Babygirl Bowers

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I decided I'd go to the party so I began searching my room for shit to wear. Figuring i'd be a jerk and tease Patrick i threw on my black cropped, long sleeve shirt. I grabbed the fishnet leggings i'd stolen and threw on a pair of grey wash denim shorts. Topping it off with my black, white striped, knew highs and my black converse. (the picture but heck i felt the need to explain it, you can change it if you want) 

My hair was already pretty wavy considering i braided it after it got wet so i just brushed it a little and carried onto makeup. I would be lying if I said i didn't like it but i didn't have that much so i just put on some concealer, brushed my already very thick and predominant brows, and applied a little lip gloss. My lashes were pretty thick and long, which i was very thankful for and they made my light hazel-to-golden eyes pop. 

I sprayed my favorite, and only perfume and walked through it letting it fall onto me. Now I was ready.

Perfectly timed I peeked out my window and saw Patrick and Belch returning, Victor was outside meeting them. I tiptoed past Henry on the couch and made sure to lock the front door behind me.

"Hot damn.. babygirl bowers lookin sexy." Patrick said, walking my way. I put my hand on his chest, which he purred into, and pushed him aside. I climbed in shotgun and Victor and Patrick pulled in back. 

"You look really nice Jenny." Belch said. He was always the more polite of the boys, but he was still a bigger bully than Victor. "Thanks Reggie." I replied, using his real name.

We pulled up to Greta's house. People were making out on the front yard and we could hear the music from pretty far away. the house was already covered in streamers and glittery stuff.

I leapt out of the car and walked to the door, one guy whistled at me but the girl he was kissing just smacked him and he chased after her. I opened the door with Patrick following me behind. 'all night long' by loniel richie blasted when we entered. 

Greta was pouring drinks and already looked half wasted herself by the counter. some people were upstairs and others were scattered and dancing with blue and red cups downstairs. I shoved my way through the crowd for a while until my waist was grabbed and i was pulled against a wall. 

"Oh fuck off Patrick!" I said, shoving him backwards. I could already smell the alcohol and we hadn't been here for five minutes. 

Pretty soon people got bored so Greta threw out ideas for party games. Belch grabbed a bottle of beer he had chugged earlier and suggested spin the bottle. 

someone else threw out the idea for truth or dare and another person said we should do a drink-off. 

So we started with the drink-off. Greta took sixteen shot glasses and lined them up on two sides of a folding table. I happily volunteered to go but Belch pulled me back. "You're a lightweight babe, not happening." I whined and stepped back, knowing i'd more than likely regret that decision monday at school anyway. 

Victor threw down the cup he had in his hand and hopped over the couch.

He stood on one side of the table while another guy who was a bit taller and way beefier than he was stood on the other. Greta poured out the strongest whiskey she had and set the two bottles at the end of the line of eight shot glasses. 

"First one done with the whole bottle wins!" She shouted. 

victor cracked his neck. when she said 'go', he downed every glass like it was nothing. it was like his throat opened up and he had the entire bottle gone in less than thirty seconds. Hell, he even grabbed the bottle from the poor guy who had only managed to get through one third of it. 

The bottle went over his shoulder, almost hitting a girl with the poofiest hair I've ever seen. he climbed up on the table which made me scared as his boots hit it with a loud thud. "Woo!" He shouted. I laughed and he pointed at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

We moved onto truth or dare, getting a good amount of people to sit around. Fifteen minutes passed and it was my turn. 

"Alright Greta, truth or dare?" I asked, sitting down between two guys on the floor. "Truth." She said, smirking. 

"Is it true you gave my brother head back in the fifth grade for fifty cents?" I asked. Her jaw dropped and she blinked wildly. 

"I-Uh.. Yeah." She gulped. I laughed so hard I practically cackled at her sudden surprise. 

"Okay fucker. Truth or dare?" She asked me. "You can't ask who just asked you." I said, beginning to stand up. 

"Oh whatever. Just pick. " I tapped my finger on my chin. Truth and I could get embarrassed for life and expose my deepest secrets. Dare I could probably claim I was drunk, which i was close to being anyway. "Dare."

She smiled that evil smile of hers and i knew i was dead. 

"I dare you to go make out with Victor Criss." Patrick choked on his drink and Belch looked at me. I shrugged and looked over to him. 

This motherfucker was drunk as hell. He had climbed up on the pool table, was now shirtless, and was bodyrolling to the music while another girl in a leotard looked like she was about to faint. 

I inhaled at the sight of his toned body just rolling like that. It honestly turned me on. 

I stepped towards him, over some unconscious dude and stepped out of the way of a guy catching the drunk girl. Someone helped me onto the table and Victor spun around to face me. His eyes were lidded and He stuck his tongue out, biting it then licking his lips. I swayed my hips to the music and walked towards him, wrapping my hands around his shoulders, feeling against the muscles. The alcohol in my system took over and next thing you know we were grinding against each other.

I bit my lip and pulled his head to mine. Before I could make my move he kissed me. I kissed back, tangling my hands in his hair. He took my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled on it then reconnected our lips. His tongue forced its way past my lips and explored the wet cavern of my mouth. we fought for dominance but he of course won. vic then held me by the small of my back and dipped me. we pulled apart and I stood up, a string of saliva connecting us. 


we turned our head to the door, where a fuming brother stood. 

"Oh fuck." I said, hopping off the table and scurrying behind some girls. Henry shoved his way to vic and chased him around the downstairs area. Vic jumped into Patrick's arms and laughed. "Suck my dick Henry!" He yelled before being hit. 

I winced as Henry slammed his head into the wall. I then sighed and walked over to him, grabbing his arm. 

"Okay time for us to go." I said, the boys followed. we all walked to where the car was and I climbed in back, standing out of the sunroof. My hair blew in the wind during the silent car ride home.  

"Thanks for ruining my fun Henry." I said as he got out of the driver's seat. He drove us back home considering he's the only one not drunk. "Thanks for locking lips with my best friend. Did you fuck Patrick too?" 

Patrick hiccuped from behind us, "You wish." Belch and I helped Victor in and flopped him down on the couch while his nose bled. I heard our dad snoring upstairs so i hushed everyone up. Henry stayed downstairs and I walked upstairs.

I quickly changed and went to bed. still tasting victor on my lips. 

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now