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"Didn't you wear that yesterday?" James asked Emma, pushing his bags in the trunk of Emma's car. I looked over at Emma who was wearing my shirt from a few days ago. The two of us have been sharing clothes because we both share the same style... plus, that's what sisters do.

"No, Annie wore this like two days ago." Emma pushed her bag in farther so I could fit in mine.

"That's why it looks so familiar." James walked around the car to get into the back seat. I looked at Emma shaking my head. She rolled her eyes, shutting her trunk. Ethan and Grayson were already in the back seat, waiting for Emma and I to get in. We all decided to fly to San Francisco because none of us wanted to drive five and a half hours.

Might as well be lazy and take a short car ride to the airport and then a short plane ride to San Francisco.

"Remind me why we decided to take your small ass car." Ethan complained, leaning forward in the middle seat. Emma instantly got triggered, but started smiling.

"Because, Ethan Dolan, I didn't want you to waste gas for all of us to see my family."

Emma and Ethan still weren't dating. Even after yesterday when they made out for a long time... well that's what Emma told me. She was so happy and excited about it. The only upsetting part was he didn't tell her what they were.

So as of right now, they are still friends.

"Wow, you're so kind Emma." Ethan smiled like a smart ass, leaning back into his seat. Grayson rolled his eyes at his brother. He obviously knew what happened also last night. I'm pretty sure James even knows.

"Just fucking date already." Grayson groaned, leaning his head against the window. I turned around, staring directly at Ethan. His face started to get red, not knowing what to say. Emma was also red, holding back a smile.

"This isn't fair, who do I get to date?" James looked back and forth at all of us. The first one to laugh was Ethan, then the rest of us did. James looked butthurt, but slowly got over it.

"Just so you know Daddy Grayson, and Daddy Ethan, I'm way better than those two twins up front." James joked, but sounded completely serious. Grayson and Ethan began to freak out and scream while Emma and I looked at each other with shocked expressions.

"Wow, you're so funny James, haha." Emma faked laughed.

"Yeah, good one James, real good one." I joined in, fake laughing also.

James reached over so he could touch Emma and I's shoulders. "You both know it's true."

This time, we all started laughing together.


The plane ride went smooth, I felt more calm than the last time I was on a plane. The only reason I felt safer was because of Grayson. He held my hand the whole time and let me rest my head on his shoulder. He also calmly played with my hair which felt so relaxing.

James sat on the other side of me, but he was a professional at flying so he wasn't as scared as I was. He still leaned against me because he was tired.

Emma and Ethan sat across from us, HOLDING HANDS, and literally leaning all over each other. We were all shook at their public affection, but we were also all living for it at the same time.

Once we got off the plane, Emma's Mom... my mom, picked us up from the airport in her five passenger seat car... so that left James sitting on Grayson and Ethan's lap.

He rubbed it in our faces.

She then dropped us off at our airbnb we got. We all made sure to get a really nice one because we were treating it as a mini vacation. Our mom let us get settled in and said she'd meet us at the restaurant at 6 o'clock.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now