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It's Tuesday, nothing too exciting has happened today. I've literally been laying in my bed- and when I say bed I mean my air mattress- for a couple hours now, watching YouTubers I don't normally watch. I could make this a video, but my camera is no where in arms length, and I'm not in the mood to get up.

Staring at my computer, I tried of thinking of a topic that would interest me. I wanted to watch something spicy, maybe a story time, maybe not? Honestly, I just wanted to hear about a good ass break up. Maybe listening to someone talk about their shitty dating experience will make me happy I'm still single... that's how it works right?

In the search bar, I typed in, 'My bf cheated on me.' And instantly, I was scrolling through hundreds of videos. Reading the titles, and looking at different thumbnails, I finally found one that caught my eye.

This video had 5 million views, and was titled, 'My BF cheated on me with my BFF.'

"Damn, what a bitch." I said out loud, clicking on the video. It better be a good story or else I'm clicking off.

Waiting for the video to load, I checked my phone and saw I had a message from James.

Come over, Ethan and Grayson are here

I let out a groan, not wanting to move at all. Looking back over to my computer screen, my mouth dropped. What, more like who appeared on my screen scared the living shit out of me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed, pushing my laptop away, still staring at the girl who looked exactly like me. Was this a sick joke? Was this girl real? Is this me in my past life?

"Hi guys, I'm Annie, and today I'm going to be telling a story that happened recently. By the title of this video, you already know I got cheated on," The camera zoomed close to her face, she had a sarcastic smile and rolled her eyes. "And honey, let me tell you, was it a ride through hell. But now I'm here, wanting to entertain people, and expose my ex dick friend and my ex bitch friend."

I paused the video, starting at her for a second. Looking down at my arm, I pinched it.

"Owe fuck that hurt." I mumbled, now knowing that this was clearly real life. As flabbergasted as I was, I dialed James' number.

"Hey Sister." James' perky voice shot through the phone. My eyes still never left Annie's face on my screen.

"Hey, I think I'm dying." I said. There's no possible way this girl could look this similar to me. I've heard about having a look a like, but this girl looks too similar to me.

"What do you mean you think you're dying?" James asked, I could tell he thought I was being over dramatic, most likely waiting for me to say some stupid bullshit.

"There's this girl on my screen, she looks exactly like me." I watched as Annie kept talking, the more and more I watched, I noticed how similar we did things.

This is impossible.

"Are you messing with me right now?" I could tell he was confused, but I had zero time to explain over the phone. Honestly, I didn't know how to explain it. There's no possible way this girl could look just like me.... what if...

No, having a secret twin would be impossible.

"No, I'll be right over, see you soon." With that I hung up, shut my laptop, and put on a pair of jeans and a crop top. Throwing my hair up into a bun, I grabbed my keys and headed down stairs.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now