fix your face

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Victor carried me all the way back to the car where Henry, Patrick and Belch were waiting for him. 

I heard the quiet murmurs of them talking as I attempted to keep myself from falling asleep. 

"Fucking lucky that we heard those faggots screaming otherwise we'dve never found her." Patrick said as we began the drive home. 

"I wish I could see how Beverly looks right now." Henry chuckled, looking back at me in the mirror. 

I sighed and looked down. My last fight was in the fifth grade. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered how Victor, once again, patched me up. I curled up against him, pulling my knees to my chest. He put his arm around me and ran his thumb over my shoulder.

"Still tired from the fight babygirl? imagine how that slut feels." Patrick cackled out. I hit his forearm and laughed a little. 

Belch dropped us off near the house and drove off a fast as he could. I arched a brow and turned around. 

I gulped and looked to Henry, then back to the figure in front of me, his cold stare piercing into mine. 

"H-Hi dad.." 

"Henry, Jenny," He said looking between us. "Babydoll why are you all bruised up?" He said, approaching me to get a better look. I could smell the alcohol on his breath still, glancing down only to see the culprit bottle.

"Did your brother or one of his friends do this?" He asked, looking towards Henry with his teeth clamped. 

"N-No sir. I got in a fight with another girl." I looked down and averted his eyes.

"Pathetic." He moved away form me and went to Henry, his gun not far from his grip. 

"HEY." He shouted, causing us both to flinch. 

"You let your sister get roughed up. You're not a very responsible big brother, are you?" Henry shook his head and his lips quivered. 

I closed my eyes, waiting. 

I heard Henry's cry and the shattering of glass against skin. a few shards came and lashed back towards me. I hesitantly opened one eye only to see a bleeding shoulder and dad discarding the nose of the bottle.

He pushed past us, and we both took off inside.

"Henry..?" I asked as he raced up the stairs. 

"I'm gonna go get the stuff to fix your face." He mumbled and continued walking. 

I sighed quakingly and scampered into my room.

within a few minutes Henry came through the doorway with a bottle of peroxide and a couple band-aids. draped over his forearm was a wet rag. He sat down next to me on the floor as I looked into my mirror. 

His hand turned my face towards his and i looked up to his tear-stained cheeks. "Your shoulder.." I motioned to it and reached over next to him to grab the rag.

"You're more important." He said, holding my wrist before i could get it. 

I shook my head and pushed my way through before pulling back and examining the wound. 

I gently picked out the tiny pieces of the emerald green glass and held the cloth to him. He hissed and tensed up, his teeth gritting together. "I'm sorry." I whispered and poured a little peroxide onto the rag before sweeping over the cuts. I continued my work until he'd had enough and insisted on helping me. 

looking back at myself i traced my fingers over the band-aid on my nose and the smaller ones on my cheekbone. Henry had a large white cotton patch on his shoulder and a small band-aid under his eye where more glass hit him. 

He pulled me into a hug, holding me against his chest and we both cried for a solid twenty minutes. 

I sniffled and closed my door, now hearing the soft snores of Henry in his own bed. I locked it and hid underneath my blankets, crying myself to sleep. 

The next day of school was rough. I heard from Stan that Beverly had to stay home because of how bad her injuries were. I couldn't help but feel bad when he said i'd broken her nose and her dad was furious at me. I rolled my eyes and continued the day, not talking to anyone until I ran into Richie. 

"Woah Jenny, you look like you got jumped by a baker's dozen of angry raccoons with knives." He remarked, scanning my face. 

"Way to make me feel better." I said and walked past him, brushing against his shoulder. 

"Look, I'm sorry for everything that happened at the quarry. I didn't mean-" "Yes you did." I interrupted.

"I know you did." I turned back to him. 

"But it's okay. I forgive you. and i promise i'll hang out with you guys a lot more. plus me and Stan even agreed that it was better if we weren't a thing." 

"Still friend?" He asked, opening his arms. I nodded and hugged him. "of course." we carried onto our classes and throughout the day I ran into each of the boys, who apologized for Beverly and asked if I wanted to go watch a movie with them at Bill's house that day. I almost denied, but I then accepted it thinking that i owed them. 

when we went to leave I saw vic leaning against Belch's car probably waiting for the gang. he smiled at me until he saw what i was doing. 

"i'll be right back." I said, hopping out of Stan's basket and running over to the car. 

"Where are you going?" vic asked leaning in. 

"We're gonna go watch a movie at Bill's house." I said, looking up to him.

"Is you know who going with you?" He snarked. 

"Stan? well duh. but there's nothing to worry about Victor. I'm all yours." I giggled. 

"Damn right you are. What about that Beverly girl, will she be there?" 

"No. She's home resting is what Stan said. apparently i broke her nose and cracked a tooth. i feel bad but at the same time I don't." i said almost proudly.

"That's my baby. Just don't do anything stupid with them and if they offer you alcohol make sure you ask for extra to bring back to us." He said ruffling my hair. I laughed and quickly fixed it before turning around to go back to my royal basket throne. 

sorry that this chapter is shorter than most i just ran out of inspiration. this whole book was only supposed to be an imagine or a one-shot but i just had a lot of ideas that happened to connect. Hope you're enjoying so far and sorry for any typos/gramatical mistakes but i try to get as many as I can and ya just cant catch all of them sometimes. well thank you for reading and have a good day!

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now