Dont wanna run away

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i stumbled back into Mike's arms, my ears rang as i processed what just happened. blood dripped from my nose and i looked up.

"Beverly!" Ben shouted.

I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her left side jaw into my knee. She retorted and threw me down, hitting me over and over again. I caught her fist on one punch and rolled us over and began to hit her back.

"Ss-sstop! guys stop f-fighting!" Bill shouted. Nobody moved as we beat against each other's faces and necks.

Eventually I was dragged off by Mike. I kicked as he pulled me back, panting. Bill and Ben each had a grasp on Beverly.

"Nope nope nope come on." We start getting pushed in different directions. I was put in Mike's bike basket against my will as him and Stanley headed towards his house.

I crossed my arms and huffed with furrowed brows.

"that was completely uncalled for from her side." Mike said as we pulled in. "Well sunflower this is where i'm afraid i have to leave you." Mike helped me out of his basket and brushed me off a bit. "I really don't like seeing you upset, stay away from Beverly for a while and we'll clear things up." he said and we headed out.

when we were finally away from everybody, Stan spoke. "I know you like him." He said defeated.

"W-Who?" I questioned.

"Victor Criss."

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"It's okay. I've seen the way he looks at you when you're with us, me specifically. It's jealousy. It's all obvious but it's okay."

"Stan i'm so sorry." I said hugging my shoulders.

"It's one-hundred percent okay, Jenny. you can't control your feelings."

"But what about you..?"

"It'll take a bit to get over it but i'll be fine. I'm not even ready to date or actually do anything yet. I don't think i'm right for you but vic, he's meant for you. You're his weakness and if you look you can see it."

"maybe you're right."

"I know I am. i'll always be here if things don't work out or if he does something stupid."


"No problem Jenny Darling."

We walked back in silence, listening to the rustle of bushes around us. That is, until the rustling gets a bit too loud.

all of a sudden Stan is pinned against a tree by none other than Victor himself.

"What did he do to you Jenny? where'd you get those bruises and cuts? I swear i'll kill him." He hissed.

"Vic stop he didn't do this. I-I got in a fight with Beverly." I said and pulled the back of his shirt. "Please let go of him." I continued to pound on his back until i felt his arm relax. I leaned my head on his back and cried.

"oh-ho no you're not getting away that easily fucker." He pulls Stan back by his shirt and whips his knife out. I peek over his shoulder in horror and watch as he slices a 'v' into his arm. Stan yelped and i hear vic whisper, "You leave her the fuck alone and never talk to her again." so quiet as if i wasn't meant to hear it. "Now scamper off back to your friends before they find you dead." He spat out and Stan ran off.

"Ugh. I don't need you scaring my friends off." I said, shaking my head and walking.

"too bad." he said, following and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled to myself but shook him off.

"But i really don't need it. Why are you here after you've been avoiding me for days on days?" I said, kicking some rocks. They tumbled with the dirt over the edge. We were at the quarry again.

"I just wanna protect you Jenny." He scoffed looking dazed.

"I don't need you being a second older brother vic. you treat me like i'm just a helpless child but truth is i can handle myself.'

"Truth is I can't handle being without you."

I stopped walking and turned around confused.

"what do you mean?" I arched a brow.

He stepped closer to me, sliding his hands down my arms and grabbing my hands.

"truth is, I want to fucking scream every time you get in the basket of that fucking bike."

He held my face, his thumbs on my cheekbones and his fingers on my jaw and neck as he held my face to his.

"My heart.. breaks a little every time i see you jump off this cliff into the water because i never know if this is the time when you won't come back up." he sighed.

I swallowed the extra saliva in my mouth and bit my lip. "Victor, I-" I exhaled and looked down, only to have him lift my face to his.

"Truth is, Jenny Darling Bowers, I love you." He said.

The sun reflected so beautifully in his eyes, the truth and tears now obvious, all the times he had those puffy red eyes. He was crying over me.

"you don't have to say anything. you can ignore me for the rest of your life and run far away from Derry, a-and me and go anywhere you want with that Uterus kid."

"It's Uris. Stanley Uris." I chuckled. "But I don't wanna run away when everything I want is right in front of me."

It took a second for it to click, but once it hit him his eyes lit up. The space between us closed and he kissed me. it was only a small chaste kiss, but it meant the world. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. "you're mine and don't you forget it. now let's get you home and cleaned up."

We turned to walk away but vic stopped. "what?"

I looked back. there was Stanley's bike. Victor let out a noise similar to that of a dog's bark. Bill, Richie, Eddie, and Stan all scampered out, revealing their own bikes and rushed away. I chuckled and sighed.

"Piggyback ride?" He asked. I nodded and he held me.

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