|Chapter 28|

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Isabella was going into a detail on why she thought Damien was here. She went over her theory with the rest of them in detail. Then the short version. Sibling competitive nature, her being an immortal, Damien wanting to get her before the rest of his brothers discover.

'Or maybe he just happened to be the first brother that arrived. And if that's the case then I got a pretty bad feeling.' I nodded at that. Everyone soaked up the information Isabella relayed to them as Maryse decided to climb into her lap.

Well halfway. She put her upper half in Isabella's lap who in response leaned down to pet her. When she finally stopped everyone decided to let it sink in. Nico was biting his lip as Isabella ran her hands through Maryse's dense coat as she chose to take her physical form while home instead of her mist form.

Although it seems like the only time she takes her mist form is when it's time to battle. 'I would too. Most things will just fly through her when they try to attack her.' Benefits of being a hellhound it seems. None of the artificial hybrids could do that though.

"Sounds like a logical reason when you think about it. The stories did mention the competitive nature between the three siblings. And after the two turned it went from injuries to trying to kill each other. So it does make sense." Nico said brushing some of his platinum blonde hair from his face.

His emerald green eyes flickered over to Isabella. Isabella nodded. 'I don't like this whole situation of not knowing what could happen next.' Neither did I. It's like we were playing a dangerous game with Damien Corbin and he was steps ahead.

And our luck was each step forward we took he took another step forward. In games like that you needed a hidden strategy that the opponent wouldn't see coming. That strategy that you have that is hidden could be what keeps you alive. It could even let you win against the opponent in the dangerous game.

We needed that hidden strategy to use against Damien Corbin. 'But we also have to be able to keep him from being able to discover it. That's the most important part keeping it hidden.' It was. We just had to make a tactic to keep it hidden.

But we also had to find this strategy so we could actually hide it since we had no strategy as of right now. None of us were prepared to fight an ancient vampire, much less the one who created the vampires. It's not exactly something that you happen to learn.

'They should make it now though. Keep us prepared for any situation that could happen.' 'It's so weird thinking about all of this happening. Two years ago this would of never crossed our minds.' Ash nodded at that. Time changed so much, we thought it didn't but man time could change things.

"Do we need to keep an eye out?" Rodney asked. "Well you can if you want. I mean I don't see him going after you, but if he does, so yeah keep an eye out for him." Isabella said and Rodney nodded before looking at Freya who nodded as well.

"Freya and I got reservations at a restaurant so we're going to get going." Rodney said and Isabella nodded as they left the room. Next went Love and Rory who also had fast food lunch they were going to go hit up. 'Seems that today is eating some good greasy food and skipping a home cooked meal today.'

I nodded at that. Now it was just Isabella and I along with Angel and Nico, Andrew and Orchid, and lastly Derik and Lyric. Lyric was holding Derik's arm with her head on it as well as she traced designs on his skin.

"It does seem pretty logical your idea. Now you just have to find out what exactly Damien wants to do with an immortal. What any of them wants to do. Find that out and you'll have lots of things forming that could help out with all of this." Orchid spoke up.

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