twenty three

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My heart was racing, there was no way in hell I could convince myself to walk in the front doors of my house and confront who I thought were my biological parents.

There was no way.

Nobody was home, it wasn't like I planned it that way. My "mom and Dad" both knew I was coming back today, but they wouldn't be home from work until later. I'm really thankful they aren't here, I don't think I could face them right now. I don't even know if I can face them in a couple hours.

I've been dreading today since I found out Emma and I were actually twins. But here we are, one big happy family.

Standing in front of my childhood home, Emma, my actual parents, the twins, and James all stood behind me. I stared at the house, in silence. Trying to build up any courage I had.

They did this to me, I can't be afraid of them.

Slowly, I began to take a few steps forward, towards the front door. I had my keys in my hand, ready to open the door for my real family, to show them what my life was like.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned it to the right. Hearing a little unlocking noise, I pushed down on the door handle, and opened the door. Instantly, my nose was filled with clean laundry detergent and perfume.

The smell that usually lingered around my house.

Looking behind me, I motioned for everyone to follow me inside.

Everything looked exactly the same as when I left. Clean as usual.

I watched as everyone filed in, taking in my home. I looked to my mom who had a hand covered over her mouth, looking at some pictures of me growing up on the wall. Along with some of my senior pictures.

My dad looked around too. I noticed him looking at a picture of my "mom", his step sister. I can't imagine how nervous he is, it's been years since they've seen or spoken to each other.

Meeting eye contact with Emma, she sent me a small smile. "Show me your room?" She suggested, probably wanting to take all our minds off of what is next to come.

I nodded, pointing to the stairs. "This way."

Leading Emma, Grayson, Ethan, and James up the stairs and to my bedroom, I noticed there was a note on my door. Before any of us went in, we all read it.

We will be home at four o'clock. Love you sweetie, so excited to see you! - Love, Mom

My heart dropped, hating every second of this. I was hurting, so fucking bad, but I've been trying my hardest to keep it all in. Maybe my life was a lie, but that didn't make my "mom" or even "Dad" less of a parent to me. They raised me. As fucked up as this situation is, they are the people that I believed were my parents.

How can I just forget that they are my parents? But will I ever be able to forgive them? Will I ever look at them the same?

My eyes began to become blurry, a sheet of water formed upon my eyes.

I couldn't cry now. Trying my hardest to forget, I blinked a few times before putting on my fakest smile.

"Let's hope my room isn't messy." I laughed, opening my bedroom door. Flicking on the light, my whole room was spotless.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now