Bet (+⚠️)

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My thighs hit the cold counter with a loud smack. Victor's lips ravaged hungrily against mine as if it had been years since he'd tasted them. "V-Vic fuck.." I moaned out helplessly.

His hand clasped over my mouth. He pressed a finger to his lips and motioned over to the three sleeping boys. "We don't wanna wake them now do we kitten?" he growled into my ear.

 I smirked and rolled my hips against him, causing his breath to falter and him to bury his face in my neck. Every fuck I gave about being pregnant was gone. 

"I think you're the only one who has to worry about making noise."

Victor inhaled and scrunched his lips. "Yeah you're right, but both your bed and Henry's bed squeak. so..."

We both looked around in thought until my eyes landed on the four wheeled devil outside. Vic looked to the car, both of our heads turning to each other with a smirk. He pulled me off the counter top and we quietly made our way outside through the backdoor. He walked with me around the house to the front as the back door was a hell of a lot quieter than the front door was.

We then both piled in through the sunroof and clambered into the back seat.

"Now, where were we?" he asked, his lips resuming their spot on mine, falling down my jaw and neck. His hand crept down my leg, sliding between my thighs. Vic licked his swelling lips."I can practically taste you, kitten." 

I moaned out as he caressed me through my thin shorts. I was careful not to be too loud but I did have some freedom now that we were outside. My hands traced up his abdomen and back down to his thigh. His breath hitched as I grazed over his bulge, careful not to touch his erection.

His head fell limp into my shoulder as I palmed him again. 

"Fuck j-jen-ahh.." he groaned out, rocking harshly into my hand.

"You kinda sound like Bill with that stutter." I giggled, loving how he was a mess under my touch.

"sh-shut up." His hand slid up into my hair, pulling my head to the side harshly to take a long, devilish lick of my neck. 

He cautiously flipped us over so he was sitting and I was on the floor between his legs, my back flush against the front seats. My hands trailed up his leg, feeling the heavy twitches along the way. I undid his jeans and pulled them down as quick as I could, he lifted himself up and scooted his boxers and jeans down to where he was completely free. I tried to crawl closer, now on my knees, and grasped his dick softly. With the most delicate touches I traced the vein on the underside. His hips bucked up desperately. I finally took hold of him and ran my thumb over his pre-cum soaked slit. I licked my lips and pulled my face close. 

"beg." I breathed against him.

"fuck please Jenny.. i-i..ahh~fuck yes." he cursed out as I pressed a kiss against his shaft.

"who's the baby now?" I hissed. He just let his head hang back as he writhed around.

"You're gonna regret teasing me." he mumbled out, staring me down with lust-clouded eyes.

I bit my lip and grinned to myself. "I bet I won't."

Licking up the base slowly, I then swirled my tongue around the head. Finally giving into his silent pleas I hollowed my cheeks, bobbing my head up and down. 

"mnn... god, just like that.." he grunted out, pursing his lips together.

He swallowed a groan as I took his length deeper and deeper into my throat. I  kept my slow pace, his mouth now hanging open in a dry, breathy moan.

"f-fuck you.." Vic hissed out, gathering my hair in his hand and forcing his cock down my throat till it hit the back of it. I gagged a little bit, feeling tears well in my eyes just in the corners, but I didn't tap out. After a few minutes his fingers tightened around my hair and he pulled me back up to kiss him. I wiped the copious amounts of moisture off the sides of my mouth and stood up the best I could to remove my underwear. I straddled him and started to grind against him yet again. His hand came down on my ass with a SMACK and I squeaked.

Victor's hand found its way to my neck and he forced me to his mouth, our tongues immediately finding each other in an unholy, heated dance. With his free hand he positioned his cock, rubbing it against my dripping womanhood. 

 "Damn, you get this wet just from sucking me off..?" he breathed out, jaws clamping against my neck and a sly digit escaping and running up my slit. I rolled my head away from him, allowing better access. He used my skin to silence himself as he pushed my hips down onto him, his length filling me up and hitting my cervix.

"Move." He demanded.

I bounced up and down and he snapped his hips to meet mine. his hand found my neck again, cutting off the flow of oxygen, and thrusted harder and deeper into me. my thighs ripples as he plowed into me. he kissed me, releasing his grasp a little bit, but his other hand came down on my ass again emitting a loud THWAP.

I barely had time to breathe between each hit as he mercilessly rammed into me from below, the intense pleasure flowing through my body made me lose control of my body. "Daddy.." 

 "'re such a dirty little slut for my cock." he growled, nipping at the bruising skin below my jawline.  I rolled my hips in a circle and his hands flew to my waist, gripping tightly onto the little bit of chubby love handles I had going on. Something he often reminded me that he enjoyed. 

"Shit I'm gonna cum~" I choked out. 

He smirked and his hand slipped between my legs again, rubbing my clit in a gentle swirl. His hair stuck to his forehead at this point, the humidity of our breaths mixing in the head of the car. I could feel the mix of sweat and fluids between our legs, but it didn't bother me, I had something else to focus on. I felt the tightness released in my abdomen as my orgasm flushed over me. Victor kept me riding out my high, his climax hitting him with a grunt just seconds after. We took a minute to catch our breath before I moved, pulling him out of me. I quickly put my bottoms on and we escaped the car, Victor helping me out of course. 

His hand overtook mine and he gave me a gentle squeeze. 

"Usually we're giving you a ride, but I guess today you repaid the favor." he chuckled before putting his other hand in his pocket.

"I look like I just pissed myself but it smells a hell of a lot better." He looked at his jeans, pulling his hand out and licking his fingers. I looked down, sure enough there was a huge wet spot around his groin. We made our way back inside, sneaking past the boys we split ways and I snuck upstairs to my bed, giving Victor a goodnight kiss before he walked back downstairs. 

"Goodnight!" I whisper-screamed, clutching the banister like the ground was going to cave in.

"Goodnight, I love you!" He replied, whisper-screaming as well. 

"I love you too." 

A/n; hey it's me, three chapters in two days?? wow I must be on drugs. Anywho, I hope you all are having a lovely day/night. THIS chapter specifically was the third chapter written in my original playout for the book. I haven't had a use for it yet so I went ahead and revised it a bit (you can still tell it's trashy) and if anybody has any questions about the age difference, It's consensual because they are close enough in age (5 years or less) and she is 15 (for now) and he is not a legal adult. In the state of Maine where this story takes place, all is well and LEGAL! enjoy the story, more updates coming soon <3


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