|Chapter 29|

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Staking out for jobs were always fun as were finding the right gear for it. You didn't just go into any job in any clothing. Any hunter knew that, even an amateur hunter would know that. So I had to pick a nice outfit to wear.

It in the seventy degree weather and would be a bit rainy out as well. So I put on a pair of my leather pants. And then one of the bulletproof vests that we had been given. 'You never know what to expect when going into things like this, so best to be prepared.'

I nodded at that. I had a pair of combat boots on as well. There was some daggers hidden in my combat boots, I had my pistols in their thigh holsters with six clips of ammo per pistol. Each were made of silver and run through holy water.

And then I had my revolver with wooden bullets and silver cores. That was in my side holster so it would be easy to grab if I needed to grab it quickly. 'See you are well prepared to go take on these vampires who thought it was appropriate to kidnap some humans.'

Yes I was well prepared to take those assholes on for sure. Lucas and my brothers decided they were going with and Dalton's parents told us to keep them updated on the situation. Everyone was dressed up except for the werewolves as they were going in wolf form.

Well they'd shift in the van since we couldn't exactly walk out a bunch of wolves. Caesar and Summer were being watched by Danielle and Jackson since this was too dangerous for them. 'No need to get the adorable little fluffballs caught in the line of fire of some werewolves, vampires, and hunters.'

So yeah they'd be watching them. Lucas had the van stocked with weapons and ammo for us. He had some cameras to set up for Lyric and Orchid to monitor. We also all had some cameras that we attached to pieces of our clothing.

I was standing in my room looking at the backpack I'd be wearing. 'Because you need some extra things to carry as well. Not to big for them to grab, but not too small that it can't hold anything.' Looking at the remainder of chains I decided to take them with me.

You can never be too careful. Once I had everything packed I put the backpack on and lifted my braid up before walking out of the dorm. I hooked the leash up to Maryse's leash before heading out with my guns concealed by my jacket as I left the dorm to meet everyone at the van.

But the time I got down there everyone was down there waiting for me. 'Looks like you guys got some vampires to be taken care of for kidnapping those humans.' I nodded at that as I came up and let Maryse into the back of the van as Dalton opened it.

I climbed in the back as they shut the doors. Dalton was looking at the array of weapons. From machine guns, to pistols and crossbows and all the ammo. It was everything that a hunter needed and more. If a zombie apocalypse happened this was the vehicle you wanted.

'So many weapons and ammo, it's crazy almost.' I nodded at that. I took a seat with Dalton as we sat there buckling up. Lucas slipped open the window and looked. "Hold on we're heading off now, we got some vampires to handle." Lucas said with a smirk.

'Now you got some vampires to go handle. Hopefully free some humans from the capture of these sadistic vampires.' I nodded at that. With that Lucas got the van started before he pulled out of the driveway put the address into the GPS and off we were to go get us some vampires.
It took forty-five minutes to get there. The place we were going to was way out in New York, we even left the city to some unknown area. Finally we arrived at this old stone building. Three floors and surrounded by dense woods. Perfect setting for something like this.

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