|Chapter 8|

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Isabella may of been a bit mad about me dragging her to the lake but in the end we had fun. The rest of the evening was spent with us finishing up the food, talking to each other, and drying off.

She seemed to be in a good mood that afternoon. 'Even after you decided to go to the lake with her in your arms.' 'Hey she said she wasn't going there unless she could touch the ground or have something to hold onto. She had me to hold onto.' Ash stopped knowing I was right

After it began getting dark out we packed up all our things we headed back to my place. Maryse kept in the front while Isabella walked next to me. We got back to my house within fifteen minutes and Isabella stayed for five minutes to talk.

'She took her car this time which was a shocker. Typically when it's nice out she takes her bike, but she was in a pair of shorts.' Isabella sat outside with me while Maryse went and loaded up into the car. We talked a bit more and Isabella said if I wanted to I could come over tomorrow.

And of course I agreed to as I had no intentions of not spending time with Isabella. Spending time with her was one of the things I enjoyed doing the most. No matter where we happen to be I wouldn't give up spending time with Isabella.

After we were done talking Isabella headed home with a small wave. 'And once more our day ended quite well. That tends to happen when Isabella comes around.' It did. I watched Isabella leave before going inside and putting all of dishes in the dishwasher and trash in the trashcan.

My mom was in her room with my dad who was on the bed. She was no doubt working on her line while my dad worked on paperwork. I said goodnight to my mom who smiled and returned it before stopping her clothing and going lay down with my dad once more.

I said goodnight to everyone else, made sure Aries had water and put him up for the night in his kennel. His fan was on in there blowing nice air at him. 'I'm pretty sure mom has intentions to build him a actual dog house with AC and attach it to the kennel.'

My mom would spoil these dogs rotten at any time. Once I made sure the dogs were watered I went back up to bed and fed the fish before falling asleep eager to see Isabella once more in the morning to spend more time with her once again.
For breakfast mom made pancakes and sausage along with some biscuits and gravy. 'Mom once more outdid herself with breakfast. But then again I won't complain, the food is very good.' Dad was here as it was his day off as well.

Angel was quiet as she ate next to Nico eating. All of my brothers mates were with us. Freya and Love included. I was quiet as I cut up my pancake and dipped it in the syrup before eating it. My dad was talking to my mom about the pack like usual.

'Keeping tabs with each other on the pack. One day we'll be doing that. . . hopefully with Isabella. That will be awesome.' It would be. I continued finishing up my pancakes then went to the long sausages. They were one of my favorite sausages that my mom bought from the store.

And they tasted even better when rolled in the syrup which I did to each and everyone of the sausages. Once I was done with the sausages I turned my attention to the biscuits and the gravy and happily ate at that. Gracie and Hades were eating their dog food once more.

Aries was also eating his outside. 'Seems we are all having some yummy breakfast. Very good stuff indeed.' And soon I'd be off to Isabella's once more. Brushing some hair from my face I finished up the biscuits and gravy before standing up and putting the plate in dish washer after rinsing it off.

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