Don't fall

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We reached the quarry and Mike helped me out of Stan's basked. It was one of the few times Mike could actually join us and It was always more fun with him. 

I rushed down the dirt path and quickly nestled down by the edge. "Don't fall Jen!" Beverly laughed sarcastically as she came shuffling down the rocky path. 

I just smiled and nodded. One of the first times I was here Beverly pushed me in and I cut my hand on a rock. Victor patched me up so I was fine, but she's not the nicest to me even though I try to be her friend. Everyone took off their clothes and i took them and laid them on the rocks neatly. Beverly was the first one to jump, Bill and Ben following suit after. 

Then went Richie, then Mike then Eddie. Leaving me and Stan. 

"Hey." He said smiling, breaking the silence. 

"Hi." I said back. 

He stood up, fixing his blue shorts before holding his hand out to me. I took it and blushed as he helped me up. I shimmied out of my jeans and sweatshirt, tucking them underneath my bag. I held my arms around my waist and attempted to cover myself up best I could. 

"Come on lovebirds, now's not the time to fuck!" Richie shouted from the water. 

We both chuckled and i stepped to the edge, some pebbles tumbling down underneath my feet. I gasped and stepped back, Stan held my waist. 

"Don't fall." He whispered into my ear.

I escaped his grasp and stepped to the edge, dropping myself over the side as he jumped in after me. I hit the water quietly, my thin frame not making much of a splash. I opened my eyes under the water, seeing Stan next to me swimming up. I surfaced and oxygen filled my lungs once again. 

Stan shook his head, his noodle hair sending water flying everywhere and into our faces. His face came close to mine and we both smiled and blushed. "Just fucking kiss her already!" Richie shouted, causing us to both pull away and turn bright red. Stan rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

for the next couple of hours we all swam around and kept jumping in. Beverly and Richie decided to play chicken but I didn't want to. I swam to the bottom and just floated upside down. Water calmed me down. It felt like a cold smack at first, but it turns into a warm hug. Until you see something with lots and lots of teeth swimming your way. I screamed, but forgetting i was underwater it all came flooding into my lungs. Pain surged through my body as I looked down to see two beady golden eyes and what appeared to be thousands of tiny blade-like teeth digging into your calf. I writhed around and kicked to get away from it. Once i was free i swam to the surface, limping and crawling onto shore. 

I coughed, heaving for air as they crowded around me. 

"What the fuck?" Richie yelled. I turned and fell onto my back, still gasping. 

"We've gotta get to my stuff i have my medical supplies up there!" Eddie said. I attempted to stand up but it was to no avail and i collapsed. Stan helped me up. "I think I s-saw it.." I said.

"Saw what?" Beverly asked as we began the walk up the hill. "T-The clown you keep talking about in your dreams." I said quietly. Bill stopped walking and turned to me. "It had beady golden eyes and th-" "Thou-thousands of t-teeth." Bill cut me off and I nodded. He turned back and started walking faster with Eddie, they  ran ahead to get his stuff and of course Beverly followed him, then Ben followed her. "be glad it didn't bite your ass." Richie said. Stan smacked him. I took another step and my leg gave out underneath me.

"Shit!" I cursed as i stumbled. "Woah..careful Jenny." Mike adjusted his grip on my arm and practically carried me. He was the strongest in the group after all.

"HEY YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!" I looked up to see Henry and his gang at the top of the hill. 

He had his knife, Patrick had is lighter and hairspray, and victor had a baseball bat swung over his shoulder. They came running down the hill.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?" He asked as they approached. Eddie, Bill, Bev, and Ben all ran behind us. 

Victor gave Belch the bat and ripped me out of Mike's grasp. He pulled me against his chest and picked me up bridal style. I shivered and leaned into his chest. "S-Something attacked me in t-the water." I said coldly. Henry slid his knife out, taking a step towards mike. "Get out of my town," He pushed him back, causing him to fall down the rocks a bit. 

He waved his knife in Stan's face, then Richie's. "and stay the hell away from my sister." and with that he spit on Eddie and started the walk back to the car.

Once we reached it i was shoved into one of Belch's huge sweatshirts. i was put in the back and Vic held me in his lap. "God you're freezing." he remarked, a warm hand holding my thigh close to him. 

I curled up, getting as close as possible to him. he rested his chin on my head and pulled me even closer.

"If you get hypothermia or infected because of them i'm gonna skin that Mike kid alive." Henry spat 

"It w-wasn't Mike's fault."

"Was it Uterus's? I'll knock his teeth out." Patrick cracked his knuckles smirking evilly. "No, it was mine. I just wanna go home." I blinked, a few tears cascading down my cheeks from the pain my leg was in. 

within the next 15 minutes I was home and Victor was getting me a coke. I limped over to my dresser and grabbed the larges hoodie i could find, which just so happened to be one he got me. He knocked twice on the door. I pulled it down over my thighs and sat on my bed as he entered the room.

"You any warmer?" He asked, handing me my drink. I nodded and took it. 

"Henry's passed out on the couch and Belch and Patrick just left." I nodded again, taking a sip of coke.

"I don't like you being with those boys, or Beverly for that matter. They're hormonal thirteen year old fucks who probably just want in your pants." He snarked. 

"You were that way once. I mean Patrick and Henry are still that way." i sighed. "Yeah but it's different cause they aren't going after you." He said, looking down.

I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows. 

"Okay so maybe Patrick is but we've given him warnings." Vic rolled his eyes and chuckled. "The party is in twenty minutes so I'm staying here until you wanna go, Henry's knocked out cold and I don't think he'll be waking up until tomorrow." He ruffled my hair and walked out, turning left into Henry's room to probably fuck with some of his stuff. 

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