forty three

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"This is too sketch, we can't just casually show up to her hotel." Ethan implied, sitting up further in the back seat so his hands were wrapped around Emma's head rest in the drivers seat. We were all back in LA, currently exhausted as usual, but some what made the executive decision to meet Maya at her hotel.

And when I say some what, the only people who agreed on meeting her was myself, Evelyn, and kind of Emma after I begged her.

Grayson, Ethan and James were fully against this, thinking it was the sketchiest thing in the world. Once Grayson woke up at my house in Nevada, I showed him Maya's message and he shook his head, not wanting me to go. He said it was very unsafe, not knowing what she could do.

Her physically hurting me never crossed my mind once because he mentioned it. Everyone was fine with me walking up to Maya's actual home, but not her hotel where there's people present everywhere?

Ethan also agreed with his brother, saying he had a bad feeling about this one. The fact that Maya's mom must have messaged her saying I showed up asking for her, then Maya getting this idea to text me to meet up.

To me, that doesn't seem weird. It just seems like Maya wants to actually talk to me/ is letting me talk to her. Maybe I can get proof it was her or Asher who leaked my nudes.

When I showed James the message, he instantly replied with "No Annie, you're not going." He seemed legitimately concerned, myself and Evelyn once again not seeing the big deal. Evelyn was all for it, wanting to confront Maya and hear what she had to say.

Emma was on the fence, but she soon became optimistic about it.

Once again, the six of us sat in Emma's car, driving to another hotel to confront another crazy bitch. How many times are we going to have to do this?

Looking back at Ethan, myself in the passengers seat, I rolled my eyes. "Maya is the weakest bitch I've ever met. See how I have no muscles?" I flexed, proving to them I had no upper body strength. Ethan nodded with a laugh. "Yeah, Maya has less than me, I could even take her." Considering how mad I am, I could probably take her for a real one.

"Put those babies away, I'm getting distracted." Grayson placed his hand on my arm to make me put my arm down. His comment made me smile, chuckling a bit.

Almost on queue, my phone's maps said to take a right at the stop and go lights, Emma placing her blinker on. Curious as to how close we were getting, I looked down at my phone. A sudden rush of nerves ran through my body seeing the hotel was approximately 2 minutes away. Where the fuck did time go?

Just like yesterday, I was so nervous to the point of crying. I had no idea what I had in store from my dearest old friend Maya. What if Asher is there? What if he try's to attack me?

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Evelyn who was behind me in the back seat rubbed my arm. Thankfully, she was coming up with me to talk to Maya so I wouldn't be alone. I mean, everyone's coming up, but they are just gonna wait in the hallway, hopefully.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to laugh off my nerves. "I'm gonna shit myself." My stomach hurt so bad, but I knew once I saw her, those nerves would get pushed to the side and my confrontation side would come out.

"I kinda got to shit too, do you think Maya will let me use her toilet?" Emma butted in, and instantly after hearing my sister say this, I bursted out a loud laugh.

Everyone else did as well due to Emma's weirdness and her half way jokingly matter.

As the laughter died down, Maya's hotel came into view, myself groaning in anticipation. I was not ready for this because this right here was the real deal. Maya was for sure here... with Asher? Maybe.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now