just kidding

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"What the fuck!" I shouted and jumped back.

Patrick slid off the desk and stepped towards me with large strides. 

"Did ya miss me?" He asked, his bony fingers tilting my head up. 

"HEN-" his warm hands clamped over my mouth. "Shh.. you don't know what your dad'll do if he finds out that I was in your room." 

I gulped and he stroked my hair. He removed his hand and I inhaled shakily. 

"There's a good girl." He chuckled, sounding as if there was grease lodged in his throat. 

"H-How'd you get in here? we just dropped y-you off.." I stuttered out. 

I heard the clanking of metal as he fumbled with his lighter in his pocket. "I live North of you, and Derry is a small town. It's merely a ten minute walk if I cut through backyards, and considering my legs are longer than most-" He gestured down to his legs and began to walk around my room, his fingers tracing the posters and lavander-painted walls. 

"-it's pretty simple. Belch had to drive down a few turns and twists in the road which gave me some time to sneak in through the window." He paused and smirked at me.

I gave him a confused look, now seeing he had found my underwear drawer. 

"Black, lace, you get these for your new boy toy?" He chuckled. I rushed towards him and attempted to pull them out of his grasp, but he held his arm above his head and laughed. 

"Patrick no they aren't for him, just give them back!" I yelped out and desperately grabbed at the clothing. During my fight for them his hand snaked it's way around my waist and up to my head, pulling my hair harshly. 

I cried out softly in pain and he placed the underwear on the top of the dresser. 

"You're cute when you cry." He smirked and wiped a tear away with his thumb.

His same free hand spun me around so my back was to his and he wrapped his arm around my throat. 

He brought his face close to mine, licking the shell of my ear. 

"Tell me, are you and Victor dating?" He growled. I scratched at his arms as my oxygen flow became more and more limited with each squeeze. 

"Talk to me babygirl." He said through gritting teeth as his arm clamped around me tighter. 

I nodded, unable to speak. He released his grasp on me and I fell to the floor, inhaling and exhaling wildly. a foot came in contact with my side and he pushed me over. He then crouched down, lighter now visible in his hands. I tried to crawl backwards, but of course the world had to be a bitch and i backed right into the corner of my bed and the wall. Patrick slithered hands and knees towards me, pulling me by my legs so he now straddled me. his hand cupped my face and i bit my lip to hold back my tears. 

"oh now that's hot as fuck." He licked his lips and traced his calloused thumb over my bottom lip. 

"You made a mistake babycakes. You chose that bleach-fucked, cock-sucker over me. and I'm gonna show you how wrong your decision was." I looked down to see his lighter. His hand brought it closer and closer to my face. I whimpered as the flames began to burn my neck. The pain rushed through my body and adrenaline bubbled through my blood. as if on instinct my legs began to kick in every direction, thankfully hitting Patrick right in the jaw. He tried to hold me down, resulting in the flame dragging right against my side when i jumped up. He rubbed his face, now contorting in annoyance. I screamed and ran downstairs, running right into Henry's arms. 

"Jenny! what the fuck.. are you okay? what happened?" He frantically searched my eyes and held my face. "P-Pat-f-fuck it burnss.." I collapsed in his arms and cried. Henry dropped to his knees and held me tightly, trying to calm me down. 

"Hey hey it's okay.. I got ya. I'm right here Jen." His chin rested on mine and he stroked my hair. I stayed in his arms for hours, until about 4 AM. he picked me up and brought me to the bathroom to treat the burn. I held the cold rag to my face and sat with my legs hanging over the edge of the bathtub. 

"You wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, gently removing the rag. 

I looked over his shoulder, I could almost see Patrick standing in the doorway, leaning over the frame with that sinister smile. He placed a finger on his lips and winked. I shut my eyes tightly and looked back, seeing he was now gone and instead a worried Victor was in his place. 

"Oh holy shit Jenny." He said, dropping to his knees next to Henry. 

I looked between the two and Henry smiled. "I know he's your best friend. I figured you'd wanna see him so i gave him a call when i went to get ice."

Vic climbed into the bathtub with me, holding me against his chest but being careful of the burn. 

"Where?" Henry asked. I pulled the hair off of my neck and peeled my  shirt up on my hip just enough to show the whole mark. 

Vic sighed and kissed my forehead. "okay now seriously, what happened?" Henry asked.

"It w-was Patrick.." 

Henry's jaw dropped and his eyes tinged with anger. "What?" He snapped. 

"What the hell did he do to you?" Vic asked. 

"N-No it can't be. w-we had barely gotten him home when you came downstairs." Henry barked, trying to convince himself. 

"He s-s-said that he cut through p-people's yards a-and then snuck in my wind-window." I cried out. Vic only pulled me in closer and began to rub circles on my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay.." 

Henry stormed out of the bathroom the moment he finished cleaning me up. He was never the type to be silent when angry but you could tell he was above and beyond pissed with the way his nails scraped against the wall wherever he went. 

"I'm gonna kill him." Vic whispered into my ear, pressing soft kisses to the un-burned side of my neck. I turned my head to his and smiled.

Just as we leaned closer Henry busted back into the room. 

Vic quickly blew into my face and swiped his thumb across my cheek. Henry arched a brow at his actions but shrugged it off. "Belch is on his way, i told him to wake the fuck up before i go down and steal his car. us three are skipping school and gonna find that sick fuck that burned you and we're gonna maim him." Henry grabbed Victor's arm and yanked him out of the bathtub. 

"I-" "You, are going to school and you're gonna stick with your little loser friends because he won't approach the entire group by himself cause he's a pussy." Henry waved his finger in my face before carefully helping me up, victor shot him a dirty look and massaged where Henry grabbed him. 

"b-" "no interjecting." He interrupted me again. I sighed and rolled my eyes before going into my room. Vic walked in and kissed my forehead. "That was a close one." He chuckled. "Thanks for spitting on me." I said and began to pack my school bag. 

He shrugged and tilted his head, "just testing to see if you were into that." 

I scoffed. 

"Just kidding. Love you." He said the second part hushedly before closing the door and giving me some privacy to change. Before I took anything off I shut- and locked- my window, closing the curtains as well. 

A/N: HOLY SHIT!! #104 UNDER THE PATRICKHOCKSTETTER HASHTAG? TYSM I LOVE YOU ALL!! I'm gonna be updating with two chapters later today so be prepared!!

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