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we all awoke to Bill's mom making us breakfast, of course Bill woke up first to the godly smelling food.

I stayed cuddled up with his little brother while everyone else gathered around the counter and grabbed a plate.

"You hungry, Jenny?"Mrs. Denbrough asked. I nodded my head and carefully stood up, Georgie still asleep in my arms.

"Tch, cutie." Richie said and smiled.

"Yeah I know, he's adorable." I looked down to his small sleeping figure in my grasp.

Richie turned his head back to his food awkwardly. "Yeah I was totally talking about Georgie." Beverly laughed and flicked his arm.

I rolled my eyes and took Georgie upstairs, putting him in his bed and tucking him in then I came back downstairs and grabbed a plate.

"How'd everyone sleep?" Mr. Denbrough asked, emerging from the dark basement. I shivered at the creepiness.

"I was used as a pillow." Beverly giggled and turned her head to Bill. He blushed and looked away.

"I-I-I slept f-f-fine." His parents smiled. They knew him and Beverly were a thing and it made me happy knowing that they were okay with it and how they didn't believe the rumors people spread about her.

"I woke up and my neck was sweating." Richie said in a dead-glare.

"Cough that wasn't sweat cough." Stan said between fake coughs.

His face turned into immediate horror and he stared at his eggs.

"Why don't you ask little K over there what it was." Ben pointed with his fork then continued eating.

Eddie looked up, very puzzled before Richie turned to him with a horrified expression on his face.

"Eddie was breathing on your neck all night long, he snored too." Beverly said, clearing the awkward silence.

"W-what ab-b-bout you, jen-jenny?" Bill asked.

I blinked and arched a brow. "I don't know. I mean i was asleep so I couldn't really tell." I said and took a bite of toast.

"Well when you guys finish eating just put your plates in the sink and i'll take care of them later." Bill's mom said, wiping her hands on a towel next to the oven.

"I can clean them Mrs. Denbrough." I said.

" you were nice enough to let all of us, even Richie,"


"-spend the night here and we were pretty loud last night with the movie, especially Richie,"

"Hey, again!"

"-so we'll all help clean." Bev said standing up and placing her plate in the sink. I did the same and pretty soon we were all cleaning the downstairs area. Eddie refused to touch the food, and Stan didn't really want to either so they organized the blankets and couches. Richie got ll the popcorn bowls and the leftover pieces and Ben helped me and Bev with the dishes.

Once we were done I grabbed my bag and started heading out to the front door, saying my goodbyes.


I turned and saw Georgie running down the stairs towards me.

I crouched down a bit to hug him. "Why are you leaving so early?" He asked sadly.

"My daddy wants me home at a certain time or ill get punished for being late."

"like grounded? or a time out?" Georgie asked. I cupped his cheek in my hand and nodded. "Yeah, like a time out." I lied.

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now