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"Oh fucking finally!" Henry said as we approached him, hand intertwined with Vic's. 

"Yeah, definitely fuckin'." Patrick smirked, Belch laughed from the front seat of the car. Vic rolled his eyes but I made a face of disgust.

"Did you watch?!" I shouted and gagged. Henry did the same, Belch and Patrick laughed.

"nah we went back to mine for a bit and played cards." Belch's words were reassuring, but I still was grossed out. 

"We good now? Y'all still a fuckin' couple?" Henry said with emphasis on 'fuckin'. I nodded and we all hopped into the car, Henry screaming protest to sitting in the back with me and Vic. Belch tapped a beat on his car, matching the music from the radio. It was quite a pleasant night so we all agreed on just going back to my house for a hangout. 


Belch went for the couch immediately, Patrick for the recliner and Henry for the fridge. Everything was back to normal. 

"I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted, keep it down please?" I said, beginning to walk up the stairs. Henry gave a thumbs up from over the top of the recliner. Belch did the same and said, "you got it." 

I heard footsteps following me and groans of annoyance, I knew who. Trying to be sneaky but quick, I shut my bedroom door as soon as I entered it. 


I giggled and turned around, opening it again. Vic stood there rubbing his finger, pouting. 

"Revenge," I smiled. "C'mere." He skipped into my room, grabbing my arm and pulling me down onto the bed. I smiled, missing the feeling of his arms around me. He leaned against my headrest and I sat between his legs. The was he was playing with my hair made me think of when we started dating just a while back. 

"I'm really sorry about being a dick. You can punch me if you want." Victor said. I shook my head and stood up. "I've got a better idea."

Vic watched closely as I walked to the corner of my room, next to my desk was a baseball bat, which he clearly realized as I could practically hear him tense up. I pulled the pillow off of my chair and threw it at him, laughing.

He gasped, being pushed against the headboard with a loud CLANK. I laughed as he struggled to take it off of his face.

"Y'ALL BETTER NOT BE MAKING ANY BABIES. I'M NOT GONNA BE A FUCKIN' UNCLE!" Henry shouted from downstairs. We both laughed even harder.  

"You're a bitch, ya know?" Victor pouted with a smile, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah but I'm your bitch." Victor raised his eyebrows and rubbed his hands together, standing up.  I shook my head and pulled my dirt-covered clothes off. Vic jumped to sit on my desk chair, watching me intently. I put on one of his old T-shirts and stepped out of the room, him sputtering out incoherent words and following me. I heard him whistle as I turned into the bathroom, ruffling my hair free.

"Yes you can join." I said. He locked the door behind us and we both stripped. At this point, we'd seen each other naked so many times it didn't matter, even though he never got over the fact that I had boobs.

The hot water felt soothing against my back muscles and the feeling of the dirt and dust being washed away made me happy. Vic lathered up some soap in his hands, after taking three minutes to guess which one was correct, and scrubbed my scalp clean. 

"Thank you, baby." I hummed. He used the remainder of the bubbles to was the dirt off of himself, and then made certain that not an inch of my butt was missed. I smiled, but scrunched my nose when an awkward pain hit me in the abdomen. As soon as it happened it was gone. 

"You okay?" Victor asked, noticing my expression. I nodded. "Weird, stabby pain." 

His eyes widened, making me a little nervous. 

"What?" I asked repeatedly, eventually slapping his chest to get my answer.

"You don't think you're pregnant, do you? that wasn't like a baby kicking or anything, right?" He'd gone into full panic mode. I chuckled nervously. 

"I don't thin-Shit we've never used a condom I don't think..I'm probably fine. It felt more like a period cramp." Victor pouted again. 

"What is it this time?"

"I hate periods, I can't touch you and they hurt you." He whined. I massaged his bleach-blonde hair to calm him down, reassuring him I was okay.

"If at any point this week I start throwing up then I'll make sure to get a test from the store, mkay?" He nodded vigorously.  I finished up my shower routine and stepped out to dry off. Victor followed me all the way, running to my room to grab me a shirt and shorts. I thanked him and reminded him that I kept a pair of his sweatpants here so he didn't have to walk around naked. He quickly got them. 


"Whatcha doin?" Victor asked, distracting everyone. I leaned over the couch and flung my wet hair onto Henry's face. He screamed and flipped me off. I laughed and got myself a pre-opened coke from the fridge, drinking it and admiring the fact that it was already flat, Belch gagged at my weird tastes. 

"Halfway through this shitty cowboy movie."

"Uh, it's Old Yeller and it is NOT shitty." Belch corrected him. I took a seat next to Vic, leaning on his shoulder. His hand snaked underneath my shirt and rested on my stomach. I smiled and squeezed his hand, looking down. I was reminded of the feeling it got earlier, but brushed it off, turning my attention fully to the movie. 

Y'all I cannot tell you how sorry i am for the late update. I had some self and hospital  struggles and school was a PITA (pain in the ass), +getting used to quarantine school, which if anybody needs someone to vent to about that or wants ideas for stuff to do, i've got plenty! Thank you guys so much for your love and support, even the SILENT READERS, smh, still love you guys too.  I'll do my best to update again soon! As always please excuse any typos/gramatical errors i wanted to get this out quick for you guys.

-Tea <3 

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now