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I felt relieved, but at the same time I was in pain. My heart was throbbing out of my chest just imagining how my life could have been. But instead two people ruined that for me, gave me no choice because I was a helpless child. They hid a huge part of my life from me. How did they live with that choice? How did my 'mother' let Jim do this to her?

A few tears fell down my cheek, wanting to go back in time, have my life story be changed.

Emma laid next to me, sniffling quietly. She scrolled through her phone, most likely trying to take her mind off of things. Both of us could not sleep, this news was keeping our minds awake.

It's crazy how long today was, how much stuff we completed and we even got answers as to why we look alike. Today was definitely mentally draining.

Emma and I decided to wait and tell the boys tomorrow about the news. If we did it tonight then they'd be asking a million questions and we were not up to explain everything to them. I still texted Grayson though, he was a nice distraction.

Grayson - You just wait for tomorrow, it's going to be so much fun. I have so many surprises for you :)

Reading Grayson's text message made me smile, even though I was sad. I'm hoping tomorrow will be fun, I don't want this truth to ruin tomorrow.

Me - I'm so excited Gray :) you're the best, but I'm super tired. Talk to you in the morning, sweet dreams cutie

I felt bad for lying to him, but I just wanted to close my eyes and think. Even if it did break my heart to think about the situation, I just needed to.

Grayson - Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams


My heavy eyes opened, revealing sunshine flowing through the balcony doors. Moving from my back to my side, my whole body ached. I must have only slept for about three hours. It definitely wasn't much, but I'll have to deal with it.

Emma wasn't next to me, making me wondering where she went. Maybe she's in the shower?

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes forcefully with my pointer fingers trying to rub all the sleep away. Opening my eyes again, all I saw were black dots.

"Good morning to me." I whispered, sarcastically, throwing the covers off of me so I could go check the bathroom to see if Emma was in there. Instant goosebumps formed on my legs once I started walking to the bathroom. It was freezing in here from the air conditioning.

Making my way to the bathroom, the door  was shut indicating Emma was in fact in there. I heard the watering running, making my bladder tighten. I really had to pee, I don't care if she's naked.

Opening the door, it was very steamy in the bathroom which felt nice since I was freezing.

"Hey, I'm gonna pee." I said louder than usual so she could hear me. Emma screamed, not knowing I was in here.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now