The boy I babysat

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wow, an update, sure has been a while. I've been very very busy with school for the past 4-ish months but thank you all so much for being patient with this book <3

Sunday came all too quickly, and passed just as soon as it came. I wasn't ready to go back to school come Monday morning, my mind still boggling with what had happened on Saturday. I rubbed my eyes and turned over to my alarm clock. It was two twenty-nine AM. Guess sleep wasn't happening tonight.

That feeling of the crisp, refreshing air had oh so quickly been replaced by the hot, spattering of a deep red across my face. I shuddered, my body coiling itself in disgust and fear. 

I was almost positive it was a dream..

..but it felt so cold and real...

Dad had gotten drunk and passed out, so I decided to take a walk. Not to anywhere specific, but I realized my feet were taking me in the direction of Victor's house. Already battling with a bad headache It wouldn't have been good to stay home and have him yell. Henry himself wasn't home so I didn't feel safe being there. 

It was raining so heavily and so dark at only six PM, as you do in this book-like world I live in, so I bundled up in Victor's AC/DC sweatshirt. 

The Denbrough's residence was on the way so I thought about stopping to see Bill. My anxiety  began to thoroughly plan the words I would say when I reached the door even though I had another few minutes of walking. My thoughts were scattered by what sounded like a kid screaming. 

My legs stopped dead in their tracks, I got a chill down my spine. Not a normal chill though, oh no because that wouldn't make for a very interesting plot line. The chill you get when you've just run over an animal in your car, the feeling you can only compare to knowing a murderer is somewhere near you, but if you open your eyes you won't be able to look away until the fear drives you to kill yourself in desperation to get rid of the feeling. It's beautiful in a way, the temptation to peek through that blindfold paranoia offers you. But this wasn't beautiful. 

After being frozen for a three to four minutes my feet started walking quickly in the direction of Bill's house because I finally realized who the scream belonged to. 


My walk turned into a run, then to a full fledged sprint and my hands flung back and forth as I raced towards the noise with every fiber of my mentality telling me to turn and run the other way, that I could be safe if I went the other way. But no, I wasn't gonna go the other way.

My heartbeat echoed through my rib cage and up my esophagus following the air I tried to recapture, which I'd lost in the run.  All unfolded in front of my eyes. First his small hands were reaching into the sewer drain for God knows what, and the next minute this huge pale shark-like pair of jaws came snapping all the way up to his elbow, devouring his arm. I couldn't scream.

The oxygen suffocated me and I choked on my own spit in desperation to yell, to cry, to make some sort of noise. anything.

but nothing came out.

Nothing came out, except for blood straight from the soft little boy's arm. Spewing like a fountain on a New York September night on Lincoln street at the water show.  My legs gave out underneath me, and I hit the pavement knee's first, the cracking making such a loud echo I could practically taste it. My hands went out in front of my, slapping the ground, scraping layers of skin off as they rolled. 

I looked up, wincing at the pain. The only thing I could remember after that, was the delicate fingers of George Elmer Denbrough sinking down into the darkness of the flooding sewer. 

The blood was washed away with the rain, following suit after whatever monster had just taken the life and body of  the boy I babysat.

"Jenny.. wake up.. c'mon.."

"Vic, she's opening her eyes!"

"Step back! Give her room!"

The pounding in my head grew quieter but more intense as I opened my eyes. Everything around me was a dim sunlit-orange color. The blurriness in my sight quickly faded, and in front of me were Patrick, Belch, and Victor. I looked to my left, Henry had his arm under my head and I was laid halfway onto his lap.

"Hey there Jenny darling.." Victor's sweet voice dripped like honey, but it was filled with cracks like a frozen sheet of ice. His eyes were red and puffy, even Belch's eyes were glossed over. My eyes widened as I saw the drain just over his shoulder. My body reacted and I shot upwards, scooting as far back into Henry as I could.

"No..! NO! NO! NO PLEASE!" The tears began and I screamed, something I had been unable to do until now.

"Woah, woah! Easy!" Belch grabbed my arms and held me down. I kicked at him, Henry held my hand and squeezed as I bit my lip, crying. I writhed in his arms, wanting to run as the images came flooding back.

"Patrick, take Victor back to the car.." Belch said as Henry began to stroke my hair.

"But J-" Victor began to argue, crying on his own now.

"NOW. Go victor."

I gave up my fight, leaning into Henry's shoulder and sobbing. I kept my eyes open, the burning of the mascara that had run into my eyes from the rain now bit back at me, but every time I blinked I saw that horrible beast again.

"There there.. I've got you sis.. I'll make sure everything will be okay.. I'm here.." Henry cooed into my ear. I saw the figure of Belch stand up, retreating to the direction I assumed the car was in. I could hear Victor screaming, but I just needed my brother's arms right now. 

I don't know how long we sat there. All I remember was it was now pretty late into the morning so it must've been a couple of hours, maybe even four or five. Long past sunrise and into mid-day. I could finally stand, but not without any help. So to make it easy Henry just carried me to Belch's car and he drove us home. When we got home I walked up to my room, ignoring the boys to tell me I needed to sit down. Victor argued that I shouldn't be alone right now, but Henry told him that's what I needed, and that he'd go check on me in an hour or so after I'd calmed down. I heard the door close.

I raced to my bed, and wrapped up in the blankets. I don't remember moving for the entire rest of the day. All I know is that I started crying again when Henry asked me what happened.

I flinched as my clock changed to two thirty. And before I knew it, I could finally close my eyes without seeing those wretched jaws. I took this time to sleep, a gut feeling telling me that I knew very well it wouldn't be this easy again anytime soon.

"..Just a dream.."

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