|Chapter 16|

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Enyr's new puppy Summer really was cute. An adorable husky mix. She was a cute little thing that sat in Enyr's lap the entire time. Maryse kept on leaning over to sniff her in interest at the little fur ball in Enyr's lap.

'You know I sometimes forget how cute huskies and all those dogs with the pointy ears tend to be. They're just so cute.' I nodded at that. Isabella's house was getting a nice edition to it. They dropped me back off at my house before heading to PetSmart to get her a leash and some toys.

I went to the diner room, ate dinner before heading up to bed once more. Isabella sent some pictures of Summer in her new bed in Enyr's room. A video of summer meeting Caesar who barked at her for a bit before going and sniffing her.

'Which ended in an adorable little play session between the two of them. With Summer pulling on his ears while he pushed her around.' All while being monitored by Maryse. A few more pictures of Summer with some toys and eating her food while laying down being a lazy dog.

We made plans to bring Summer over to meet Hades and Gracie for the first time and get some socialization in. Enyr was no doubt in plans of what he'd be doing with her. I smiled at that last night at the thought of what little Summer could be doing in life.

'Isabella then told us good night as her texts stopped and then like usual we fed the fish and went off to bed.' Hades came in the room and laid down at the door. Halfway through the night he made his roundly checks of the house before going lay down with Gracie downstairs.

Like he always did. I woke up at 8 O'clock and my mom made some French toast and I had some before going to my bag. I did a bit of the homework from college class and some of the things I had to do and how I planned to put the degree to work.

After that I watched some reruns of Supernatural before picking up a book and laying on the book to read it. 'All while Supernatural plays in the background and mom goes around the house and making her clothes for her clothes line.'

"Hey you doing anything?"

I looked over to see Nico in the doorway. "Just reading a book." I told Nico pushing myself up. "Can you come here for a moment." Nico said. "Yeah, is it important?" I asked Nico standing up. "Very important." Nico said and I nodded at that as Hades watched me.

'Now I'm curious on what Nico wants if it's important, hopefully it isn't to restrain Angel while he pulls a splinter out. Angel is nasty when it comes to splinters.' And it was weird as well. I had to restrain her arms for Nico could pull out the splinter.

For a rogue that had been through lots of pain she hated having splinters pulled out. I think at times she'd just prefer for them to be in her feet and feel pain every time she steps down. So Nico typically suckers the nearest brother to hold her still so he can pull it out.

And Angel could get pretty nasty when trying to restrain her. She'd tear up your arms. And then give you dirty looks for two days straight. Although Nico did it for her own good. Pulling out her splinters so she'd stop complaining about how it hurt her foot.

'We are capable of all sort of healing, but our healing skills won't push out splinters. That it can't do, but it will heal the hole practically instantly the moment the splinter comes out.' Small wounds like paper cuts were healed very quickly along with splinters embedded in the foot.

Nico stopped at his door and opened it. Angel was sitting on the bed with a book in her hands. And surrounded by other books. Her dirty blonde hair with the pink stripes was up in a braid her blue eyes traveling over the paper and she looked up as I came in.

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