It's always fun (mild-heavy trigger warning)

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"Hey bitch wake up Belch is here to take us to school!"

I groaned and shoved my face deeper into my pillow. 


"Come on, You slept through the entire day yesterday!" 

"Alright!" I shouted back. I pulled myself out of bed and threw on a pair of nice jeans, rolling up the ankles. I topped it with a white t-shirt with a bee on it and a grey cardigan. Since i didn't have much time i just brushed my hair and let it go straight. 

as i went to put my books in my bag i noticed it was gone. shit, i never got it back from when we were at the quarry. i glanced down to my leg to see that everything was healing pretty well. 

I sighed and just picked up my books and went downstairs to meet to boys. I crawled into the car and held tightly onto my books. "Scoot over." I said to Patrick. I really didn't want to deal with vic right now. he scooted over and i laid my head against the window, kicking my feet up onto the front seat. 

I watched the forests and houses and buildings go by as we made our way to school. 

When we finally arrived i was met with stares from Greta and half the kids at the party. I looked down and rushed to my locker. 

"Hey Jenny..?" I turned to that sweet, familiar voice. 

"Hi Stanley." I blushed and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I looked down at my feet only to see him handing me my bag. 

I smiled and looked up at him, taking it.

"You left it at the quarry and i figured you'd need it for school." He smiled and i thanked him. I watched as a couple of people walked by me, snickering and pointing. 

"I better get to f-first period. Thanks again." I sniffled out, stuffing my bag into my locker and slamming it shut. 

"D-Do you wanna come hang out at the quarry field with me tomorrow after school?" He asked, his hand resting on his shoulder. 

"With the rest of the loser's club?" I arched a brow.

"Uh actually just you and me. I don't plan on swimming after what happened last time." He chuckled I giggled and blushed. "Yeah, of course. I'd be happy to." I ran my teeth over my bottom lip picking at dead skin as we both walked our separate ways to class.

The rest of the day I was quiet and smiling, until Belch drove me and Henry home, Victor nowhere to be found. 

"Yeah he just disappointed before first period. It was so weird. He showed up later but wouldn't talk to us." Patrick muttered out. 

"He even walked home, there he is." Henry said. Belch pulled the car up next to him, slowly moving as he walked. 

"Heya vic you want a ride home?" Belch asked. "ye-" we made eye contact and he looked away. "no i'm good. i'll walk." 

"you sure?" he just nodded. I watched as we started driving away. He bit his lip and i got a glimpse of his eyes again. They were even puffier and redder than last time. what the hell? i exhaled and turned around, fiddling with the straps on my bag. 

everything was quiet at home that night. I heard Henry cry as dad walked out of his room, belt in hand. 

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