forty two

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All of us pissed off to the point of no return, we went back to my childhood home where Laurie was, welcoming us with open arms. She was especially excited to see Evelyn who she hasn't seen in years as well. We all told Laurie the situation, saying how Maya and Asher were both in California where we first were. She was instantly pissed, wanting to get back at them just as bad.

"I'm going to have to contact their parents and let them know what is happening. There behavior is absolutely unacceptable." Laurie went off, grabbing her phone, but I quickly put my hand over her screen, not wanting her to call. She looked up at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Not yet, I have to confirm it was them. I mean, I know it was them, but I don't know if they sent it to haters of mine or they just did it all themselves." I didn't want to make a complete fool out of myself yet... not until I know the full story.

Laurie rolled her eyes, placing her phone down. "Okay."

It was frustrating for all of us, but I didn't want to make any wrong moves on my part. I need them to look like the bad guys, which they are and always have been. I'm sick of people victimizing themselves to get what they want.

Feeling absolutely exhausted and defeated, I announced to everyone, "I'm gonna take a nap." Nobody said anything, not bothering me at all because I really did just want to sleep on this one.

Walking up the stairs, I heard someone behind me, but I didn't feel the need to turn back around. My emotions were very heightened due to how frustrated I felt. I wiped away a stray tear that began to roll down my cheek, not wanting to ruin my makeup, but I knew that was going to be impossible.

Walking into my room, it was the same as I left it once we moved me out. An absolute mess.

Clothes were thrown around the room, my bed wasn't even made, my dresser hung half open and my nail polish box was dumped on the ground. Instantly, I frowned, completely and utterly ashamed of myself. We really did leave in a rush, but I could have at least picked up.

Sighing, I started to grab some of the clothes that I decided not to take, throwing them on my bed so I could go through them, even though I said I was taking a nap. I could not nap in peace if my room was a mess.

As I was bending over, I heard a knock on my door frame, realizing I forgot to close the door behind me. Quickly grabbing the item of clothing, I turned around, meeting eye contact with my boyfriend who had a sly smile on his face.

A sympathetic one.

"Hi." I greeted, bending over once again to snatch some more clothes, clearing my floor up. Grayson watched me do this, continuing to lean against my door frame.

"Can I come in?" He asked politely. I felt bad for being the way I was, but I just wasn't feeling so hot. It's been a weird and rough day and all I wanted to do was cry. I did not deserve Grayson right now, not wanting to put him through my rollercoaster emotions.

"Yeah, you can shut the door." I stated calmly, sitting on my bed to begin folding clothes. In the corner of my eye, I watched him shut the door and slowly walk over to my bed, finding a open spot to sit down. The two of us didn't say anything, he just grabbed one of my shirts and lifted it up, looking at it. This caught my attention, studying the shirt myself.

Anger rushed through my body, wanting to burn that shirt right now.

"We can toss that one." I simply said, snatching it from his hands and making a "throw away" pile on the floor. I then tossed the shirt I currently had in my hands in the same pile as well.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now