Jenny Darling

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"fuck him up Hockstetter!" 

"burn him bitch, he's gonna burn in hell anyway!"

"come on little lard boy, let's have some fun."

I watched from the car as the boys tormented a little chubby kids. I used to babysit him, little Frankie Marshall.  On the left of the car was the Loser's club. I averted my attention away from the pack of hormonal rats and rested my arms on the open window, smiling as my gaze landed on Stanley Uris. 

"guys let's go my dad's over there." I heard Henry say. the boys all filed into the car, my eyes still locked on that curly-haired cutie. 

I heard a groan from Henry. "Can you stop staring at that Stanson Uterus kid? it makes me wanna puke." I hit his chest and climbed out of the driver's seat for Belch and hopped into the back between Vic and Patrick. 

"It's StanLEY Uris, and Ill stare at whatever I please." I corrected him, crossing my arms. 

"whatever." I rolled my eyes at him and looked over to Victor. he was staring at the rest of the losers with daggers in his eyes. I ignored it, thinking they had done something to piss him off again. I put my hand on his shoulder but he quickly jerked it out of my grip. "I'm fine." he said without me saying a word, I knew better.

I yawned and stretched my arms out, laying my back down on his lap, crossing my feet and slamming them down on Patrick's thigh, dangerously close to his crotch. He let out a breath and I closed my eyes, hearing a throaty chuckle from Victor. I made myself comfortable and relaxed. Before long i felt large, warm fingers messing around with my hair. I smirked and opened one eye, seeing Victor resting his jaw on his hand and looking out the window. 

he'd play with my hair every time he thought i was asleep and not gonna lie i kinda enjoyed it.

I drifted off to sleep, still feeling the slight bumps of Belch's shitty driving. 

Later that day I woke up in my bed to the horrific sound of a pig dying. I glanced over to the window, seeing as it was just now getting dark. I scratched my head confused until I heard that god awful loud snorting from downstairs. 

"Henry you fucker." I pushed myself out of bed, seeing as I was still in my shirt and shorts. "Huh, that's weird." Usually Victor shoves me into one of his hoodies, "hmm." i shrugged it off and went to go fetch some food. i swung around the banister, seeing Henry laughing with his hand around Patrick's throat. 

I walked between them, going under my brother's arm and to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a cola, going back underneath them. "Can you not make out in the kitchen please." His grip instantly released and Belch snorted.

I scanned around the downstairs area, vaulting over the empty couch that lacked that familiar warm body i'd cuddle with when I woke up.

"Where's victor?" i flipped my head down, pulling my hair into a messy bun with the hair ties i keep on my arm.

"He made us drop him off at his house before we came home, so Patrick just carried you in." Belch said. I gagged at the though of his bony, pyromaniac fingers anywhere near my body. "Yuck!" I said, turning back to the TV. 


Just about ten minutes into the movie I was watching the door opened. I thought it would be dad so i quickly turned off the TV and stood up. "Oh it's you."

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