|Chapter 1|

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I had seen many things in my life. I know an eighteen year-old with PTSD, slightly bi-polar who knows more about the world than some adults. To this day I had seen the ugly side of life. So many ugly things.

From seeing rogues tear apart my parents. A demon betraying his master believing he was helping. A stripper torn apart by a rogue. I saw the war between the Vardock family and the supernatural species of Greenburg and I participated in that war. I had seen many things in my life but this? This was just something I didn't want to see.

'I don't think anyone wants to see this. Not even some sadistic demon wants to see this.' So with being a hunter an executer hunter I tracked down rogues and Forsaken to kill. I was used to that by now but not this.

Honestly all I was doing was tracking down some rogue who took a girl and ran with her. All I had to do was shoot the rogue and bring the girl back. Instead I walked upon quite the sight that I did not want to see.

'Turns out the girl was quite the catch for that rogue. Or quite the beauty killer in the end as well. Man people do weird shit.' This case proves that any species can have the fucked up minds but it's best to stay away from those fucked up minds.

The girl had torn out the rogue's throat and decided to take a nip of necrophilia. We found her having sex with the rogue's dead body. That was absolutely disgusting and I know a war should be the more horrifying thing. Seeing people dying, but I learned from a young age people died.

But never in my life had I seen people having sex with dead bodies. Turns out the girl was very fucked in the head and to make it icing on the top she was hybrid. I swear hybrids were booming lately. She was some vampire-werewolf hybrid who took a dip on the dark side.

'And did her kidnapper after murdering him. Even Lilith is grossed out over that and Lilith is a sex demon no less.' 'Yeah, and Lilith has had quite interesting partners.' Satan nodded. But she attacked us and we put some bullets in her and the pack had to pay us double.

It was an executing case for the rogue but she executed him and had sex with him then attempted to kill us. The Organization demanded double for not mentioning that she had extreme mental problems. Now that pack was being watched like a hawk since that.

Well for two hours since Derik and I drove away from the pack two hours ago. 'Least it didn't disgust your appetite away since that all of that running made you hungry.' 'It almost did, but Derik and I cooled ourselves down from that shit.' Now we had found ourselves a nice place to eat.

Aroma. A nice diner in the neighboring town of Spring Meadows, Spring Meadows was thirty five minutes from Greenburg and now we were eating at Aroma. It was an old styled diner mixed with some of the newer things and Derik and I were eating their and Derik and I paid from the pack.

'Mm, and all the food they got and nice and greasy plus full of all the fat you seem to like as well. Least you don't eat fast food all the time.' I had a cooking demon which was good or I'd be eating fast food and frozen meals.

But Derik had gotten himself a big Philly cheesesteak sandwich with all of the things on it. Then with a side of fries that were covered in salt as he added more on. And he topped that off with some Pepsi that he had gotten for a drink full of ice.

I had gotten myself some supreme nachos. 'You and your nachos, you seem to love those things so much you made Flimur make you some good ones.' I did love me some nachos, they could be both a snack and a meal making them perfect.

But I had gotten myself a big basket of supreme nachos but took some things off. The nachos were drenched in a creamy cheese sauce topped with hamburger meat, bits of chili powder, and some taco meat along with a bowl of the cheese sauce to dip it in which was perfect.

'Some nice tasty nachos to top off your day and get rid of that nasty shit from your mind.' After this Derik would return to Lyric and I had a picture to deliver to Dalton. I made him a wolf drawing as a thank you with Salkov and keeping him off my back while I dealt with Asyla.

And also to vent to him about this damn case going on. Derik was taking bites of his Philly cheesesteak. "So that case was something." Derik said as he wiped his lip off the sauce and I nodded in agreement with him at that.

'Well I think all three of us can agree on the fact that the girl was a lunatic who deserved to be locked up.' 'But her dumbass went after us forcing us to put some bullets in her and end her life to protect our own lives.' Satan nodded at that.

Dipping one of the tortilla ships I looked back at Derik. "So where are you going after you drop me off?" Derik asked. "Dalton's, I'm giving him a drawing. As a thank you for helping me out with the Vardock heads." I told Derik who nodded at that. "What's on the drawing?" Derik asked.

"I drew some wolves for him. Just a small pack of wolves howling in a forest and it's shaded in with colored pencil and charcoal so to me it looks really good." I told Derik. 'It looks good to me too. You always make good pictures. People like you have talent.'

And I wasn't wasting mine. I drew, sketched, and painted all the time as it was a passion of mine. When I had a storm in my mind as I expressed it on paper. When things just came to me I expressed it on paper as well.

Art was just a passion of mine. 'You even picked up just a bit of pottery.' 'Well pottery is quite fun you know. All the clay that you get to use and paint and they are useful as well.' I even did some of the bead color coding papers and framed them on my wall.

Art was a passion of mine and arts and crafts just came along with it. Derik took a sip of his drink. I had gotten myself some sweet tea and put some lemons in it, the perfect thing for when it got hot outside. Stupid heat wave.

Least it was cooling off now. 'Which is better than nothing. Good thing in hell there is no such things as a heat wave. Just hot and then extremely cold parts of hell. It's all simple. . . I guess in hell.' Lucky for hell. Least it wasn't as bad as the south.

But the diner had some nice AC in here which was great. We had given my mustang some AC, cranked it up to a really good high since I liked my car cold. And right now Maryse was laying at my feet in her service dog vest. Well she was well behaved.

More than any service dog as she listened to me at all times. 'Well she is a hellhound and you her master. There is no doubt in my mind that she is better than a service dog since she is a demon who lives to please their master.'

I didn't see myself as a master though. Once we had finished our food we both refilled our drinks. We decided to buy ice cream and Derik bought Lyric a frozen banana covered in sprinkles before we went back out to my mustang with Derik driving, Maryse in the back, and me in the passenger seat.

Derik and I cast one more glance at Aroma. "I should bring Lyric on a date here one day." Derik said and I smiled just a bit that. "Maybe a double date." Derik said giving me this look. 'Oh look he wants you and Dalton to go out to Aroma with him and Lyric.'

"I'll think about it." I told Derik who smiled as he revved my car up. "I'll drop myself off then you can go see Dalton." Derik said as he took a sip of his drink and I nodded as we settled back the case passing our minds now.

1445. And Immortal Revelations has started! As you can see Isabella is back at it with her cases and diner food. Man. . . I want to go to a diner. I'm having barbeque chicken on the grill with some Velveeta mac and cheese. Until next time my Velveeta marshmallows.

 Until next time my Velveeta marshmallows

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