|Chapter 9|

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The clothes had been bagged to get burned before we brought it back to Dalton's parents house as they began to talk about the Forsaken. The Forsaken had a branding near it's collarbone. The branding was never something good, especially on a Forsaken.

The brand on a Forsaken meant that some vampire coven was doing illegal things. 'They're owning Forsaken. Which is illegal by all means.' 'Yeah and now they let a Forsaken loose in Black Crescent Moon territory.' Hopefully we weren't about to have a full out turf war as Black Crescent Moon didn't respond nicely.

Responding nicely ended when people took advantage of that. If you messed with them if typically wouldn't end pretty. Now here I was sitting at the table as Danielle and Jackson talked about this Forsaken while I sat next to Dalton. Dalton was quiet as he watched his parents.

'So many thoughts are no doubt running through his mind. Another Forsaken pops up after the vampire problem was handled.' Something that was not wanted by anyone. I honestly would rather deal with rogues as some could be talked down. As long as they're sanity was attached you could talk them down.

No one could talk down a Forsaken. Once a Forsaken always a Forsaken. They did forsake themselves. A rogue could become normal, they could become a lone wolf or a pack wolf. Just like Angel had done. She went from a rogue to a pack wolf when she met Nico.

'A love story that ended quite well when you think about it.' I nodded at that. I looked over at Dalton who's blue eyes turned to me. Dalton smiled just a bit at me as he brushed some of his jet black hair from his face and watched me.

"Wasn't exactly how I planned to spend time with you." Dalton said with a bit of a nervous smile. "But it's better than no time I guess." Dalton said with a bit of a smile on his face. I nodded at that as I looked where the dogs were playing with each other.

Caesar was sitting down as Gracie tried to get him to join in and play. 'Caesar is grumpy when it comes to playing. All he really does is grumble and grumble hoping to scare them away.' It never really worked when it Gracie and Hades when you thought about it.

The both of them would tag team Caesar until he finally gave in and began to play with them. Once he gave in they stopped tag teaming him. But after that they'd go to rough housing through the house before they got told to stop, and then they'd stop.

'And while this happens Maryse just sits and watches the dogs be dogs.' 'While no doubt seeing her intelligence to them in her mind no doubt.' As if Maryse knew I was thinking about her she looked over at me. Her ears perked up when she noticed I was looking at her as well.

Like expected Maryse was sitting on the floor watching Gracie irritate Caesar in an attempt to get him to play with her. Hades watched from afar prepared to cut in if needed. Hades looked over at me and laid down while watching Gracie nip at Caesar who rumbled at him.

'The two are just something in a half you know? She's always trying to get him to play, and he's always trying to make her leave.' It was cute in it's own way. I put my head back to Dalton who ran a hand through his hair before turning to me.

"Who do you think that Forsaken belonged to?" Dalton asked and I shrugged at that. Brandings weren't something I had learned. As an executer hunter I wasn't taught how to read brandings and other things like that. I was taught how to sneak up on people and kill them and execute it properly.

Other than that I wasn't taught how to identify brandings. Although it seemed lately I needed more training as my jobs seemed to not only do execution jobs. Maybe I should ask Victor to teach me how to do all of these things if I happen to want to succeed.

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