|Chapter 12|

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You know I never pictured myself in Lowe's looking at chains. It just honestly didn't seem like something I'd be doing ever. But here I was in Lowe's holding the leash of Maryse as Isabella went through the chains so we could go to Orchid's.

We had called Orchid and she said to bring the chains over and her, and Andrew would be waiting for them. 'So now we just got to get some chains, and then we'll be off to Orchid's to get these chains ready in case another Forsaken shows up.'

I looked over at Maryse as she laid down while watching Isabella closely. "Is there a specific chain we're looking for?" I asked Isabella who looked back at me. "A silver chain would be nice, but if we can't find that a stainless steel chain, one that's thick." Isabella said and I nodded.

Going over I set Maryse's leash on the ground before going to look for a silver chain. There was racks of chains and I knew Isabella would buy a lot of the chain. 'As a precaution in case we do manage to capture a Forsaken that we will have enough chain to hold it.'

I watched as Isabella grinned and tapped a chain. "Silver chains." Isabella said and I came over. "Um. . . can you touch it to make sure it's really silver?" Isabella asked a bit uncomfortably and I knew why she was uncomfortable for asking that.

Silver burns werewolves. 'If it's silver it'll begin to burn our skin, if it's just some cheap knockoff brand claiming it's silver it won't burn us.' "Yeah, no problem." I told Isabella looking at the shiny and thick no doubt sturdy chain that read silver on the label before taking in a deep breath.

Then I leaned forward and touched it. I didn't expect to get burned since Lowe's was famous for knockoff brands. But I felt the heat blister in my finger and pain sear up as a small burn slowly began to form before I pulled it back quickly after that.

'Well least we didn't burn ourselves too badly in the process. And now we know it's real silver metal.' That we did. I smiled knowing that soon we'd be out of Lowe's and be on our way to Orchid's to get these chains enchanted for the Forsaken. Hopefully it'd work.

That would be very nice. This chain being enchanted so we could get on with the day and no longer have to worry about running into a Forsaken. That thought ran through my mind. I didn't want to encounter any Forsaken unless we were prepared to chain them and not have to kill them.

'Although the silver chains should be able to hold them for a bit until we would be able to get said Forsaken to Orchid. Then she can enchant the chains to make sure they can't get away.' And Orchid could do that without a doubt. But we had to get these chains enchanted.

"May I help you ma'am?"

I looked over to see a women, an elderly women watching us. "Yes please, we'd like to get some of this silver chain." Isabella said and I nodded at that before standing up and looking at the women. The women nodded at that.

'Now it's time to get that silver chain so we can bring it to Orchid and have her enchant those chains. And no doubt have Andrew help and then be on our way with life.' I nodded at that as Isabella watched as the woman crouched down and pulled out the silver chain.

"How much chain?" She asked. "Um. . . all of it." Isabella said looking at me and I nodded not even bothering to argue. It was probably too much chain and would turn to be useless but you know chain is chain. Having extra useless chain is better than useful chain that isn't enough.

'Doesn't it become useless once there is not enough?' 'Ok useless extra chain is better than useless short amounts of chain.' Ash smiled. The women gave Isabella a bit of a weird look but went to taking out all the chain before handing Isabella all the chains.

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