thirty four

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This chapter is not edited, I apologize


"I love you."

Those three words, those eight letters took me off guard. Maybe I knew it was coming. I had this weird feeling that he was going to say it, but just hearing Grayson say those words made my whole body tense up with happiness.

I never expected myself to feel this sort of way with someone. With Asher, it was all different... but with Grayson, it felt magical to say the least.

With my heart pounding against my chest, my cheeks fully blushed, I brought my hand up to Grayson's face so I could be in control now. Once we made eye contact, I felt a smile start to creep up on my face. This kid, I can't explain how much he means to me.

"I love you."

And just like that, a smile broke across Grayson's face. Slowly, he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling his lap. Both of us still wearing the biggest smiles of all time. I felt like I was on top of the world, this feeling of happiness was incredible.

Grayson wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. As bad as I wanted to lay down on his chest, I knew I couldn't because of how sore I was. Just sitting there on top of him, I began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Grayson chuckled, brushing a loose piece of my hair away from my face. He continued to smile at me which made me feel so warm inside.

My face got hotter, but I didn't care. "Because, I'm so happy." I admitted, touching the side of his cheek with my hand. I rubbed his soft cheek with my thumb, smiling widely at him.

I watched as Grayson's face began to turn red, looking away from me for a second. It was as if he was speechless.

"You have no idea how hard it is for me to not just roll you over and kiss you." He now admitted.  It was as if saying those three words gave us the strength to say whatever was on our minds.

"Well, do it then." I said, wanting to kiss him just as bad.

He let out a huff, "But I don't want to hurt you."

I rolled my eyes, slowly getting off of him, but keeping a grip on his shoulders so his body would follow mine.



Grayson ended up getting me a new camera, along with a vlog camera. Outrageous, but he insisted. I thought it was incredibly sweet considering Freya ruined my only camera.

He also got me the cutest leather ankle Gucci boots. I about screamed when I saw them, knowing he spent a fortune on me. The rest of the gifts were small, such as my favorite candy and snacks.

I literally didn't know how to thank him, but Grayson told me he wanted me to have these gifts and to not feel guilty about the money well spent.

Shortly after, everyone else showed up, James yelling for a slice of cake. We all dug in, taking the cutest pictures. Emma ended up posting one of us, the two of us not even bothering with looking at the comments. She already uploaded an explanation video of us, plus we were just trying to focus on us right now... not what other people had to say on social media.

After cake, a ton of pictures, and laughs later, it was getting pretty late so Grayson's date idea kind of flopped on us. Instead, we decided to go on the date tomorrow so we could have the whole day to ourselves... which I loved and literally cannot wait for.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now