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After Grayson told, not suggested that we get a plane ticket to Nevada, I needed to drag him in the living room where we could all discuss this together. Him freaking out was making me feel very anxious because I honestly have no idea what he's capable of. Also, the fact that my nudes were leaked was still affecting me majorly.

As we got out to the living room where Ethan and Emma were, they both noticed right away how angry Grayson was. Before anyone could say anything and start planning shit out, I made sure to speak my mind.

"Before we start blurting things out, I just wanna ask if it's a logical idea to fly over to Nevada. Will it be a waste of money? What if Asher didn't even post those and instead he sent them to someone else..." my thought began to drift off, a certain someone coming into my head. "Like fucking Maya." Thinking about Maya made me so angry. Sure Asher did, but Maya, that cruel bitch. Both of them were cruel people.

"Yeah, it's a logical idea, when you guys were talking I was booking plane tickets so we are going." Emma stated without any hesitation. We were all very mad, and right now the only thing we all wanted to do was give Asher and or Maya a taste of their own medicine.

"I don't want to drag you guys into my personal problems." I did feel guilty that all of them were gonna drop their own needs for me. They don't even know Asher and Maya and they still want to go tell them off. How did I get so blessed?

Emma scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Your problem, is my problem. Nobody messes with my sister without going through me first."

"Guys, this is crazy. Are we seriously following through with this? What about James and Evelyn?"  I didn't want to leave them out of this, especially them because James likes the good tea and Evelyn hates Maya and Asher after what they did to me.

"I got them a ticket as well if they wanted to come. The plane leaves tomorrow at 11:45 so we got to get in contact with them sooner than later." Emma answered me, making me pick up my phone to call Evelyn.

"I'll call Evelyn. Can someone try and get ahold of James?" I asked, looking at the three of them. Grayson nodded, getting out his phone.

"I hope he is still up." Grayson said, and I nodded, pressing my phone against my ear.

"Me too, Hey Emma, when do we fly back then?" I looked at my sister who was staring off blankly at the floor.

"The next day, so we have a night there in Nevada."

"Okay, I'll have to let Laurie know then, she'll let us spend the night." Laurie still hasn't left Nevada yet. She's still looking for jobs out here in San Francisco so she can be closer to my real mom and Dad who she used to love dearly before Jim decided to destroy our lives.

Emma sent me a thumbs up and almost right on queue, Evelyn answered her phone.

"Hey girl, what's up?" It sounded like the water was running in the background as if she was taking a shower or was going to.

"My nudes got leaked by either Asher or Maya." I blurted out, still in shock about the whole thing. Evelyn gasped on the other end, probably not expecting me to tell her something like that.

"Are you joking me? I'm so sorry Annie, are they down now?"

"Yeah, they are down now, but we are all flying out to Nevada tomorrow to confront Asher and Maya so we were wondering if you wanted to come along as well." I looked over at Grayson who was also talking with James. I wish I could have been the one to tell him, but I'm sure he'll have a lot to say when I talk to him next.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now