A/N regarding the next update :)

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If you haven't seen my announcement, I have strep again. I say again because I had it 3 weeks ago, gave it to a family member, and then got it again. I won't be updating this story probably for another week or so because of all the pain, and I'll be sleeping most of the time, and just writing with a fever is so uncomfortable I have to say. 

We had a scare and thought I had Corona since that family member had traveled out of state, but rest assured I'll be fine. For any of those bothering to read this, and the small % that care, thank you for your support on this book and I hope you can understand my reasoning, thus forward I present to you..

Things to pass the time/do's and don'ts when you have strep!

-Taking naps, but like setting a timer for ~1 hour and just continually going back to sleep, after about 3-4 you wake up feeling a lot less sleep deprived. (if you don't have the sleep trouble don't worry, but as a diagnosed insomniac I can say this helped greatly with my annoying sleep stuff!)

!!!!!!DON'T DRINK GATORADE. I cannot stress this enough. Replenishing electrolytes is great and necessary, but it has caused 90% of people to puke. I did research as soon as I saw the white bumps because I'm a worrier and I thought I had throat cancer. Another thing about Gatorade; That. Shit. BURNS. on a sore throat of any kind. 

-Try to stay away from dairy products, as this will cause discomfort in a lot of ways, including the overproduction of phlegm, and the need to swallow more. and swallowing=painful. 

-SHOWERS>>>>>BATHS. It is horrible when you break out into a fever and want to take a nice shower to wash the sweat off, not a bath, because the fever will start back up if it's too hot and if it's too cold you'll start getting REALLY cold and that's not good.

-drink as much water as you can handle, since you may or may not be able to eat during this time. In all honesty, soda and fizzy drinks hurt way less to drink but that's just my priority right now. 

-Don't get a burger from McDonald's. I thought I could handle it. I couldn't. ;-;




-avoid dying your hair, as this has been known to be a side effect of boredom. Don't do purple. Anything but purple right now, sweetheart. If you did it previously? good job! but right now is not a good time to get bangs, dye your hair, or cut your hair, people will be concerned for your mental health. 

-pick up a new hobby, preferably one you can spray with Lysol or a Clorox wipe. 

-If you haven't gone to the DR's you probably most definitely should. When they swab your throat, push your thumbnail into the pad of your finger, distracting your brain so it doesn't know where to send the pain. The finger hurts way less than the throat so I highly recommend this one!

-big gagger? If they do the swab them close your fingers around your thumb and squeeze TIGHT. It works for all of my friends with weak gag systems. Note; if you have Acid Reflux, don't do this. Just pray it goes away quickly. Doing this might make you throw up in your mouth a little. 

-Please don't put your face on your dog or cat or bearded dragon or corn-snake. 

-Try to learn all basic human functions again for when you get better, because I've already forgotten how to tie my shoes it's been so long since I've gotten out of bed.

I hope these worked/help you! Tune in next time where I reveal why you should never eat crab in the middle of winter.

(Answer; it's fucking disgusting that's why.) 

I love you guys! <3


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