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"That's awful, why would he torture you like that?" Belch said as he pulling into the school parking lot. 

I tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear and the car came to a stop. I stepped out, slamming the door. I couldn't tell him or Henry about me and Victor yet. It was too soon and just not the right time.

I gripped my books tightly to my chest and wandered to my first period, keeping my eyes open for that sadist. But instead I was met with the friendly eyes of the elder Denbrough boy. He approached me, clutching onto his backpack straps and we began our walk. 

"W-What did you do t-to yu-you're neck?" He said concerningly and gently moving my hair. I pulled it back down to cover the mark. "I got burned when I was making mac n' cheese." I said quietly.

He scrunched his lips together and made a confused face. 

"You're a ter-terrible liar." 

"I'm not lying."

"Jenny." Bill stopped walking and looked at me. I hesitantly stopped as well. 

"neither you, nor Hen-Henry like mac n' cheese." He squinted his eyes disbelievingly. 

I sighed and kept walking. 

"People ch-change, Bill. Their tastes evolve." He took larger steps to keep up with me and we eventually made it to our classroom. 

"Can I hang out with one of you guys later? something happened and I don't really wanna be alone." I asked as we exited the school. 

"Does it have to do with that massive hickey?" Richie snorted. Stan hit his shoulder causing him to stumble on the concrete stairs. 

"It's not a hickey it's obviously a burn you fucking idiot." Eddie spoke. I pulled my sleeve down as his eyes peered up my arm. 

Stan went to comment but shook his head. 

"Ar-Are you gonna tell us?" Bill asked. Beverly looked my way questioningly. 

I sighed, looking down at my feet as we walked. 

"Patrick snuck in-into my room and b-burned me, t-twice." I heard a couple gasps but didn't dare look up. 

"Patrick Finch?" Richie asked. Stan facepalmed so hard I could hear it. 

"Patrick. Burns. Fire. CREEPY STALKER GUY." Stan said emphasizing each word in the glassed boy's face. 

"Give him a minute." Bev said as he tried to but two and two together, his puzzled expression was replaced by one of realization. 

"Ohhhh." He said. 

"H-He pulled my hair, a-and held m-me down. and it felt li-like my skin was melting but he j-just kept burning me."


I rolled my eyes and finally looked up. The duration of the walk was spent with them prodding me for every single detail of what happened. 

Beverly came up to me and held my hand. 

"I won't let him ever touch you again Jenny." she said comfortingly and squeezed my fingers.

"Yeah, I'll k-kill him." Bill said trying to sound tough. 

"I mean I probably can't do much but I'll make sure I at least relatively harm him." Ben laughed from behind us. I giggled and smiled. 

"Thank you." 

"Shit it's Bower's car!" Stan chirandped as he saw the polished black vehicle strike around the curb. 

"He won't hurt you." I reassured him. 

"He's on the lookout for Patrick." I pointed at the three of them. Victor was hunched out of the sunroof, his eyes searching around like daggers trying to pin a fly. Henry's knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping the top of the car. They sped by and i stopped. 


"Do you wanna spend the night at my house, Jenny? I can't imagine your home feeling comfortable right now." Beverly said. 

"I'd love to." I said and smiled. The boys took off and me and Beverly took a separate way to my house to pack a bag. 

"So have you and him kissed yet?" 

I dropped my bag and snapped my head to her. 

"W-What?" I coughed and choked a bit on my saliva. 

"You and Victor, Dummy." She stood up and I swung my bag over my shoulder. 

"Maybe. But how'd you know?" I fumbled with my fingers.

"Girl sense." She tapped her temple with her index finger and winked. 

We walked back to her house. Her dad cut us off as we went towards what i assumed to be her room. 

"Hey there Bevvy. Who's this pretty gal?" He asked, looking me up and down. 

I felt uneasy and didn't dare make eye contact. 

"This is Jenny. She's a friend from school and she's gonna spend the night." Beverly said in a higher pitched voice than her normal.

"Alright but don't stay up too late." He tapped her shoulder, dangerously close to her chest area and continued past us, the smell of alcohol lingering. 

She exhaled and grabbed my writ, pulling me into a room on the right. 

"I'm sorry about him." She said and crossed her arms, obviously very uncomfortable. 

I shook it off and gave her a sympathetic look. "He's a pervert." She spat out. 

I just nodded and set my bag down. She pulled out a sleeping bag from her closet and gave me some pillows and an extra blanket. We both sat on her bed and crossed our legs, facing each other and I took our some sweets for us to feast on. 

"So tell me about you and Bill." I said quietly. 

She blushed and I smiled. 

"Have you two kissed yet?" I arched a brow and nudged her twice. 

"yeah.. only once though." Her eyes lit up as we talked. 

"He's always holding my hand and being really cute and telling me that i'm beautiful and all that junk." She squealed like a school girl. 

I giggled. "What about Vic?" She popped a couple skittles into her mouth. 

"Well.. We've kissed like I said earlier. And he took me to watch the sunset in the woods and gave me this really cute flower. But Henry and Belch don't know. Patrick found us out and that's why this happened. " I pointed at my neck and lifted my shirt. 

"Oh honey no." She looked disgusted, not at the burns but at my words. 

"He's such a dick. All because he got jealous and then i'm pretty sure he was gonna rape me or at least light me on fire." I hissed out. 

"Sounds like you need a break. How about just the two of us go down to the Quarry tomorrow and hang out?" She asked. I bit into a twizzler and nodded. 

"I need to get over my fear of that stupid water." I sighed. Beverly agreed and we decided that we'd get lunch at Poppa's, then go to the quarry then it would go from there. 

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now