|Chapter 22|

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Isabella called me the next morning. She was going over the immortals book that Nico had given her. Apparently she believed she might of found something important so now I had to get everything done quickly before heading over to Isabella's to see what she found.

So I was getting dressed. I put on some of my joggers and then just a regular t-shirt. Then my converse. 'I wonder what she found in the book. I doubt that she read the pages Nico marked off. She's probably been going through the entire book.'

I didn't doubt that one bit. Once I was fully dressed I combed my hair on the way downstairs. My mother wasn't making anything for breakfast so I popped a bagel in the toaster. Once it was a nice golden color I put the cream cheese on it before going upstairs to eat it.

Once I was done eating the bagel I dumped the paper towel in the waste bin before washing my face. Then I brushed my teeth with the charcoal mint toothpaste. Then I was out the door grabbing a light sweatshirt. Then downstairs I was walking past my awake brothers.

'Which happens to be Nico and Rodney. The rest are no doubt still asleep in bed. Lazy asses. Sleeping till 12.' I nodded at that as I drummed my fingers against the counter as I walked to where the keys were hung up. Numerous keys since we all had our own car.

I grabbed my truck keys before I was out the door. Then I went back inside and left a note for my mother telling her I would be at Isabella's. Then out I was again to my car. I opened the driver's door before climbing in and brushing my hair aside.

'Now we are on a mission. Isabella has something to show us that may be helpful and important.' And we'd take anything at this point. So I started up my truck before pulling out of the gravel driveway and turning around. Then off we were to Isabella's duplex.
Isabella was waiting in the back for me in a pair of capris and a tank top. I came around before stopping and leaning against the duplex. I didn't want to surprise her and risk getting shot since her pistol was near her like usual. And coming up behind her was the perfect way to get shot.

And I wasn't juggling fate to see if she'd shoot me. Or if she'd shoot me in a spot that wouldn't kill me. So I'd just wait for her to notice me. 'It sort of sucks that she can't smell us. But I'm pretty sure Maryse can smell us.'

I looked at Maryse who looked at me. When she did Isabella looked over and smiled a bit at me. She had a pretty smile when she actually smiled. Not a forced smile nor a smirk, but an actual smile. It was nice seeing those smiles when she gave them to you.

Very nice. 'Looks like she has the book with her. Now I'm really interested on what secrets that book beholds.' As was I. I went over to Isabella after she made a motion for me to come over. She had a seat open next to her.

I took a seat in it before casting a glance over to her. "So what did you find in the book?" I asked Isabella scooting the chair a bit closer to her so I could get a clear view of the book. The old leather book was placed in her lap carefully.

Her finger held a certain page. 'And I bet that page is the one with the information that she believes will be of use to us.' "Well I was reading this. The entire thing when I came upon a section with pictures." Isabella said giving me this look and I nodded.

I sort of had a feeling on where this would be going. "There were drawings of the immortal massacre. Drawings of the three brothers, but they were blurry and not done well." Isabella said. 'And out comes her inner artist to critique whoever drew those drawings. I have no doubt she'll be redrawing them.'

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