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This isn't edited because I wanted to get it out once I got done writing it so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes ://


The drive to the boat wasn't far at all. In a span of five minutes, my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard. Literally, I've never laughed this much, and this hard in my life.

Arriving at the boat which took us to a reef, Grayson held my hand the whole time. My heart was racing out of control, and I felt so happy inside.

As we got all situated, Ethan made a comment. "Dude, what if we see sharks." Almsot instantly, we all groaned.

"Oh my god Ethan." James said annoyed, obviously not liking Ethan for putting the thought into our heads.

"Stoooop." Grayson dragged out, throwing his head back beside me.

"I just said what if." Ethan retorted. He was sitting next to Emma. Even though they say they don't have a thing, I can clearly see the chemistry between them.

Once we all calmed down, and the boat took off to the reef, I looked over at Grayson. He was looking off into the water, but he must have felt me staring at him because he turned his head. Shooting me a smile, he asked, "Yes babe?"

Instant butterflies. This kid is going to kill me soon. A smile formed upon my lips before I told him what was on my mind.

"This is so crazy, I can't believe I'm here with you, and everyone," My eyes left his, looking at the island we were approaching. "And I can't believe we are going snorkeling, I've always wanted to go, and I'm finally getting the chance to with people I love." Looking back at Grayson, he was smiling widely.

"I'm so happy you're happy. All of us want to make your trip here memorable. We literally love you so much Annie, and I know that might seem like a little much, but I feel like you get to know someone just by binge watching their videos." Grayson explained, and I couldn't help but just feel amazing. He was so easy to talk to, I couldn't wait to have more conversation with him later.

"I love you guys, literally I've watched all of James' videos, all of you and Ethan's, also some of Emma's. I've never felt so comfortable in my life, I feel like I just fit in. I love how accepted I am." I said, being completely honest with Grayson. He nodded his head, his hand squeezing mine.

"We'll always be here for you Annie, this Isn't a one time thing."

Hearing him say that really made me feel secure. Knowing I have them to fall back on, I never have to worry about being alone.

"Thank you, Grayson." I leaned over, giving him a hug. He instantly accepted, wrapping his arms around me.

Shortly, our moment was interrupted by James. "We are here!"

I leaned away from Grayson so I could look around us. The water was clear, so see through that I could see the vegetation and fish from the boat.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited." I squealed, standing up excitedly. Leaning over the boat, I watched all the fish pass, seeing the bottom come up quickly. Soon the driver parked the boat, and we all safely got off onto this beach island.

"This is beautiful." Emma commented, standing next to me admiring the water. I nodded, agreeing with her.

"I literally can't wait to go snorkeling, we are gonna see so much cool shit." Ethan added, already putting his snorkel on. We all looked at him and laughed.

My Secret Twin Sister//Emma Chamberlain + Dolan Twins +James CharlesWhere stories live. Discover now