Sorry Kitten

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 A sudden coldness pulled my out of my slumber. I noticed Victor sitting by my window shirtless and only in his joggers, watching the sunrise. I went to sit up but an intense pain rocketed throughout my body and i gasped. Victor turned my way and smiled. 

"Morning." He said and took a sip from the bottle of water he had. He stood up and walked towards my bed. He held his hand out to me and I took it, standing up shakily. He held my hand and I limped to my window. He resumed his position and I slowly sat down next to him. 

"Still hurt?" He asked and handed me the bottle. I took a swig and nodded. He leaned over and pressed an agape kiss to my neck before pressing a much more gentle one to my cheek.

"Sorry kitten." Vic chuckled.

"What time is it?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. Vic leaned back on his hands and peeked over my shoulder to read the clock on my nightstand.

"six o' seven." He said. I rubbed my temples and closed the bottle. 

"I do NOT wanna go to school today." I mumbled and carefully adjusted myself. 

"Well you've already skipped for two days in the past month. Maybe today you woke up with a migraine. Tell Stanley to tell your teachers or something." Vic said and stretched his arms, laying on his back.

"You actually got his name right, wow. I can't do that thought." I said and stood up, stepping over to my dresser.

"Why not?" Victor asked and took another gulp of water.

"He knows me too well and wouldn't believe me." I quickly grabbed some comfy and basic clothing and made my way to the bathroom. Vic followed me and sat in the bathtub with his feet over the side. I set down my articles of choice on the sink counter.

"Babe I need to take a quick shower." I giggled and peeled off my-er, his shirt. He slowly drew his feet back, now sitting criss-cross. He crossed his arms and smirked. 

"I'll let you join me." I giggled again and bit my bottom lip. Victor sprang up, almost falling as he clawed his way out of the tub to stand behind me. I stepped towards him and put my hand on his chest, trailing it up to his shoulder and down his arm, giving his bicep a small squeeze. He bit his lip and smiled, but I pushed him out of the room. I shut and locked the door, hearing him whine from the other side.

"Sorry kitten." I teased and turned the faucet on. I gave the water a few minutes to warm up. Victor sat outside against his will. 

I finally walked into the heating stream, letting it soothe my aching muscles. I had no need to wash my hair, but I definitely would tomorrow. I squirted my gel body wash into my palms and rubbed my hands together, lethering my body with the foaming substance. I let it sit for just a second and turned the water to a slightly colder setting. I watched as the foam swirled down the drain. I gave my face a quick wash as well and shut the water off.

I wrapped myself in a towel and hopped over to the sink to brush my teeth. I ran my fingers under hot water and pinched my eyelashes. Taking a spare toothbrush and vaseline I coated my lashes thoroughly. I didn't want to wear makeup but I didn't want to look like a mess, It wouldn't be a hot one. 

I changed into my clothes, softly compacting my hair in the towel to get rid of as much moisture as possible. Once it was dried to my liking I opened the door. Victor fell onto his back and pouted. I stepped over him and went back to my room, discarding his shirt into the laundry bin with the others.

"You took so long." He frowned and hugged me from behind. I glanced at the clock.

"Vic, It was only ten minutes." I patted his cheek and went to walk away but his grip on me tightened. It was my turn to whine. He mumbled a 'no' into my neck. I smirked and rached behind me, pinching his side. He jolted back with a chuckle. 

"Bitch." He said and pulled me back to him by my arm. He left a thousand kisses all over my face, the last one being on my nose before he let me go. 

"Thank you." I said and trotted downstairs. 

Nobody was home.

I arched a brow and looked around the downstairs area. Dad is usually awake by now.. unless he hadn't come home from the bar.. and Henry..

I shrugged the thought off and waltzed to the kitchen. I dug around the cupboards until I found some bread and popped two pieces into the toaster. Victor seated himself on the counter and watched me with a smile tugging at his lips. 

I grabbed two cups and poured milk into one and filled the other one with water. I handed the water to Victor and he took the toast out. I grabbed a piece and my glass and began to eat. Victor gulped down his drink and set the cup in the sink. I sipped mine and munched my toast. It was dry but eh whatever.

"Is Belch still alive?" I asked and downed the rest of my drink. 

"If he is he'll be here soon to pick you up for school, I have no idea where Henry is though." Vic said and started heading back upstairs.

"I'll just call him." I mumbled and walked over to where the house phone was. I had to think for a second about his number and I circled the numbers.


"Hello Mrs. Huggins, Is Belch awake yet?" I asked.

"He's on his way to your house right now with your brother, darling." His mother's sweet voice chirped as she spoke.

"Alright, thank you, have a great day." I said and hung up the phone. Victor hopped down the steps, pulling his shirt over his head and down his torso. I frowned. He noticed and smirked.

"You'll see it all again soon kitten." He said and winked. I sighed and smiled. He handed me my bag and I thanked him, kissing his cheek. 


Victor leapt over the couch to the window. 

"Yep that's him." He said. I grabbed my bag and house keys. Vic and I walked out hand in hand and I ruffled his messy hair. Henry turned his attention to us as we got in the car. He gave us a confused look before glaring at Victor.

"Did you two fuck or something?" Henry snarled with his arms crossed.

"Maybe." Victor taunted and I slid next to him. Patrick wasn't in the car so I sat criss-cross and brushed some of the dirt from our driveway off of my shoes. 

"Didn't need to know that." Henry said and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well you did ask." Belch stated and started the car.

"Well he fucked my sister!" Henry said and flailed his arms.

"And you were a total bitch to your sister. Your point is?" Victor said, a tinge of annoyance and anger in his voice. Henry sighed and pursed his lips. 

"I'm sorry Jenny, I was.."

"Hens, It's okay. You were drunk I get it, I've been down that sidewalk before trust me it's understandable." I clarified.

"I just didn't want to believe Patrick would do that shit.." Henry's voice got quieter.

"I didn't want to believe he did either but it kinda happened to me so I had no choice." The car ride was mostly silent, save for Belch trying to lighten the mood by offering to skip and have everybody go down to the drive-in and watch a movie. I declined but thanked him and headed into the school building.

A/N; HELLO it's me and here I am. So if you don't know already because you haven't read my other story (Livestream Lovers || Finn Wolfhard ;)) I'm on my way to Florida for a while. I have chapters in the making to make up for the lack of publishing i'll be doing there. I've got two chapters for this story, and two for my other, and a whole new book coming out soon. Please Comment and Vote on this story as everything is appreciated very much. Okie have a good day :)

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