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"This lighting is literally beautiful." James held up his phone, snapping some selfies with Emma, and me. Grayson, and Ethan were getting the jet skis ready for us while Emma, James, and I were trying to find me a swim suit, but of course we got distracted by taking selfies.

"You have to send these to me, I've never looked this good before in my life." I over exaggerated, making different faces.

"Literally same though!" Emma laughed, which caused James, and I to laugh. He took the candid, it turning out so cute.

"Love that, oh my god." James showed all of us, and instantly I moaned.

"Fuck yes, we are so hot." I screamed, hyping us up. I must have screamed it a little too loud because Grayson, and Ethan could hear it from all the way in the water.

"Fuck yeah you are." Grayson yelled back, instantly making us all laugh.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be looking for a swim suit?" Ethan asked, shouting so we could hear. Right away we all remembered our duty, so we began walking towards one of the stores along the beach.

"If you guys knew we were going jet skiing, why didn't you tell me to bring a swim suit?" My hands reached for a white halter bikini top. I checked the size, and it was my size.

"That's really cute, and well I'm not sure, we were just too happy to see you, and all of us forgot." Emma answered me, complimenting my swim suit of choice in the process.

I picked the white bottoms that went along with it, and headed towards the cashier. As the cashier rung me up, Emma quickly pushed her card towards the man so I couldn't pay.

"Here, it's my pleasure since I forgot to tell you to bring one." She smiled, and instantly I felt terrible that she was wasting money on me.

"Emma, no, stop." I looked at her, then at the card the man was now handing back.

"Let's just call it an early birthday present," She winked, putting her card back into her wallet, but then she quickly looked back up. "Wait when is your birthday."

I chuckled, "More like late, my birthday is May 22." I said like it was no big deal, the thought of us being twins never coming to mind. As I got my swimsuit back, I turned around, about to tell them I was going to go put it on, but James and Emma's mouths were dropped.

"What?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"That's my birthday."

My heart dropped to my stomach instantly, hearing those words. Letting them sink in, I didn't know what to say back. If Emma didn't look like me, this wouldn't be a big deal. But since we look alike, and have the same birthday, it kinda is a big deal.

"We are going to the doctors office tomorrow," Is what I found spilling out of my mouth. "There's no way our parents would tell the truth if we didn't have proof." I'm surprised at how well I was handling my feelings right now. Especially since if we were twins, I knew I'd be the one that got separated.

"I agree, let's just try to have fun right now okay? Let's go put your swim suit on." Emma led the way to a changing room. The three of us all got in as if it was completely normal.

"This is insane." James commented, still caught up on another factor that leads to Emma and I being secret twins.

"Tell me about, why the hell would my parents never tell me? Why would my parents ever spilt up twins?" Emma was talking as if she knew we were twins. I wasn't stopping her either because I believed it as much as she did.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now