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The extremely hot air of the summer morning felt quite nice compared to how cold I had been the night before. Sometime before the sun rose I broke out into a cold sweat and couldn't sleep for a few hours. Victor's suspicions had really grown over the last week and a half, but right now I didn't have the energy to worry about this specific problem. Georgie had been missing for almost two weeks at this point, a town wide search was being planned and would be conducted in a couple more days. 

"Y'know, speaking of Georgie missing..I haven't seen Patrick in a while." Victor said, squeezing my hand as we walked away from the Denbrough house, leaving the flowers we'd bought at the doorstep. 

"It's most likely nothing, Avery's birthday is tomorrow and all.." I shrugged, reminding Vic of that situation. Patrick hadn't meant for it to happen, but he regretted it deeply and I could tell. 

Victor squeezed my hand again, taking my attention. 

"Whaddya say we go beat some balls?" Victor smiled. 

"Can you not refer to baseball like that ever again?"



We stopped at my house to grab a few things, then to the store but I made Victor wait outside much to his discontent. After i'd finished my purchasing we then took off towards to quarry. I wanted to jump off of the big ledge, but Vic said no. We threw a blanket down in the field just a few yards away from the water. The tall grass hid us and we spread out the things we'd brought. that I'd bought. A bag of chips, a case of strawberries, and a big bottle of coca-cola. 

"I'm not sure if all this shit-food is good for the baby." Victor said, picking up the soda bottle and reading all of the ingredients quietly to himself. 

"Oh, shut up I am not pregnant!" I laughed, taking the bottle back and pouring it into the blue-solo cups we had. I positioned myself between his legs and leaned back on his torso, sipping the fizzing liquid slowly. Victor propped himself up with one arm, the other popping a chip into his mouth, brushing the crumbs on his pants, and resting itself on my stomach. 

"If I am pregnant, what would you want it to be?" I asked quietly, a bit scared that by talking about it then it would come true. 

Victor leaned his head back in a pondering gaze. 

"I think I'd want a little girl." 

"Oh yeah?" I twiddled with my hair, wondering if I had a girl if she'd look like me or like a girl version of Victor.

"Name her Emma, take her on walks, teach her how to play fetch so she can get the baseballs for me-"

"Vic she wouldn't be a dog!" We laughed as I smacked him on the chest, causing him to topple backwards. 

"No but seriously, can you imagine having a baby?"

I cringed at his question. Labor would be painful, having to function on little to no sleep for the first few months, shit-filled diapers that smell worse than the bathroom after Henry uses it. 

"Definitely not right fucking now! I'm way too young." I looked up, my forehead digging into Victor's stomach, making him squeal. 

We both laughed again.

"I think I only just now realized the age gap between us." I sighed, considering Victor would go to college and leave me alone for a few years before I went, then I remembered he was Vic and laughed.

"Yeah I know. A year and a half ain't that bad. My mom and dad were 6 years apart. It was fine."

"Vic, they started dating when she was in 8th grade. That shit wasn't okay." I said, playing with the stubble on his jaw.

"But look what came out of it, me!" He raised his arms, shouting and smiling.

 I slapped him on the shoulder.

"He only stuck around because he wanted a baby, but I promise that's not what'll happen with us and Emma, or Leo, that sounds cool as fuck. Leo Criss. I can see it now." I slapped him again, reminding him I wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not. I didn't want to go into school this year being one of MANY sophomore girls who would be pregnant, two of which I know were going to have babies on their hips. 

"I don't know If I'm ready for a baby, I'd be more than happy to get a puppy though."

"Noted." Victor said, his classic-scheming face appearing. "Only 19 days till your birthday ya know." 

He ruffled my hair, pulling the bits of grass that had somehow gotten into it, out. I chugged my drink, setting the cup down in the bag from the store. I'd forgotten almost completely that Victor was 17 and I was only 16. 

"Doesn't matter to me, baby or no baby..I'm always here by your side, baby." Vic said, sitting up.


We packed up our things and walked home, the sun beginning to set. The boys were asleep on the couch, so we tip toed in and I started putting the leftover food away into the fridge. 

"You have the greatest ass that I've ever seen." 

I turned my head slowly, seeing Victor licking his lips. I wiggled my hips and his tongue slide out of his mouth, his eyes shutting tightly. He bit his bottom lip and moaned quietly. 

"God, keep doing that and I'm gonna be putting another baby in you real soon." He said in a hushed voice. I giggled, losing the fridge and slowly standing up straight. Vic took my hands and put them on his shoulders, pulling me in by my hips. 

"Why not right now?" I asked, sticking my tongue out, flicking it against his nose. 

"Don't temp, kitten, me you know I will take you right here in this kitchen." Victor's hands squeezed my ass tightly. I pressed my thigh against his, nudging his crotch with my knee. 

"What are you talking about..Daddy?"

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now