I didn't do it

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I jumped up, turning away from my window to greet who was at my door. 

"Belch! Hey, what's up?"

His unexpected appearance was quite strange, but I was always happy to see one of my good friends. 

He lifted his face and took his classic yellow & green baseball cap off. His face was bright red and his normally bubbly, hazel eyes..were lifeless. His cheeks were stained with tears and the bottom of his nose was rubbed red, from presumably wiping snot away like he was now.

"Somebody found Patrick's body in the sewer off of Arstick Lane. 


"Holy shit.. holy shit this isn't real. This is fake. All fake. This is a prank and you guys are assholes!" I screamed in Henry's face. 

Victor held Belch's shoulder as he tried hard not to cry again. Henry rubbed the back of his head and furrowed his brows. 

"I didn't do it." 

"Henry shut the fuck up!" Victor said, giving him an offended look.

"What?!" Henry said, pulling his red cut-sleeve shirt down a bit. 

"This isn't the right time for jokes, kid." The officer in front of us spat. "I know you just lost your friend an' some of y'all cope differently, but this ain't no laughing matter."

"Patrick was found brutally mutilated..and you think it's funny?" Belch said, wiping his nose. Henry shrugged and turned around to sit on the front porch. I held my hands over my mouth, nausea overwhelming me. I stumbled backwards, Belch and Victor's arms coming up to catch me. 

"Easy there.." Vic said, holding me close. I buried my nose into his shoulder and sobbed quietly. 

The cop didn't give any more details and told us to stay safe before he walked back to his car and drove off. I collapsed into myself, Victor jumping when I sat on the top step. 

"He was just getting better.." I quietly whispered.

Vic sat down next to me, pulling my head into his chest once again. I gave in and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. 

"I'm..gonna go break the news to my mom.." Belch said. He leaned down and hugged me before starting his trek home. Me and Vic sat still for a minute, Henry going inside and slamming the door behind him. 

"Do you think this is what happened to Georgie?" I sniffled. 

"Absolutely not. His still out there. He's fine I'm sure of it." Victor rubbed the back of my neck. He stood up first and offered his hand to help me up. He held my hand tightly as I stood with shaky legs. He wrapped his arm around my hip to help stabilize me and we walked inside. Henry pushed past us, car keys in hand, but I didn't bother responding. Patrick was who he was closest to out of all of the boys. He stopped and turned around, pulling me in close for a hug, an action I didn't think he was capable of.

"I'm gonna go shoot something. Dad'll be out all night looking for that fuckin' killer so dinner is on you." Henry said.

I wiped my eyes and watched him leave. Victor took my hands and led me through the house, up to my bedroom. I sat on my windowsill and watched him dig around my room. He shuffled through my drawers and grabbed my backpack on his way into my bathroom. 

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