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I had to walk away. I needed time to think to myself before I could process anything else. Excusing myself, I left Emma and our parents alone. It was the best decision I could make right now because I know Emma just needed time.

Walking into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and looked in the mirror. The reflection I saw back was completely different than the last time I saw myself. I looked rough, my whole face was blotchy from crying and my eye sockets were drooping. I looked stressed.

Running a hand through my hair, I let out a loud sigh that I've been holding in forever. Ever since they started talking and explaining things it's just been hard for me to handle it. My life could have been so much different. But I never had that chance. Seventeen years taken away from my actual family... the family I was supposed to grow up around. It was their deal. It was my "parents" promise.

But no, Jim ruined that for me and "Mom" couldn't say no.

How could she not say no? Her own brother and sister and law gave her me, one of their actual babies. The least they could have done was keep their promise.

Just thinking about it made me tear up again.

My heart heart so much, wondering why this happened. What things would have been different. I also have this weird feeling of longing for something that I've been missing this whole time. I'm pretty sure it's my actual parents. Even though I didn't know of them until now, it's like I've missed them this whole time...

As bad as I want to forget about everything, I just can't. I'm not mad at them, Emma and I's biological parents, I'm just not ready to let them into my life so quick. It's hard, but good to know the truth, but they aren't my "parents." They didn't raise me and I didn't grow up with them. I know for sure it would have been different if things didn't go the way they did,but technically they are strangers.

I'm also a stranger to them.

Talking a deep breath, I whipped my tears with some toilet paper, and threw it in the miniature garbage can before walking back to the living room.

They were all talking again, but stopped once they saw me. I tried to smile, but I'm pretty sure I only did it in my head.

"You okay, sweetie?" Our Mom asked as I sat down next to Emma again. Even though I felt like I wasn't okay, I knew hearing the truth was the best thing.

"Yes, are you?" I asked kindly back. She closed mouth smiled, bringing up a tissue to whip a falling tear.

"I'm just happy you're okay," She simply stated. I watched as she looked over at Emma. "And I'm happy you're okay. You both are so brave and understanding. Seeing you two together warms my heart. I'm not expecting us to all be a family right away, but I love you both dearly. Whenever you're ready Annie, we'll all be here for you."

Hearing her say this made me feel reassured and relieved. She's not pushing me into anything, and is letting me take things at my own pace. Don't get me wrong I want to be apart of this family, but not forcefully. I want things to be natural.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I said, standing up so I could give her a hug. My mom hugged me back tightly once again. We both let go and I hugged my dad.

Turning around, I looked at Emma. She was smiling with tears in her eyes. She stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"We'll probably get going, you girls are probably busy today, aren't you?" Our mom asked normally.

"Uh, yeah we were gonna hangout with James, Ethan, and Grayson. But Annie is here for awhile, we could all get lunch tomorrow?" Emma explained our situation to our parents.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now