I didn't die... this time

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I felt weak. Like all blood and power has been slowly drained from my body, drop after drop.

The pale lights blinded me and held me from opening my eyes as fast as I wanted too.
Slowly I had to squint little by little.
Blinking them open rapidly.

I was at the hospital, why?
the sheets weren't as soft at they looked, scratching my legs with each movement.

I couldn't even remember what happened last night. My last memory is seeing Parrish walk in, that's it. Everything passed that is a blur, like nothing ever happened.

My back was aching as I tried to sit up, but failed. Instead I looked down my body, my arms were Pale. Too pale.
I couldn't even see the blue veins poking through.
I had an IV in my left arm, and other detectors attached to me.
What the hell happened?

"Oh thank god. Your awake" I heard a raspy voice speak.
Turning my head I saw Scott. He was standing up against the doorframe with a tray of drinks in one hand, and a big bag of what I assumed was food in the other.
"I was starting g to think that you'd never wake up."

"W-what happened?" I asked, shocked by the sound of my own voice, like I heading heard it in decades.
Once again I tried to sit up, but failed as soon as my stomach started clutching in and back spraining
Scott put down the drinks and food and came to help me

"Hey hey... don't push yourself too much. You were seriously hurt. It's okay."
But how? How was I seriously hurt? Nothing should have happened. The ghost riders were stuck behind the wall.
What went wrong?

"How? How did I get hurt?" I asked

I heard a sigh escape his lips as his head hung low and he plopped himself into the chair
"You don't remember. Please tell me that you remember everyone still?"

I chuckled a little at that.
"Yes, I remember everything. Just not what happened last night."
He nodded at my response and say himself up in the chair.

"Long story short. After you guys stupidly threw a party at my house to lead in the ghost riders, they actually came and you guys trapped them for a split second. But they ended up getting out and you and Liam tried to hold them off. And you, saved Liam."

Liam. I had totally forgotten about him...
why isn't he here?

"Don't worry. Liams okay. The ghost riders tried to shoot him with the bullets. But you jumped in front and took them. The only thing was, you didn't burst and disappear into green smoke. Instead the bullets acted like real bullets. You still shockingly tried to fight them off but I guess they threw you around pretty bad. Liam rushed you here afterwards since you know, you took down your enhanced healing."
Scott was just staring at me. I wasn't looking at him, but I knew it. Because I could feel his gaze burning through the top 10 layers of my skin.
I knew that he wasn't going to be happy with this...
"How could you be so stupid?" He asked.
Not in a mad way. Just in an annoyed one.

But I didn't exactly know how to answer. I had my reasons. But now they just seemed stupid and childish.
"I wanted to let loose for one night. Just one. Liam and I have been fighting, hardly able to keep a tame conversation. This entire thing with stiles is killing me. I needed a break. I wanted to forget for just one night, act like a normal teenager. So, I took it down. I didn't think I'd get like this."
I told him anyway

He reached over and grabbed my hand. Holding it tightly. I just smiled and gripped it back.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, knowing that he'd be able to hear me more than clearly.
He smiled back at me and clutched my hand with both of his.

"I actually thought that I might lose you this time. When Liam called. He was panicking. Freaking out. Once he told me that you couldn't heal, and you had been shot multiple times. I didn't know what to think. We all came back as soon as we could." He said into his hands, still holding mine.
How could I have been so selfish? Why couldn't have I just handled the problem like everyone else has been doing? They are going through just as much as I am.

"Liam was here you know." Scott said afterwards.
I was wondering that. But I wouldn't have been surprised if he wasn't

"Well I don't know why. I feel like he doesn't even care that much anymore. I don't know what's going on with us."
It was the truth. It felt like Liam and I have been fighting constantly, never getting enough of it.
Maybe I was just being a jealous bitch. But he should also understand why he cannot be hanging out with Hayden. Whether he wants someone to talk to about me or not. I don't care if she wants to become our friends. She lost that chance a long time ago.
Very long ago.

"I get it. I do. But something tells me that he is still madly in love with you. Whether it's the fact that he has been since the moment he rescued you when you came home. Or when he was breaking down during your surgery, and I had to convince him to go home three days after you got out of surgery."

Wait what?

"Three days? I was unconscious for three days?! How long have I been in here?!" Now I was sitting up. With everything going on, I couldn't miss this many days. What's even happened that I don't know about?

"When they brought you in they took you to surgery immediately. You just woke up today. But you've been asleep for about 4 days now, I told Liam to leave yesterday."

My hands were rubbing my head as I felt like I got up way too fast. Not healing sucks. I feel like shit.
But who cares right?

I lifted my legs over the edge of the bed and landed my feet into the cold hospital floors.
The machines all started beeping and making more noises as I took off all of the monitors from my body
"Woah woah woah, what the hell do you think your doing?" Scott asked, rushing to my side and pushing me back into the bed.

"I need to leave here Scott. What's even happened? What have we figured out? 
It's been 4 days Scott. 4 . I need to get out of here."

"And you will." He put his hands on my shoulders and stopped me from moving
"But first you need to rest. I'll talk to my mom about letting you leave tomorrow. But please, let's just stay in here tonight okay? You still can't heal and I need to make sure you are alright." I didn't move, but Scott was already shoving my legs back under the covers and attaching all of the monitors back to my arms and back.

"Fine." I muttered.
He chuckled slightly as he tucked me in with the blanket.

"Now I know you don't want to be in here. So I called Malia and Lydia. They are on their way as we speak. I brought you some snacks from Starbucks but they are bringing you chipotle. So we all can stay in with you. And I brought your favorite movies." He smiled at me, walking over to the drinks and handing me my favorite drink from Starbucks
Double mocha frap.

I nodded my head at him as a "thank you" and started slurping it down.
If this is what it's like to stay in the hospital then maybe I'll never leave.

"Hey Lace! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Why did you stop your healing!? Do you know how stupid that was? Do you have some kind of death wish?"
And here was Lydia and Malia. Bursting through the door with question after question.
Although it was Lydia asking all of them. Malia simply put the food down and gave me a hug.

After Lydia had calmed down. She came over to give me a hug as well. I felt bad for scaring them like that. For making them worry that this time, I might actually die.

How strange is that? This time...
Weird to say.

Although I didn't see Liam at all that night. Lydia, Malia and Scott all stayed with me. We watched movies, ate our food, and talked about anything. Funny stories we remember.
And then I fell asleep...


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