victims as they could.
My mind thought.

They were here for her.
I looked around frantically as Liam did the same. He looked at me one last time but I didn't spare a moment for him, I silly ran off and left.

Even in my drunken state I'm mad. And still want to get shit done.

Although I was hitting every pillar and wall in the house, I looked around for anyone that I knew, and quite frankly ran into mason and Corey. Who had just drawn down a line of mountain ash around the Ghost riders.

The room was silent as they were banging their first and trying to shoot their way out.

"What've you done!?" I screamed at Corey, shocked by the fact that I didn't slur at any point in that accusation.

"Lace it's not his fault."  Mason tried to calm me down but I think we all know I was way passed that.

Corey knows his powers. He knows that whatever he touched while his in the other dimension will appear, wherever it's existing or not. So why the hell did he think that drinking the ghost riders to our dimension would make anything easier on anybody

"They hell it isn't! He brought them here! You know how many more people were taken tonight?!" I screamed yet again perfectly

"Don't worry about her. She's drunk." Liam scolded, walking up out of no where.

"How is she drunk. I thought it was impossible?" Mason questioned.
Why the hell is he always questioning things?
What the fuck mason. Something don't need to be questioned, just let them be!

"Oh it is for us. But for her on the other hand. She dropped her enhanced healing for the night." Liam sighed, but letting his shoulders tense up as his jaw clenched.

"Lacey are you dumb?!" Corey and mason practically shout at the same time.
Oh hell to the no.

"A-am I dumb? What about you huh? You just took the lives and any existence of a dozen more people. People that would have been just fine if you hadn't tried to go all heroic. What exactly did you think it would do? H-help?! Well your a dipshit for thinking that. Because you just made it about a million times worse! So c-congratulations! This ones on you." I spat out. It felt good. Really good. I wanted people to know how I felt. Why didn't I do this more often. Just go off on people whenever they are pissing me off. It certainly gets the point across, and then they feel like shit. What's not a win in this situation?
Oh yeah, the part where I'll probably regret it all when I'm sober.

They were about to talk again, but the ghost riders interrupted just as they started breaking through the barrier, and he's, actually breaking through.

Parrish came from out of nowhere in his uniform and actually tried to aim a regular gun at these things!

They broke free and started to hustle towards us.
"Parrish! Shoot them!" Liam shouted, running up to the Riders and trying to fight them off.

But instead, Parrish stood there like a fucking stature in a museum. He hardly moved.
Liam was losing strength as I decided to move in.
I still had strength and everything else, just not the healing.
How important can that be?

"Lacey! No!"
But before I heard anything else. I was feeling pain, and darkness. Probably the worst combination anyone could have mastered together.
And soon after...
darkness was all I had...


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