Chapter 1

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I was just strumming my guitar a little when the doorbell rang. I sighed, put down the guitar and walked to the front door to open it. Right before me stands a redhaired boy, and God, he's hot.

"Hi. My name is Gerard, I'm one of the new neighbors. My parents told me to go out and make friends, so I thought, I'll see who lives next to me." the boy smiles.

"Uhm, okay. Nice. My name is Frank." I say, slightly uncomfortable. I'm very shy and I actually don't like meeting new people. But if this guy is going to live next to me, it might be nice to become friends now.

"You... you wanna come in?" I ask him. The boy, Gerard, shrugs his shoulders. "If I'm not bothering you."

"Oh I was bored so actually you're right in time." I smile. I step aside so Gerard can walk in. I close the door behind him and then lead Gerard to the living room, where my mom and dad are.

"Mom, dad, this is Gerard, one of the new neighbors. Is it okay if I hang out with him?" I ask. My parents give Gerard a look, and then they nod.

"Sure, why not." they say, and they return doing whatever they were doing. They don't even greet Gerard. I shake my head and give a little smile to Gerard. "So, you wanna see my room?" I ask him. Gerard nods.

"I love seeing someone's room. It tells me so much about the person." he smiles. I grin. "Okay, watch my room, and then tell me what you think about me." I smile. Gerard smiles back.

"Challenge accepted!" he laughs as we walk to my room.

"This is it." I say, and let Gerard walk in first. My room is... not what someone would expect from me. Everyone always thinks it's dark and black, but instead of that my walls are the color of grass and the windows let in a lot of light. My room is very clean, and not messy. A lot of people expect my room to be messy. I guess it's because I look dark, black and messy myself. But my room isn't any of that.

"Woah Frank, I love your room! It's so... I don't know, it makes me happy." he smiles.

"So, what do you think of me?" I grin.

"Let me think... You have very disturbing thoughts and that's why you keep your room so colourful and clean, so you have at least one place where you can find some peace. You love life, but you're afraid of something." he says. My cheeks start to burn and I turn around so he can't see the tears appearing in my eyes.

"H-how do you know all this?"

"Well... I didn't only take a look at your room, but at you too. It makes perfect sense. You are, sorry for saying this, a little messy. But your room isn't. That explains a lot." he says. I hear him walking over to me and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I made you upset... I didn't mean to... God I just met you and I already screwed up..." he says, and I can tell he really means his excuses. I wipe off my tears and turn around to face Gerard.

"It's okay. You didn't screw up. In fact, you're the first person in my life who notices that I have... well... 'disturbing thoughts' as you called it." I smile.

"You... wanna talk about it?"

"NO! I mean... No... rather not. I never told anyone, except for my parents, and they hated me for it, so I guess it's better if I don't tell anyone ever again. Especially someone I met just ten minutes ago." I grin. Gerard nods.

"You have a point there. Just know, if you ever want to talk about it, well, I'm your neighbor now." Gerard smiles.

"Thanks man. Okay, now I want to see your room, maybe I can do the same thing as you did." I grin. Gerard laughs and then gestures me to follow him.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now